New York ScienceBloggers meet-up pics


More photos below.


Rob Knop - spent all weekend in the hotel room. Snores quite loudly.


Mike Dunford - snores very loudly.


Shelley Batts - behaves very badly when drunk.


RPM - drinks other peoples' beer.

More photos coming soon.

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I didn't spend all weekend in the hotel room... just when it was night. (In contrast to everybody else, yes, admittedly.)

-Rob "sleeps at night" Knop

Saw your comment over at PZ's site. I apologize that we didn't meet; I should have introduced myself. I'm not always good at remembering names, so I sometimes have mild shy attacks in group environments and don't take the initiative. It was a great evening, though, and I wish I'd taken the opportunity to talk to you.