Home, safe and sound

I'm back home! I'm tired! I have to go take care of flies and fish! If you want to read some science, though, my cavefish article for Seed is online, so you can do that while I try to recover from all the traveling. But of course, you all already subscribe, so you probably read it last week.

I just plowed through all the comments on the delurking thread—you know you can all keep talking, don't you? I only bite the heads off creationists, so you're safe.


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OT, but damn. I just watched the presidential rant for escalation, and the only response I can think of is to up that bitch's medication.

I don't mean to disrespect mental illness, but that guy needs to be put away for his own good.

Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

So, in other words, you bite the heads off the batshit? :P

I guess that makes PZ evolution's prince of fucking darkness. ^.^

PZ, you said:

Surely you jest; what about all the Chamberlainistas you've treated to dental decapitation?

By Robin Levett (not verified) on 10 Jan 2007 #permalink

I think it's probably okay to bite the heads off creationists as long as you don't swallow. They say high-fat diets are bad for you.

the cavefish article is nicely written. My only suggestion would be to add the reference to at least one of Jeffrey's papers at the end. Maybe I missed it, but I only saw the specific reference to Gould's treatise.

anywho, here's one of the primaries relating to the effects of transplanted lenses on eye development, if someone wanted to see how it was done:


Here is somebody's head you can bite off. Goofy Islamic creationist Harun Yahya:


Best line: these statistical facts clearly show that evolution has collapsed.

cavefish article for Seed is online

Been there, done that. Nice format, btw.

I only bite the heads off creationists, so you're safe.

Cavefish, cavemen, ... thematic.

But biting on creationists may not be safe for you. Religion is virulent, most often mediated by prayer-articles, so called p-articles or prayons. Those consists of a coat of quotes mined from the hosts books, covering a mush of religious material such as ad ignorantiam fallacies and bible citations. Most religiologists consider them non-living (more precisely dead at arrival), and they are known to be among the smallest claims observed, besides some species of spam.

A working skeptic system is needed when contacts with creationists (or other types of related woo-ists) can't be avoided. If infections threatens, take two beers and contact your nearest skeptic blog.

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 10 Jan 2007 #permalink

Here's a hilarious article on why theistic evolutionists are wrong (by a creationist..):


"Unfortunately, theistic evolutionists have gotten their history of Galileo all wrong. The problem with the Church during the time of Galileo was not that they were using the Bible to help them interpret the scientific evidence of the day, but rather, the Church had allowed the dominant philosophies and science of the day to influence their reading of scripture."

"God's word is not incompatible with true science; and true science will never discredit God's word, because God's word is an accurate and trustworthy record of God's work in the world."

So, there you have it. Case closed...

cavefish article for Seed is online

Been there, done that. Nice format, btw.

I only bite the heads off creationists, so you're safe.

Cavefish, cavemen, ... thematic.

But biting on creationists may not be safe for you. Religion is virulent, most often mediated by prayer-articles, so called p-articles or prayons. Those consists of a coat of quotes mined from the hosts books, covering a mush of religious material such as ad ignorantiam fallacies and bible citations. Most religiologists consider them non-living (more precisely dead at arrival), and they are known to be among the smallest claims observed, besides some species of spam.

A working skeptic system is needed when contacts with creationists (or other types of related woo-ists) can't be avoided. If infections threatens, take two beers and contact your nearest skeptic blog.

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 10 Jan 2007 #permalink