
Profile picture for user oracknows
David Gorski

Orac is the nom de blog of a humble surgeon/scientist who has an ego just big enough to delude himself that someone, somewhere might actually give a rodent's posterior about his copious verbal meanderings, but just barely small enough to admit to himself that few probably will. That surgeon is otherwise known as David Gorski. That Orac has chosen his nom de blog based on a rather cranky and arrogant computer shaped like a clear box of blinking lights that he originally encountered when he became a fan of a 30 year old British SF television show whose special effects were renowned for their BBC/Doctor Who-style low budget look, but whose stories nonetheless resulted in some of the best, most innovative science fiction ever televised, should tell you nearly all that you need to know about Orac. (That, and the length of the preceding sentence.)

DISCLAIMER: The various written meanderings here are the opinions of Orac and Orac alone, written on his own time. They should never be construed as representing the opinions of any other person or entity, especially Orac's cancer center, department of surgery, medical school, or university. Also note that Orac is nonpartisan; he is more than willing to criticize the statements of anyone, regardless of of political leanings, if that anyone advocates pseudoscience or quackery. Finally, medical commentary is not to be construed in any way as medical advice.

To contact Orac: oracknows@gmail.com

Posts by this author

February 18, 2007
It's truly depressing to see children indoctrinated in anti-science like this: The part where a preacher has the kids singing along about how the Bible supposedly describes dinosaurs in the Book of Job has to be seen to be believed, and seeing little kids parroting antievolution anti-science is…
February 17, 2007
As a diehard Lord of the Rings fan since around age 13, I have only one thing to say about this: They're taking the hobbits to Isengard! I bet you can't get this out of your head now, can you? This guy couldn't:
February 17, 2007
Last week, in the commentary after taking yet another silly Internet test, one that happened to reveal that the supervillain that I'm best suited to be is Doctor Doom, there were others who also tested as Doctor Doom. In order to separate the real Doom from the Doombots, I asked a few simple…
February 16, 2007
It figures, it really does, that this would have to be one of the first clinical uses of stem cells that they'd come up with. The really weird thing about this article is its schizophrenic nature. It starts out with a sensationalistic description of the new use of stem cells, and then it describes…
February 16, 2007
Like most people, I like making money. True, it's not the main goal of my life (otherwise I definitely wouldn't be in academics), but, all in all, it's better to be comfortably off than to be poor. And, as I've said before, although I could make more in private practice, I don't do too badly as an…
February 15, 2007
Fellow ScienceBlogger Martin is hosting the History Carnival over at Aardvarchaeology. More good stuff to peruse!
February 15, 2007
It's that time again, when the part of the blogosphere that celebrates critical thinking over the usual credulousness that allows dubious stories to spread far and wide meets to examine those stories and claims with a hard-nosed skepticism. And few skeptics, it would seem, are as tough as the…
February 15, 2007
I've written quite a bit about the role of the theory of evolution in medicine, including how it can be used to better understand disease processes such as cancer and sleeping sickness. I've also lamented the woeful state of knowledge about evolution that is possessed by all too many medical…
February 14, 2007
Hmmmm. Guinness... (Via RichardDawkins.net.)
February 14, 2007
[Note: There is a followup to this post here.] I've been writing a lot about dichloroacetate (DCA) lately, perhaps even to the point of becoming repetitive and risking boring my readers. Fortunately, this post is not primarily about DCA. Unfortunately, it's about a question that is related to the…
February 13, 2007
One year ago today, Orac was assimilated--I mean welcomed--into the ScienceBlogs collective. it's been a wild ride, a fantastic opportunity to reach more readers than I ever did on my old Blogspot blog. (My traffic has roughly doubled since I joined up.) I didn't show up with the first crop of…
February 13, 2007
Every so often, just for laughs or my own personal edification, periodically I check my referral logs to see who's linking to me and what posts are being linked to. Most of the time, there's not much there worth commenting on. Sometimes, it's bloggers who agree with me; other times, it's bloggers…
February 12, 2007
Just a quick reminder: The Skeptics' Circle is fast approaching. If you're a blogger who likes to apply critical thinking and science to dubious claims, get your best skeptical entries over to Akusai at Action Skeptics by Wednesday evening. Then join us all at Action Skeptics on Thursday to partake…
February 12, 2007
Yes, I know that my blog buddy Abel wrote a post with almost exactly the same title as this. No, I'm not mindlessly aping him. I'm doing it because of what Abel revealed in his post: That most of his referrals lately have been Google searches looking for information on where to buy dichloroacetate…
February 12, 2007
I've written about the corrosive effect that religion can have on medical care when it is allowed to become too pervasive. One example where the intersection of religion and medicine concerns me is when various religious doctors insist on very dubious evidence that religiosity is good for a patient…
February 11, 2007
I have to admit, I don't quite "get" the whole Aqua Teen Hunger Force thing (I'm either too old or too uncool, I guess), but, as a certified 24 addict, I found this to be a rather amusing take on the terror scare caused by an ill-fated ad campaign in Boston a couple of weeks ago: (Via Stupid Evil…
February 11, 2007
A couple of weeks ago, I posted about a bizarre complication of a central venous catheter placement. Now, on YouTube, I find a primer on how to place central venous catheters. The remaining parts can be found here.
February 11, 2007
This one seems to be going around the ScienceBlogs, bunch, and, given the nature of the test and my having collected comics for over 30 years, there was no way I could pass it up. The results are, of course, utterly expected. Bow before your better! Bow before...Doom! Your results: You are Dr. Doom…
February 10, 2007
It's sort of becoming a bit of a tradition here. Well, sporadically, anyway. This time, David Tennant himself joins in the fun...
February 10, 2007
Apparently I'm not safe, even here. I thought I could escape him. Who am I talking about? Richard Simmons, that's who, and he's shown up on ScienceBlogs on the mothership's official blog. I'm having acid flashbacks. You see, there was a time, back in 1997 or 1998, when I briefly met Richard Simmons…
February 10, 2007
...that Kristjan Wager started a blog. Kristjan, as some may know, is a frequent commenter here, and has even guest-blogged for me about the Danish studies on two occasions. Head on over and check out Kristjan's blog, Pro-Science. I'll be adding it to my sidebar the next time I get a chance to…
February 9, 2007
Apparently, while I've been at this meeting, Mayo Clinics Proceedings has published this systematic review of the scientific literature on the "efficacy" of homeopathy. Its conclusion: The evidence from rigorous clinical trials of any type of therapeutic or preventive intervention testing…
February 9, 2007
It's my last day in sunny Phoenix, and all I've done thus far is to go to conferences, work on a grant, and do a little blogging, usually late at night because I often have trouble falling asleep in hotel rooms, particularly given that the air conditioning always seems to be such that it's either…
February 8, 2007
Here's more evidence. Yeah, I know it's old, but Donohue's popping up again, and I had forgotten what a nutjob he can be. End of rare political rant. You may return to your regularly scheduled medical and science blogging. ADDENDUM: More examples have shown up in my in-box of the "wit" and lack of…
February 8, 2007
Well, here I am in sunny Phoenix, having spent pretty much all of yesterday at the conference, sneaking in alterations to and practicing of my talk in between sessions. All in all not a bad day, although I spent the entire day indoors and didn't get to partake of the bright and cheery warmth, which…
February 7, 2007
I happen to be in Phoenix today, attending the Academic Surgical Congress, where I actually have to present one of my abstracts. That means, between flying to Phoenix last night and preparing for my talk, I didn't have time to serve up a heapin' helping of that Respectful Insolence⢠you know and (…
February 7, 2007
I happen to be in Phoenix today, attending the Academic Surgical Congress, where I actually have to present one of my abstracts. That means, between flying to Phoenix last night and preparing for my talk, I didn't have time to serve up a heapin' helping of that Respectful Insolence⢠you know and (…
February 6, 2007
I know, I know. I've been a bad boy. I've been meaning to join in everyone else and produce a couple of "basic concepts" posts. Somehow, I've just been distracted. The problem is, blogging is my hobby. It's what I do for enjoyment. Writing a "basic concepts" post seems too much like work and grant…
February 6, 2007
Congratulations to Robert Lancaster, purveyor of the fine website Stop Sylvia Browne, a site dedicated to documenting the misadventures and misdeeds of the phony "psychic" known as Sylvia Browne. Apparently she has noticed him. In fact, between Robert, The Amazing Randi, and Anderson Cooper piling…
February 6, 2007
I've written a lot about alternative medicine, much of which I consider to be woo; i.e., treatments for which there is no medical efficacy and the belief in which often requires magical thinking. I've expressed my disappointment in medical physicians who fall prey to and become purveyors or woo,…