
Myrmician, whose lovely aussie ant photos have been livening up the pages of Flickr, has started a blog.  Go read!


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My profound apologies for the lack of blogitude here while I'm over at Photo Synthesis.  Fortunately, the internet has other things in it: Myrmician shares an action series of Australian Podomyrma taking apart a much larger Myrmecia. Brian Valentine finds some British Myrmica with a serious mite…
While I was away the Photoshelter blog posted a recent interview I did with Allen Murabayashi, the company's CEO.  You can read it here, and I've also pasted it below the fold. I don't market my photos through an agency- my own sites work pretty well- but if I did, Photoshelter is one of the first…
Forelius mccooki (small ants) & Pogonomyrmex desertorum Tucson, Arizona In last August's National Geographic, photographer Mark Moffett has a controversial photo essay depicting a large, motionless harvester ant being worked over by smaller Dorymyrmex workers. Moffett's interpretation of the…
An oversized tyrannosaur photo-bombs the Global Ant Project group portrait, November 5-7 2009 at the Chicago Field Museum (photo by Darolyn Striley). Last week I attended a conference ambitiously titled "Global Ant Project synthesis meeting II".  Partly, I went out of curiosity about what this "…


That state is one of the few places in Oz that You and Jo-anne have not visited.

You win hands downs on quality of your photos and subjects.

On the technical side there is no comparison.

I think a new kid on the block situation. :-))))

By Jack Jumper (not verified) on 03 Aug 2009 #permalink