Today's Lunch Special

At noon today in New York I'll be at the Makor Center of the 92nd St. Y at 35 W. 67 St. to talk about Soul Made Flesh.


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From NESCENT: Carl Zimmer "Darwin and Beyond: How Evolution Is Evolving" February 12, 2009 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Talk Overview: Charles Darwin launched the modern science of evolution, but he hardly had the last word. In fact, today scientists are discovering that evolution works in ways Darwin himself…
If you're in New York, you've got two chances on Tuesday January 27 to hear me talk about Soul Made Flesh. At 5:30 I'll be giving a talk in the "Mind Over Body" lecture series at New York Public Library's Science and Industry Branch at 188 Madison Ave. I'll then be heading to the East Villiage to…
If you live in the Bay Area, please join me noon on Monday, February 23, at Stanford University for a talk about Soul Made Flesh. (Here are all the details.) The talk is sponsored by the Stanford University Center for Biomedical Ethics and the Stanford Brain Research Institute. It's gratifying that…
I'll be on Fresh Air with Terry Gross today, talking about Soul Made Flesh. If you miss it today, it will be archived at the show's web site.

Love your site, and your picture, but how do I get the "About the Author" margin on the left-hand side to stop covering half the column?

I did not think that South America and Africa were connected in anyway 25 million years ago. could you direct me to a source that shows S. America and Africa connected then. The sources I found by using google indicate that those continents were seperated 65 million years ago.

By Ron Calligan (not verified) on 23 Jan 2004 #permalink