Storm World Travels to Tuscaloosa, AL

i-10f4ebfca916cd29d7e0e1ce695f3df0-ALmap.bmpIt seems I am barely settled in L.A. before I leave again. Tomorrow, I am off to the University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa, where I will be giving the second lecture in the newly launched "Alabama Perspectives on Sustainability and Climate Change" lecture series. The press release announcing the event is here.

In addition, the book, which has been assigned to a number of UA students, will be discussed in a seminar before the lecture with the following professors:

Dr. Lynne Adrian, professor of American studies

Dr. Fred Andrus, assistant professor of geological sciences

Dr. Walter Misiolek, professor of economics and Dwight Harrigan Fellow of Natural Resources Economics

Dr. Utz McKnight, assistant professor of political science

Dr. Jason Senkbeil, geography instructor

So it'll be a busy day in Tuscaloosa on Thursday....but it's a town I've actually never been to before. I'm really looking forward to it. Moreover, given how well my September Cornell event went, I think it will be fun to have another panel of scholars responding to my book.

Posting may be intermittent while I'm on the road Weds-Fri, but hey, that's why we have a cool coblogger here. And if you get really bored, well, go read Beowulf.


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