Election FEVER!

I told you It's Gettin HOT In Herre!

i-ef9bae451193ab2cc2f2230ec5d036f2-vote.jpg2008's already burning up with the primaries making headlines everywhere... These are exciting times as the candidates are taking a stand on arguably the most important issues in our planetary adolescence. We've reached a boiling point, quite literally, and anything is possible come November 4th.

An unprecedented election--the likes of which I certainly don't remember-- with the opportunity to set a trajectory toward a better future by defining our priorities and agenda. That's the great thing about this US of A...we choose our own leaders. And I'm sure optimistic this time around.

You can bet Chris and I are going to have a blast following the political epic unfold over the next 11 months. So hold on tight folks, this is going to be a whirlwind of a year. Like Dylan sang, The Times, They Are A-Changin' and across the country, folks are becoming excited about engaging in the political process again.

A new generation of global leaders is emerging--and I don't just mean those running for office--but staffers, scientists, teachers, writers, and beyond. We're ready to vote and ready for change. Metamorphosis of a nation and the world is watching. It's not only within our power, but also our collective responsibility to create the America we're all proud to be a part of.

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By Eric the Leaf (not verified) on 10 Jan 2008 #permalink