The newest installment of The Boneyard is up at Self-Designed Student, and it's a whopper. Amanda has done an excellent job of combing the blogosphere for the best paleo-posts of the last two weeks, and I highly suggest that you do yourself the favor of checking it out!
The next edition will be up in two weeks at The Other 95%.\, and I'll be hosting Linnaeus' Legacy on December 5th, so get those links in soon!
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There has been a slight hold-up in getting the next edition of The Boneyard ready for exhibition, so you have an extra day to get your posts together. Any paleo-posts are fair game, but remember that Traumador wanted to make this a special edition all about your favorite museum;
So my thinking…
Eric over at that brilliant invertablog, The Other 95%, is hosting the next edition of Linnaeus' Legacy. It is a blog carnival about taxonomy, biodiversity and systematics. The current edition is at A DC Birding Blog. You have 1 week to get in those submissions! Go here to submit.
I keep getting asked: why should I participate in blog carnivals?
The Wikipedia page about blog carnivals is not really accurate (it includes things that are not carnivals), and also suffers from overzealous, obsessive-compulsive, self-important administrators (who have probably never seen a…
The next edition of the paleo-themed blog carnival The Boneyard (#24) will be on exhibition next Tuesday, October 7th, at The Other 95%. It would be nice if, in honor of the host, we could get some cool invert posts in this one (ammonites, rudists, bryozoa, you name it). Whatever paleo posts you…
Darn, I meant to but forgot to send in my post on Nigersaurus! Ah, well. Too late now.
Honestly I nearly forgot about this one myself today. Shoot an e-mail over to Amanda; I'm sure she can get you in before more people see it.
Hi brian, I haven't gotten any submissions for the boneyard yet so I extending the deadline till Dec. 5th (also because I am moving into a house this weekend). We can have a joint LL and BY blogfestivus! And I am encouraging any invertebrate postings!