Concert music controlled by audience brainwaves

James Fung, a musician and computer engineer at the University of Toronto, has developed a program that can convert EEG recordings into music.

Fung is involved in the Regenerative Brain Wave Music Project, which "explores new physiological interfaces for musical instruments."
As part of the project, he staged a concert in which the music and lighting were controlled by the audience's brainwaves.

There's more information, and some footage of the concert, in the film clip below.

[Via Mind Update]

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This is so cool. I liked to see this in a more elaborate form with the subjects assigned different instrumental tones and subjected to different stimuli.

By carolyn13 (not verified) on 04 Nov 2007 #permalink

Uh, that's "I'd like to see." Sorry. Those annoying people in meat space distracted me.

By carolyn13 (not verified) on 04 Nov 2007 #permalink

I can't help but wonder if programs such as this can be combined with phenomena such as binaural tones to effect change in the musicians. In other words, is it possible the brain to produce music that has an effect on the brain.

Keep researching this technology and we might eventually have computer assisted telepathy! That would be pretty cool.

wondering what kind of sounds could we hear if the audience was a couple having sex (video not allowed!)..something close to hardtek, at least concerning the heartbeat-rhythm!
such a great experiment!

By Ste-Italy (not verified) on 16 Nov 2007 #permalink