The Big Two Dems Display the Quality of Leadership-iness

If you think that preventing Bush from granting retroactivity immunity for the telcos is a good thing, you might expect Democratic presidential candidates to demonstrate leadership by filibustering the bill. Or maybe not:

Bush is about to get his number one priority through Congress, a move that could be stopped by Edwards, Obama, or Clinton, especially the latter two. This is the move to implement retroactive immunity for telecom companies who spy on Americans and violate core constitutional principles.

All that is required to fight this is for Clinton or Obama to put the glare of the Presidential spotlight in the Senate. To, you know, lead....

I respect supporters of every candidate. Still, if you want to persuade me to drink your kool-aid, get your candidate to help Dodd protect the damn constitution already. And then I'll drink a big cup of whatever it is you're offering, and so will lots of us.

Keep in mind, Bush's priority in this legislation is covering his own ass: if the telcos are found guilty, they might just roll on Bush (or Bush administration officials). Then again:


I'm hopeful regarding the Democratic leadership-iness. How about you?

Note: Edwards has called out the Senate Democrats. Good for him.

Update: Obama and Clinton have given somewhat tepid support for Dodd (as opposed to flying back to Washington).

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I'm hopeful regarding the Democratic leadership-iness. How about you?

I am hopeful too! It's a big complicated world with lots of issues so we can't get someone who we will agree with all the time. But it would be nice to have someone who declared the moral equivalent of war on the issues that matter most!
Dave Briggs :~)

I am hopeful too! It's a big complicated world with lots of issues so we can't get someone who we will agree with all the time. But it would be nice to have someone who declared the moral equivalent of war on the issues that matter most