Pirates and zombies, oh my

First, the Minnesota zombies invaded the lakes. Then there was some unpleasantness from the police when they took over the mall. Now there's going to be a zombie pub crawl in Minneapolis on Saturday, September 9. But wait! There's also going to be a pirate pub crawl on the same day! What to do, what to do…

Actually, my personal dilemma is easily resolved by the date. It is a very bad idea to do a pub crawl the evening before your wife's birthday. Even if the possibility of a pirate-zombie war tempts you.

(via MNspeak)

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But wait! There's also going to be a pirate pub crawl on the same day! What to do, what to do...

The ideal solution would be to watch from a safe location, such as the crow's nest.

Actually, my personal dilemma is easily resolved by the date. It is a very bad idea to do a pub crawl the evening before your wife's birthday. Even if the possibility of a pirate-zombie war tempts you.

and they say there's no evidence for evoloution.;-)

By bill thater (not verified) on 17 Aug 2006 #permalink

Just combine the two and go as pirate zombies.

AND Take your wife on the pub-crawl.

That's what I do ....

By G. Tingey (not verified) on 17 Aug 2006 #permalink

Just combine the two and go as pirate zombies.

This sounded quite novel to me, so I was surprised when "ninja pirate zombies" pulled up 4 pages of links on Goggle.

Oh. I thought the Royal Navy was.

Captain Barbossa is not available for comment.


But...but...ninjas and pirates are natural enemies!

Wrong. They are just secretive about their alliance.

If you doubt that this is possible, how is it there are NINJAS + PIRATES?

But...but...ninjas and pirates are natural enemies!

Sure they are. So are werewolves and vampires, but I saw this documentary earlier this year with Kate Beckinsale...

It is a very bad idea to do a pub crawl the evening before your wife's birthday.

Can't you bring her along? Call it a birthday party or something.

Dang - even the evening before is off-limits? Is that like the Jewish Sabbath starting at sundown the night before?