Look out, world!


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In the comments, James Trager brings to our attention his recent synonymy of the venerable Formica nitidiventris with Formica pallidefulva. This is one of the most common ants, and in my opinion one of the prettiest, in eastern North America. Many of us from the east learned of this ubiquitous…
You folks are quick. Not two minutes after I posted yesterday's mystery bug, commentator FormicidaeFantasy provided the correct answer: it is the forelimb of a praying mantis. Specifically, a nymph of the Carolina mantis Stagmomantis carolina. So, eight highly valuable Myrmecos Points go to…
What was that dashing bug in pastel colors? As so many of you picked, it's a palmetto planthopper. Order: Hemiptera Family: Flatidae Genus: Ormenaria Species: rufifascia Points are awarded as follows: James Trager: 8 points Chris Grinter: 5 points And, one point each for TGIQ, Pete Yeeles, and Ted…
What were those magical mystery circles cut into leaf margins, and who made them? As so many of you recognized, they were the marks of leafcutter bees, furry little insects that use the leaves to make nests for their young. For their correct answers, MrILoveTheAnts gets 5 points, and James Trager…

Well, you won't hear me complaining about more ant blogging...