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It's yontif, and we don't blog on yontif, so here are some more highlights from 2009: On Work and Time in Science The Gates Arrest: The Police As an Occupying Forceâ Unscientific America: On Planets and Theories Some More Thoughts About Unscientific America: What Are We Trying to Communicate? So,…
On Saturday, ScienceDebate 2008 and Scientists and Engineers for America (SEA) announced that Barack Obama answered a fourteen-part questionnaire that they put together along with several other scientifically oriented organizations. Major props to ScienceDebate, SEA, and these other organizations…
We're starting to hear about how Obama intends to implement healthcare in this country. President Barack Obama says he's open to requiring all Americans to buy health insurance, as long as the plan provides a "hardship waiver" to exempt poor people from having to pay. Obama opposed such an…
I can't claim to be 'objective' or neutral on health-care reform -- but who can? Everybody needs health care, some more than others. I need it less than most, as my family and I are, knock on wood, generally blessed with good health. Even so, we laid out $18K last year for health care, still owe…