Dear Hurricane Humberto: Stay the Hell Away From New Orleans


Jeez, Humberto came out of nowhere yesterday, eh?

And now I'm worried: I'm supposed to be celebrating my thirtieth birthday (technically Sept. 20) with family and friends and a trip to the hometown of New Orleans tomorrow. The idea was to kick back and hopefully achieve some acceptance of how I spent my dissolute twenties--aka doing odd stuff like writing a hurricane book.

Now, though, there may well be hurricane related rainfall to worry about all weekend!

Humberto, you suck; and no, I don't appreciate the irony....


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It is clear that God hates South Texas as much as I do.

By Pat Robertson (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink

Pat, aren't you supposed to be praying to divert the storm from New Orleans--or do you hate us too?

Eric, thanks, I've been reading your blog and have found it hugely informative on this storm. Keep it up. And for everyone else, go and check out SciGuy:

Chris - No, I am praying that Our Lord God stike at sinners everywhere. And I hate everyone that is not one of us, where us = chubby, jowelled white Republican Male, and Proper God-fearing Women.

HTH :)

By Pat Robertson (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink

Sheril - I could get into that! Please tell me more!

By Mike Vick (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink

this thread is great. we've never had so many celebrities visit the intersection...except for the time that we had God commenting.