New Seed Now on Newsstands


The new issue of the mag is out, with a very provocative cover, as you can plainly see. I've got a piece in there with five recommendations for Democrats as they set out to restore scientific integrity to our government.

On Thursday, at a panel discussion held at the American Association for the Advancement of Science building--where I shared the stage with Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.), former House Science Committee chief of staff David Goldston, and Federation of American Scientists president Henry Kelly--I also laid out a number of these suggestions in some detail. The basic gist was that while congressional Democrats have made a good start of things on the integrity of science front by holding hearings, much more remains to be done, and there are some serious pitfalls here that must be carefully avoided.

That's the outlook for defending science in our government, and I'll have more detailed things to say about it soon. But for now, if you don't get Seed in the mail yet, sign yourself up....


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I think one of the most critical steps to restoring the faith of the public in the science policy process (if not restoring actual integrity) is to appoint a new Scientific Adviser to the President (head of OSTP).

Marburger should step down.

Deservedly or not, he has become the face of the Bush science policy over the past few years.

By Dark Tent (not verified) on 10 Mar 2007 #permalink

Ooo, looking forward to reading your article. If I check my mail and a :( results when I don't see the mag yet, I know I'm a nerd. But hey, the world needs nerds.