Buon viaggio Chris

i-c078616e70ca07fd22ebf458db93e0c7-my name is S.bmpPOLITICS Where are we headed? Do party loyalties mean much in the big picture?

SCIENCE Will science solve our problems? Perhaps the very nature of all conflict is a necessary aspect of humanity? Is it true environmentalists are a dying breed?

POP Does public opinion matter? Do films with a message like An Inconvenient Truth and Flock of Dodos open the dialog or are progressive ideas as fickle as the latest pop culture marriage?

i-5e185d949bf46e89b5bc13f536c53f2d-PFD1573~Alice-Down-the-Rabbit-Hole-Disney-Posters.jpgCOCKTAIL Who really influences our beliefs, actions, and ideals? What is moral obligation and does religion have a role? How might scientists inform policy to implement sound legislation? How do we play the game and what defines victory? Is extinction acceptable? Does the state of the planet matter for more than a few billion years? Depends whether time and space really exist at all.

Maybe. Ask Billy Pilgrim.

This and more all week.. stay tuned.

Reality is merely and substantially influenced by experience and perspective.
- Sheril R. Kirshenbaum


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Thanks Sheril. Nice name tag ;>

It looks like it's going to be a fascinating week on the blog next week. I'm glad to be leaving things in your capable hands.

I'd just like to add to that bio that Sheril, in addition to being a pop DJ, is also an excellent musician, scientist, superhero, bike commuter, and all around fabulous addition to the Durham and Duke communities. Can't wait to read the blog this week!

By anne starling (not verified) on 18 May 2007 #permalink

Looking forward to your posts, Sheril. (Tons of different directions you could go in, isn't there? Ah, the Paradox of Choice...)

By Jon Winsor (not verified) on 18 May 2007 #permalink

Let's start with that word "religion" and expand it out to include everyone who ever starts a sentence with, "I believe ..." As in, "I believe the solution to global warming is ..." or "I believe we need more data ..."

Go for it, Sheril!

It sounds like you have quite the mental buffet layed out for the coming week. I look forward to indulging!


By Kassandra Cerveny (not verified) on 18 May 2007 #permalink

Creative thought and style, a great start. Can't wait to see your next installment.

Sheril, you are now officially a Triangle blogger which means you have to come to our meetups and to the Science Blogging Conference...