Science Blogger Appreciation Day

Science blogging is hard work. Everyone has their own style and motivations, but in general it can be said that it takes a lot of effort to write about science with the frequency and skill that many bloggers do. With this in mind, and given the positive response these two posts have received, I thought it would be fitting to take a moment to express my thanks to one of my favorite science bloggers.

I admire the work of many science bloggers, but if I tried to list them all I would no doubt leave someone out. Fortunately for me there is one that really stands out from the rest. Scicurious, who writes at Neurotopia, is an excellent writer and a good friend, and I hope she doesn't mind if I take a moment to express my appreciation for her work.

It isn't easy going to graduate school and running a blog at the same time, but Sci has managed to balance both. This is made all the more impressive by virtue of Sci's excellent writing; it is insightful, often humorous, and always entertaining. She is a clever writer with a knack for explaining complicated concepts in an easy-to-understand manner. I hope she continues to keep writing for some time to come.

I am truly grateful for Sci's efforts to keep the "science" in ScienceBlogs, as well as her enthusiastic support of my own writing. During times when I have considered leaving ScienceBlogs Sci's encouragement and wonderful work have helped to convince me to stay. The Sb community is definitely the better for having her here.

I would encourage you to say "Thanks" to one of your favorite science bloggers today, too. Send them an e-mail, leave a comment, write a post of your own... the method is up to you. A little praise can go a long way.

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Awww, thanks so much! I'm totally blushing! You're the best, and your consistently excellent blogging is one of the things that makes Scienceblogs such a lovely place to be! Sci might have to start appreciation days as well...

Hey, Brian!

As someone who's been reading Laelaps for years now, I'd like to thank you for the work you put in here. Your photography is quite lovely as well.

And I'd be remiss if I didn't give you credit for a good bit of my online success, such as it is. It was here that I crossed paths with Glendon Mellow, and that wound up leading to my involvement with Art Evolved. Not to mention that time you posted one of my pieces here...

So again, thanks -- and I'll be reading.