Some Covers

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Acromyrmex versicolor - the desert leafcutter Here's the original: photo details: Canon MP-E 65mm 1-5x macro lens on a Canon 20D f/13, 1/250 sec, ISO 100 MT24-EX twin flash diffused through tracing paper Photoshop modification (top photo): desaturated yellows increased contrast, burned edges,…
For some reason, I really like this picture.  The version here is reduced in size and quality.  NASA Earth Observatory has an explanation of the photo, along with a better version, and a link to the original, which is a tad over 6 MB in size.   href="…
Due out November 2010. Original photo here.
Last week, we asked readers if they could tell which of these two photos, offering only 12 × 14 pixels of information apiece, represented a face: Nearly three-quarters of respondents accurately identified the photo on the right as a face. But what face? It only took 6 guesses for readers to guess…