1k+ subscribers!

Over the past few days, the number of subscribers to my RSS feed has increased to over 1,000, even though the blog hasn't been updated since January 3rd.

I can, therefore, only attribute this to the news that one of my posts is to be featured in the forthcoming OpenLab 2007. Whatever the reason, welcome to any new subscribers who might be reading this. Blogging will resume as per usual soon.


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glad to hear it

By skeptic4u (not verified) on 13 Jan 2008 #permalink

I'm new to your blog... but I had Pharyngula in my RSS feeder for about 6 months and happened upon your from there... and I think it's great! Right up my alley as a scientific-minded philosopher...

(I assume adding your RSS feed to my Firefox RSS toolbar adds me to the subscriber-count?)