New Series "Understanding our Bodies: The Physiology of Nutrition"

Hey there Observations of a Nerd readers,

If you've been here long enough, you might remember me mentioning a side project that I write for called Nutrition Wonderland. Well, it's taken on a life of its own, and it's now a fully-functioning and amazing site on nutrition and health - you should go check it out.

I wanted to tell you guys about my newest endeavor there called "Understanding our Bodies: The Physiology of Nutrition." I'm writing a series about how the way our bodies work relates to what we eat and how we feel. If you like some of the stuff on here, you should really go check it out. Two installments are already up, Leptin, the Fullness Hormone and Serotonin, The Connection Between Food and Mood. They're both chock full of great information about our bodies and the science that went into what we know about them, and there will be more to come in the series.

Anyhow, I figured you might need something to read as I'm busy prepping and moving to Hawaii and have generally failed to be entertaining every day :)

Until Later,

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Thank you, I am a big believer of a link between our moods and what we eat but how serotonin release occurs in the body is a little complicated.