Awesome squid footage


This large squid, Taningia danae, has been caught on film, and it's amazing stuff. It swoops in on its prey, arms splayed wide, using its luminescence to disorient the target. It's beautiful!

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Where can I get some glow-in-the-dark calamari?

I can't see the video either. )-:

By David Livesay (not verified) on 14 Feb 2007 #permalink

I'm curious, PZ. How many people sent you this? I did, but I assumed that dozens of others beat me to it.

That's just too cool, a completely freakin me out.

Showed it to a coworker and he said "okay... if I saw that I would scream like a thousand little girls"

Thanks, Fatboy! That one worked!

Well worth the wait.

By David Livesay (not verified) on 14 Feb 2007 #permalink

An eight-sided luminous asterisk, thast's gonna be my new atheist symbol.