Arizona Physiological Society and TetZooCon 2015

This is an exciting weekend for science!

This Friday and Saturday the 8th annual Arizona Physiological Society is hosting their annual conference in Glendale, Arizona. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Andrew Biewener (Harvard University) who will present “How Do Running Animals Achieve Stability? The Neuromechanical Control of Rapid Locomotion.” The Arizona Distinguished Lecturer will be Dr. Eldon Braun (University of Arizona) who will present “The Comparative Physiology of Osmoregulation: Lessons from Avian Studies.”

The second meeting of TetZooCon, otherwise known as the Tetrapod Zoology Convention is also taking place this weekend at the London Wetland Centre on Saturday November 14th. The meeting features talks from several acclaimed scientists and authors whose work focuses on both living and extinct amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

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