Oscar The Cat of Doom

Amanda has a very interesting discussion of why Oscar the Cat of Doom--the cat that sees soon-to-be-dead people--can do so. However, the Mad Biologist has an alternative hypothesis:


When I shuffle off this mortal coil, I'm going to the bad place for this one....


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Classy, Mike. As always. ;)


Meow, meow
Meow, meow

Kitty on my foot and I wanna touch it!
Kitty on my foot and I wanna touch it!
Kitty on my foot and I wanna touch it!
Kitty on my foot and I wanna touch it!

The residence of Oscar is about 1.5 miles to my south.

Back in the 1980's my dad's second wife worked at Steere House. In order to bill an extra month, if someone died within 5-7 days of the end of the month they'd delay reporting it.

I don't know if they still do that, but I find it pretty funny.

Tony P,

Oscar has been sent by the GAO to make sure that all deaths are reported in a timely fashion. Oscar just follows the buzzards to the beds of the not yet reported dead, but clearly decomposing, and ignoring dinner, and haven't used the call bell in days, patients.

They are just trying to stir up rumors to get this government watch cat reassigned.