Wow! At dog agility contests, the dog is constantly prompted by the trainer, but thsi mouse seems to have done it all alone (almost). Maybe trained to a scent trail?
Scent trail indeed. That's how they do it for movies anyhow. They rub a spot with their finger to remove some of the scent and the result is the mouse will stop a moment.
Wow! At dog agility contests, the dog is constantly prompted by the trainer, but thsi mouse seems to have done it all alone (almost). Maybe trained to a scent trail?
Scent trail indeed. That's how they do it for movies anyhow. They rub a spot with their finger to remove some of the scent and the result is the mouse will stop a moment.
Know anything more on this?:…
Tammo. Hey, that's cool. I'd not seen WIRED's list.
I blogged about Martialis here: An Astonishing New Ant