Heading North

I've got some more information about my upcoming talks. On February 27, I'll be in Ottawa, delivering the Discovery Lecture at Carleton University. It will be called "The Darwin Beat: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Evolution." Here's the link to the lecture page.

More updates to come--I'll post them here, over at carlzimmer.com, and on Facebook.

Update--Talk link fixed...

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NOTE: I'VE SET UP A FLASH VERSION OF THIS TALK HERE. DON'T BOTHER TRYING TO DOWNLOAD THE QUICKTIME VERSION I DESCRIBED IN THIS POST. Recently I gave the Discovery Lecture at Carleton University in Ottawa, in which I talked about new developments in evolutionary biology. They sent me a DVD of…

Your link doesn't seem to be working.

Too bad your talk is when/where it is: it's tantilizingly close to me (Toronto) but still not feasible. Oh well. Guess I'll just stick to your books.

Thanks--link fixed

By Anonymous (not verified) on 06 Feb 2008 #permalink

With all due respect to King Aardvark, I think the lecture is in just the right place.

I'll look forward to it.

Now, book-signing. Will there be books to be sold or do we bring our own? If the former, the lure of an autograph might finally enable me to to screw up the courage to buy Parasite Rex. :-)

By Mike from Ottawa (not verified) on 09 Feb 2008 #permalink

Mike from Ottawa: There will be books for sale, and I'll be ready to sign. Be brave--embrace the parasites!