Most. Accidentally. Inappropriate. Campaign. Photo. Ever.

This is so many degrees of wrong. Start your "so this is how Palin got the job" jokes if you want, but please remember that HER DAUGHTER IS IN THE FREAKIN' PICTURE TOO YOU SICK BASTARDS.

i-d277d0782993264d5c3bef6007ba3863-worst mccain photo.jpg

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you are an Evil one...

By mrtlinslt (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink


And just look where her chin is sitting...

If it wasn't for Viagra, I'd say that's something to be proud of for a fossil of his age.

If this is a caption competition then I have a few good ideas ...

and look... isnt she wearing a pearl necklace?

The Aristocrats!

Is McCain's arm actually going through Palin's head, or is he just standing behind her? The mark of McCain is upon her!

"the aristocrats!" - genius is IS black

"If it wasn't for Viagra, I'd say that's something to be proud of for a fossil of his age."

Careful with your word choice - this Presidential ticket doesn't believe in fossils!

and you thought your LAST child was a retard...

"This is how you do it right. Then you won't get knocked up like your sister."

By Hannah F. (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink

"You're next Bristol, pregnant or not!"

Is McCain's arm actually going through Palin's head, or is he just standing behind her? The mark of McCain is upon her!