About me

I was recently tagged by Orli to write 8 miscellaneous facts about myself, and although I had decided that I wouldn't get involved in any more of these meme things, I thought it would be a good way of introducing myself to any new readers I may have.

However, I won't be tagging anyone else, because I don't want to impose, and because I don't know who's already been tagged. So, if you're reading this and want to get involved, then feel free to do so. 

  1. I haven't been to a hairdresser's for over 10 years. Instead, I shave my head every 3-4 months.
  2. I have 3,000+ books.
  3. In 1998, I nearly went to Hiroshima to study for a Ph.D. in electrophysiology.
  4. My 33rd birthday is next week.
  5. I enjoyed dissecting human brains while teaching neuroanatomy to medical students. I have also dissected umpteen rats and chick embryos.
  6. I am short-sighted, but only wear my glasses when I'm driving or when I go to the cinema.
  7. I read The Economist.
  8. I've lied to you. According to my profile, I'm currently doing a Masters. Actually, the course doesn't start until September.

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WRT 8 above, will you be with the ICN, IBN, or somewhere else in the University.

If I may try to elicit one more fact about you, why is your blog named "Neurophilosophy"?

I'll be based in the Department of Anatomy.

The blog is called "Neurophilosophy" to reflect my interest in all things related to the nervous system.