Cyber Scholars?

Those sneaky alumni organizations — they've always got new angles on how to get to you. The alumni magazine for the University of Oregon has a writeup on me and a current member of the UO faculty, Mark Thoma. Apparently, we are Cyber Scholars, professors who use the blogosphere to teach the world. I think we need some new academic robes to go with that designation — preferably something in silver fabrics, and with a jetpack.

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No, no, a jetpack would be space opera or a Jetsons future. A Cyber Scholar gets a trenchcoat, a simstim deck and a voiceover written in imitation of Raymond Chandler.

Oh, we're also going to have to redecorate Morris with generic kanji lettering, bulk up your neon light quotient and install a dirigible which circles town proclaiming over a loudspeaker, "A new life awaits you in the off-world colonies. . . ."

preferably something in silver fabrics, and with a jetpack.

Nice image, but it will more likely be something in an XKCD t-shirt, and with a USB hub installed at the base of your skull.

70 MILLION Blogs

Holy cyberspace Batman!!!

It's getting like the island in the Pacific where everyone makes their living taking in each others wash.

And 120,000 new ones each day?...that's just CRAZY!!!

Cool idea about the jetpack, but I want my flying car! The science prognosticators have been promising one for nigh on 50 years! If you are now a cyber scholar maybe you can get that project moving. Hehehehe


A mortarboard straight out of Tron.

I'm thinking you need a robe more reminiscent of the lecturer in recent runes, or perhaps a pointy hat with some sequined squids on it. anyway... Now that you are now considered to be teaching the world, don't you wish it came with a raise?

How about a squid emblem on your tassel in honor of cthulu? The tentacles of online scholarship reach out and touch you in your home. Seems appropriate to me.

70 Million blogs, but most of them are spam blogs. 120K new ones a day, but almost all of them are spam blogs....


No capes!

By Edna Mode (not verified) on 27 Nov 2007 #permalink

Capes are just fine, unless you're in the superhero business. Then I agree - no capes.

(Bloggers aren't in the superhero business; they just think they are.)

A red cape, mad scientist goggles, and a Zepp[e]lin!

Alternatively, Stupid Nerd Glasses®.

(Warning: If you still need your ribcage, don't follow this link.)

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 27 Nov 2007 #permalink

I think a lot of people start blogs, write a few posts, and then forget about the blog or lose interest. I know I'm guilty of this cyber-negligence; blogging consistently over a protracted period requires a special kind of persistence, regardless of the main topics.

Maybe there should be a neologism for abandoned blogs, or for the process of neglecting a blog. Blogligence? Blogslaughter? Deadbleating? Blorphans?

Since both PZ and Thoma are on my very short daily blog read list (and I am a UO alum) .... this make me feel like all is right in the universe. And to think that I almost threw my alumni mag in the recycling without even cracking the cover.

Congrats to both you and Mark, PZ.

By Desert Donkey (not verified) on 27 Nov 2007 #permalink

A red cape, mad scientist goggles, and a Zepp[e]lin!

Alternatively, Stupid Nerd Glasses®.

(Warning: If you still need your ribcage, don't follow this link.)

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 27 Nov 2007 #permalink