Are you going to believe someone who thinks with his feet?

Chuck Norris convinced me before that the bruised and jellied blob bobbing about in his cranium isn't working so well anymore, but this video of Norris advocating a bible-based public school curriculum is the final kicker.

He's fronting for an organization that's trying to smuggle bogus history and religious propaganda into our schools. It's a shame—after playing a hero for so many years on TV, he's fading away in the real world as one of the bad guys.

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He's Chuck Norris. I will believe anything he says.

To do otherwise would risk a visit and fatal roundhouse.

By Miguelito (not verified) on 26 Mar 2007 #permalink

Those stupid Chuck Norris jokes are almost as idiotic and he is. Some of the stuff he has said is just, well about what I'd expect from someone who looked tough for a living.

Too many kicks to the head.

By David Livesay (not verified) on 26 Mar 2007 #permalink

Chuck Norris couldn't hold a candle to the asian action stars. He is not quite as useless on the screen as he is as an activist, but close.

By valhar2000 (not verified) on 26 Mar 2007 #permalink

Let's chuck Norris. And rush Limbaugh. And bill O'Reilly.

I can't think of any more.

By christian Burnham (not verified) on 26 Mar 2007 #permalink

Off topic, but have people seen the latest from Cardinal Schönborn? He seems quite insistent to roll back the clock on our understanding of the universe.

(Ironically, however, he again cites the heretic Newton favourably for his theological position and adopts an almost Spinozism...)

I think he took one too many hits to the head when he filmed thos excersize machine infomercials with that one lady that I cannot remember her name now and will later.

Then again, he has made so much money he never has to work again and thus he can do whatever he wants and no one can really stop him.

Oh gawds.... Norris for Prez... [shudders]

PZ, just replay the final scene of Way of the Dragon in your head and all will be sweetness and light.

By Ginger Yellow (not verified) on 26 Mar 2007 #permalink

Gives new meaning to the term 'Bible belt', doesn't it?

#6: And...and... ANN Coultier?


The title of this post brings to mind Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel who talked about praying with his feet when marching in the civil rights movement.

By Jeff Alexander (not verified) on 26 Mar 2007 #permalink

Unfortunately, it's Keith Olbermann, not Ken. As in "let'th keith Olbermann."

Why does Chuck Norris hate America?

I will cheat and flip Jonson. Which hopefully will bruise Chapman.

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 26 Mar 2007 #permalink

I think Norris has a mental problem that goes far beyond the conservative mindset. Seriously, anybody who makes something as simplistic and politically naive as 'Walker, Texas Ranger' and markets that towards adults isn't trying to bring back the good old action epics of the '80s, they're just not that mature about the real world in general.

Sad to see Norris go as such a lunkheaded dimwit, but there you go. Sometimes you just can't let go of the past...which consists of silly '80s action films that were simple-minded propreganda to begin with.

"Our forefathers founded this country on biblical principles."

As a lawyer....Owwwwwwch! The stupidity literaly hurts! It's almost like he didn't notice the complete absence of biblical principles from our Constitution.

"[Our founders] never intended for the Bible to be removed from our schools."

Again, owwwwwch! Maybe that's because public schools didn't really exist when the country was founded?

By Chris Bell (not verified) on 26 Mar 2007 #permalink

I made a mistake, I posted there thinking it was here. The blogs look the same!

...this is kind of old, though. I remember when I saw this I was little less than shocked, not because I thought before that Chuck Norris was a super well-educated person, but I don't know, seeing someone so recognizable spewing such crap...

Anyway, I think most of the kung-fu and martial arts people believe in some sort of superstitions, I have many times heard stories of "masters" doing crap with their "ki" and such. Even Bruce Lee wasn't very straightforward with his "power" of the 1-inch punch or something like that.

Anyway, I think most of the kung-fu and martial arts people believe in some sort of superstitions, I have many times heard stories of "masters" doing crap with their "ki" and such.
Oh wow. That's not correct. 'Ki', alternately 'chi' in Chinese, roughly translates to 'breath'. It's just your life energy: consider it your biochemical responses. There's a lot of New Age goofs out there, playing heavy on the woo aspect, but it's primarily about refining your breathing, body mechanics, reflexes, etc.
Even Bruce Lee wasn't very straightforward with his "power" of the 1-inch punch or something like that.
Yeah, so much so that he actually released a book that instructed people how to do it. No 'mystical recipes' - it was pretty straightforward training methods.
I do MA: it's not about 'superstitions'. But when somebody starts telling ridiculous stories, I usually call BS on it.

Let's chuck Norris. And rush Limbaugh. And bill O'Reilly.
I can't think of any more.

And dick Cheney (or tell him to go dick himself).

By David Livesay (not verified) on 27 Mar 2007 #permalink

And Chuck Norris used to be an actor? That heartfelt look at his wife as he says, "God knows we need it" was one of the most canned things I've ever seen.

'Ki', alternately 'chi' in Chinese, roughly translates to 'breath'. It's just your life energy: consider it your biochemical responses.

Behind the woo it is about state of mind, controlling breath and basing positions. 'Chi' is imagined to be near the center of gravity, and it guides both balance and movements.

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 28 Mar 2007 #permalink

I will cheat and flip Jonson. Which hopefully will bruise Chapman.

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 26 Mar 2007 #permalink

'Ki', alternately 'chi' in Chinese, roughly translates to 'breath'. It's just your life energy: consider it your biochemical responses.

Behind the woo it is about state of mind, controlling breath and basing positions. 'Chi' is imagined to be near the center of gravity, and it guides both balance and movements.

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 28 Mar 2007 #permalink