A great moving depth illusion

I've seen a lot of illusions... but this one is really f'n cool:

-via neatorama-

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So freakin' cool. Although... I can't even solve a real one - much less one that isn't visually as obvious. -via Neatorama-
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I'm don't think it's all an optical illusion, only the last part is. There's a decent amount of editing. It's a real 3d cup all the way until the "Where's the ball" comes up. It is a really nice job at printing out an exact replica of a 2d view there at the end however.

"It's a real 3d cup all the way until the "Where's the ball" comes up. It is a really nice job at printing out an exact replica of a 2d view there at the end however."

Yeah, that's what I was thinking...