A weed-dispensing vending machine?

I can only imagine how many people are going to banging on this machine in futility with cries of "Don't hold out on me, man!"


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You need a subscription. In addition, the vending machine appears to be a way to automate (so to say) prescription dispensing, since other medications are supposed to be installed along with the pot. And,the machines are located inside so no casual self-prescribing.

In any case, you can expect the DEA to show up and confiscate them pretty damn quick.

Very true, but the joke was too good to resist (Futurama fans will recall that in one episode there's a true vending machine that dispenses crack cocaine, which is where my comment came from).

Dave? Dave's not here, man.
(but I date myself)

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 29 Jan 2008 #permalink