Month One/Staying in Touch

It's been a month since I've joined Corante, and my deep thanks go out to the many new readers who have visited the Loom. Daily visits reached a new high this Friday, January 9, with 900 pairs of eyeballs pointed this way. Please be sure to enter your email address in the subscription box in the lefthand column so that I can notify you of new posts.


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Greetings. As I bring in my html luggage and unpack, let me stop for a moment to introduce myself and this blog. I'm a science writer. I started out at Discover, where I ended up as a senior editor before heading out into the freelance world in 1999. Since then I've written for a number of…
Image: Sneer Review. The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 5644 - 1825 - 1606 - 1208 - 1117 out of 539 candidates registered. I am in third place and sloooowly creeping up on second place. With less than 4 weeks remaining, things are heating up and voting is changing rapidly as…
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 5584 - 1823 - 1578 - 1207 - 1117 out of 536 candidates registered. I am in third place and sloooowly creeping up on second place. With less than 4 weeks remaining (especially if the Quark site crashes), voting is changing rapidly as previous…
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 5481 - 1819 - 1575 - 1205 - 1117 out of 534 candidates registered. I am in third place and sloooowly creeping up on second place. With less than 6 weeks remaining (especially if the Quark site crashes), voting is changing rapidly as previous…

Congratulations on your new book and its commercial success.

Keep me in mind, if you ever need information concerning (bio)pharmaceutical products, technology, industry, etc.

Your cousin:

Ronald A. Rader
BIOPHARMA: Biopharmaceutical Products in the U.S. Market
Biotechnology Information Institute
1700 Rockville Pike, Suite 400
Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: 301-424-0255
Web sites:;

Great site, first rate explanation of scientific information.
Bruce C. Wright MD

By bruce wright (not verified) on 11 Jan 2004 #permalink

How about sending out the _content_ of the post by e-mail, instead of just an announcement. It would be a timesaver for us.

(I know the system can do this because I receive Derek Lowe's "Pipeline" from this way.)

Tony Z

By Tony Zbaraschuk (not verified) on 11 Jan 2004 #permalink