Four Days to Go....Enter The 1st Annual CRASH THE INTERSECTION Contest

We have now gotten some good entries, but we still need more to make a completely, er, informed decision...and we're afraid some real Picassos out there are still holding back. So with just days left, Sheril and I want to remind everyone one last time about the The 1st Annual CRASH THE INTERSECTION Contest!

i-f7bd89e49e19f196b37b3feff89c00c7-calvin_hobbes_640_480.sized.jpgDesign an "Intersection" banner and have your art displayed atop our blog for at least one year where the world can be dazzled by your creativity and wit! That's thousands of views a day all credited to you! We like to mix things up so there are no guidelines as long as it's not rated NC-17. Out-of-the-box ideas encouraged and keep the theme in mind: An Intersection of Science, Policy, and Pop Culture. Maximum size that banners can be is 756 x 93 pixels and our posts are good insight into what we like... everything from conservation and storm forecasting to music and policy... Surprise us with something unexpected or impress us with style and class.

Winner will receive, in addition to fame, signed hardcover copies of both of my books, a signed photo featuring the majestic sea cucumber and Sheril, and a little something special from ScienceBlogs! For inspiration, check out almost any other Scibling. Email questions and entries to and All submissions must be received by Friday, September 14, 2007 and a winner will be announced by September 21. By submitting your banner, you give The Intersection permission to feature your work online.

Good Luck!
Chris and Sheril


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