On The Trail of Physiology across America, Last Stop: Puerto Rico

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i-0e9d57d89c23848a69d5b20f351ab7f8-PRPSsmall-thumb-200x97-60121.jpgThe last stop on our trip across America is the the youngest local chapter of The American Physiological Society, the Puerto Rico Physiological Society, established in 2009. This chapter held their inaugural meeting on February 4th at the University of Puerto Rico in San Juan.

Here are some highlights from the meeting:

Chapter President Dr. Nelson Escobales welcomes everyone to the 1st inaugural meeting:

The keynote address was given by Dr. Elizabeth McNally from the University of Chicago Medical Center, who studies the inheritance of heart and muscle diseases that lead to weakness.

Dr. Alan Kopin (Tufts Medical Center) spoke about special receptors called "G-protein coupled receptors" and how they work.

Dr. Alberto Nasjletti (New York Medical College) spoke about how the antioxidant heme oxygenase works in blood vessels to help regulate blood pressure.

There were also many student poster presentations at the meeting, which were fun to visit. It is always exciting to interact with the future of physiology!



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thanks for share!

By jordan flight 45 (not verified) on 22 Sep 2014 #permalink