Live! From the Geek Prom!


Is there anything geekier than blogging from the prom? Come on out to St Paul for the party—Mary and I are the pair in lab coats, and yes, that is just a squid in my pocket.


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You're so cool, PZ.

Looks like fun. Hope you have fun. It looks like fun (though what is that thing in the bottom left of that picture?).
In the meantime, here's a comic some people might enjoy.

By The Amazing Kim (not verified) on 22 Apr 2006 #permalink

In the morning, get a glass of tomato juice, add one jigger of vodka (2 oz.) and sip in between queasy feelings. Your head will feel much better... when it quits hurting.

Aww, no live blogging? Surely you can text us some intriguing insights while waiting in line at the punch bowl. I wanna see!

High. I am a physician, having moved to MN last year. I have an obsession with evolutionary biology and I am a fan of Richard Dawkins. I should say that like minded people are not, well, easy to come by locally. I stumbled on your blog while surfing and I thought maybe we could share some ideas. I will appreciate it if you get back to me.

Thank you,

I Demand Photos! I doubt I'll be online tomorrow until after 7 pm central time (taking a field trip to look at some seacliff geology near San Francisco before it's wiped out by uber-rainy-spring landslides) so I expect a full suite of Geek Prom photos by that time. Your hangover has _got_ to be done before then.

BTW, was it a LIVE squid? If so, shame on you!

Dr. Hos,
Are you talkin' to PZ or to everyone else? If PZ, you hould send him an email at . If everyone else - most of us get talking about that sort of thing out in the comment threads. If you're looking for more one-on-one interaction with everyone else, it might be helpful to leave contact information (like an email address). Good luck, sir, and welcome to Minnesota.