Off to Florida

Image by Flickr user traviswilcoxen

Image by Flickr user traviswilcoxen

Tomorrow morning I leave for a week at the Archbold Biological Station in the scrublands of central Florida.  Archbold is a magical place filled with charmingly unique plants and animals. I spent a summer there in 1995; this will be my first visit since then.  With any luck I'll return with a pile of new photographs.  On the list to shoot: the Florida harvester ant, Platythyrea punctata, and a couple scrub endemics like the graceful Dorymyrmex elegans.

I've pre-scheduled a few posts while I'm away so the blog won't go quiet, but I may be slow answering comments and emails.

In the meantime, there seems to be a bit of thoughtful discussion in the comments about the extent to which Myrmecos Blog ought to be publishing scientific commentary, considering that the blog is not peer-reviewed.  I have my own thoughts, of course, but posting them will have to wait.  Until then, I hope you all have a great week.

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Peer review is not the only channel for scientific communication. Never has, and never will be (nor should it).

We run into trouoble when people get the idea that peer review is the only form of science communication, and therefore anything communicated as science must have gone through peer review.