Local news

Hey, this is a very good site for us Minnesotans: the Minnesota Monitor.

Minnesota Monitor is an independently-produced political news daily featuring original and investigative reporting.

As a coalition of long-time progressive bloggers, freelance writers, and professional journalists our aim is to enhance and expand the political dialogue in the Minnesota. By combining the immediacy of blogging with time-honored journalistic inquiry, Minnesota Monitor intends to provide a platform for overlooked stories, policy and campaign analysis, and unique local perspectives on the important issues of the day.

Our contributing writers subscribe to a Code of Ethics and the pursuit of truth-telling, fairness, and accountability.

If you're interested in what's going on in Minnesota, just a look at the top stories right now shows a lot of stuff the regular news media aren't even mentioning.


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Thanks for posting this link, PZ.

This is my first comment on your blog, which I have been reading for a couple of months. I'm also a fellow Minnesotan.

It's interesting to see a different perspective on what is going on in Minnesota. I'm glad there are folks out there willing to put time and effort into keeping the public informed about these sorts of issues.

By Paguroidea (not verified) on 25 Aug 2006 #permalink

TheBrummell: Don't know about (the) Congo, but I have heard repeatedly that it should be just "Ukraine", simply because one doesn't say "the Canada" or "the France". This is of course different in different languages; my astrophysics and astronomy instructor from years ago was always talking about "the Jupiter", which I assume is correct in her native language. Last I checked one doesn't do this in English for US states.