How'd that happen?


There's my son, kicking Republican butts. The years of brainwashing must have paid off.

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Wow, he looks just like you! But different.

By Charles Winder (not verified) on 23 Oct 2006 #permalink

I notice the caption says your son is "giving his opinion" and the caption under the College Republican says he's "answering a question".

Nope, no bias there. Your son could be deconstructing the whole 'contract with America' while the fratboy just spits out talking points, but they make it sound like the CR's are the responsible ones. Sheesh.

Your son could be deconstructing the whole 'contract with America' while the fratboy just spits out talking points,

You know, some of us (now-graduated) fratboys are godless liberals who love science. Don't tar everyone with the same brush--you sound like a Republican.

These are the moments that make parents proud. Congratulations.

By Desert Donkey (not verified) on 23 Oct 2006 #permalink

Hey, he's pretty cute. *coughcoughhint*

Oh lord... *laughing hysterically* Sorry, sorry! But you know how it is. You see a conjunction and then... "Roland, son of Steven. Grandson of Alaric. He of the red hair." Stephen King, no less. Do you know him? Or is it just one of those bizarre coincidences?

regardless - just an awesome connection! Anyways, congrats on a very cool son. (My science teachers - I'm still friends with three from elementary and high school! - also have very awesome, interesting kids - I think it's something about biology...)

I'll add my Evil, Sinful, Destroying-America-Faster-Than-You-Atheists Homosexualist approval of the product of you and your wife's gamete fusion, PZ. Hair's a little too long for my tastes, but redheads are hot and anyone named after a Germanic chieftain of Late Antiquity (and who looks like he just popped into a university debate after praciticing Rome-sacking with his Horde) is worthy of pansexual lusting.

Okay, the Democrats have our champion is a long-haired hippie whose Dad is a godless college professor. We got our bases covered.

And the Republicans? My god, he's not even wearing a button-down shirt and tie! And no American flag pin or yellow ribbon?! Things are not looking good for the Minnesota GOP.

At least tell me he has a trust fund.

Um.. the article said that LGBT[QI] issues were debated; where're the quotes for that?

"Look, you brought her here, and that means that you're giving her the shot. The day that I bring an OD-ing b***h over to your house, then I'll give her the shot. Give her the shot."


By Charlie B. (not verified) on 23 Oct 2006 #permalink

I should probably point out, in case it wasn't clear enough, that the reason I think Alaric is attractive is because he does a creditable impression of my boyfriend, and I'm not actually interested in Alaric's phone number. (I realised in hindsight that there's been a leetle too much of that sort of thing going on for real in the blogosphere, and I'm not one of the creeps, just someone with a genuine appreciation for masculine pulchritude. No offense intended.)

I'm a little disappointed with the University Chronicle's coverage. I wanted to read the "kicking butt" part. Not to mention they mispelled your last name near the bottom!!

Near the end of the article:
"I feel health care is a right everyone should have," Miers said.

Like father, like son. A misspelled youth.

Cool. He looks very much like a stereotypical Norseman.

What? What are you talking about? I don't see how you could see something like this at all...

(With apologies to Alaric and to PZ. The clip art made me do it.)

Cool. He looks very much like a stereotypical Norseman.
But is he named after the Visigoth general? Sacking Republicans this time instead of sacking Rome? ;^)

Years of brainwashing?

Exactly. And after Richard Dawkins tells us that passing our beliefs to our kids is "intellectual child abuse.".

Tsk, tsk...

It IS child abuse if you don't teach them to think about the beliefs before they come to a conclusion about them.

By Caledonian (not verified) on 24 Oct 2006 #permalink

Hmmmm . . .

Alaric Myers, fifth-year SCSU student and representative of the College Democrats, gives his opinion. . .

and the classic: "Most people here believe global warming exists," Myers said.

The original PZ quote? The years of brainwashing must have paid off.

Caledonian has his finger on the pulse. It IS child abuse if you don't teach them to think about the beliefs before they come to a conclusion about them.

Sound about right to me. Opinion and belief. Alaric is truly his father's son.

You have to have a brain to have a sense of humor, which disqualifies hoody.

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 24 Oct 2006 #permalink

Echoing Craig, and probably not strictly substantive, but your son and his opponent definitely looked like they were straight from central casting.

Alaric: We come from the land of the ice and snow, of the Midnight Sun where the hot springs glow! And we will kick your ass with facts and logic!

Republikid: But I don't have to use logic! I have short hair and wear Izod! The soccer mommies WUUUUV me!

Alaric: We come from the land of the ice and snow, of the Midnight Sun where the hot springs glow! And we will kick your ass with facts and logic!

Republikid: But I don't have to use logic! I have short hair and wear Izod! The soccer mommies WUUUUV me!


Like father, like son. A misspelled youth.

That is genuinely funny.

They were probably lucky just to get his first name right, when you think about it.

As for this from the article:

The two parties agreed on many issues such as aiding Africa and the U.N., but were divided when the topics of global warming and GLBT rights were brought up.

Well, duh, it's obvious how to end this disagreement ... gays are responsible for global warming.

We have an "Alaric" among the technicians at my work. No mistaking him for a Norseman though, he's black. I like it when good, old names get brought back into use.

By MJ Memphis (not verified) on 24 Oct 2006 #permalink

Hey, I went to that school (until they kicked me out and gave me a diploma this May). I'm guessing Alaric isn't a general biology major (otherwise I probably would've met him).

Dare I say it, but his haircut, beard and mustache are quite ummm Jesus like.

Wow, his hair is as long as my 20 something son's!

My redhead son just got his cut into a short bob tho. Still cute.

And some people have no sense of humor.

Please excuse hoody. He is an idiot. I suspect he was intentionally educated incorrectly as a joke (because he is one).