Look! Over There! A Carnival!

I'm neglecting my blog at the moment, because I have to finish up a bunch of stories before I take off on a pretty long trip. Along the way, I'm giving a talk at the Rome Science Festival about mass extinctions. If, unlike me, you can read Italian, you can get the details here. I'm also supposed to write up a summary of the lecture for Il Sole 24 Ore, an Italian newspaper. I'll post the original English when I get back for anyone who's interested.

In the meantime, there's plenty of good stuff out there to read. For example, check out Linnaeus' Legacy # 3, a carnival of taxonomy-related blogs including my recent pieces on whale evolution.

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Be sure to post that summary when you find the time!

By Joel Sammallahti (not verified) on 13 Jan 2008 #permalink