What We Can and Can't Say About Global Warming and Hurricane Dean

I've just done an entry at the Huffington Post discussing this subject. Short version: It's complicated (what else is new?), but we have every reason to be worried.

Here's Dean over land, now weakened down to Category 3 but still maintaining some semblance of an eye for the moment:

i-0ab7f49246cb93632babb909386aa82c-Dean Over Land.jpg

P.S.: Welcome Andrew Sullivan readers...Sheril and I hope you'll stay a while here at "The Intersection"! And for a more in depth treatment of the subject matter, in addition to the link above see my book, Storm World: Hurricanes, Politics, and the Battle Over Global Warming.

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Found you through Andrew's site, and absolutlely love your site. You and I are exactly on the same page. Will be buying "Storm World" immediately. Well done!

Thanks so much for stopping by, hope you'll come back often...and thanks for picking up the book!