It's a conspiracy!

So a guy gets a little older, and what happens? All these people try to draw attention to my age, largely with a collection of photoshopped pictures of yours truly. Don't they know I'm funny-looking enough that no photoshop is necessary?

By the way, I got a nice present from my family: a new, ergonomic Cephalopod Throne. You'll be reassured to know that now, when I fling thunderbolts of furious vituperation about the web, I shall be doing so with excellent posture.


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Jebus, PZ, I think they like you! Happy getting-old-and-gray day.

Man, I wish I had a Cephalopod Throne...

Happy birthday, PZ!

Happy B-Day PZ.

Happy birthday, PZ. :) Here's hoping you have many years of harassing those poor, poor religious-types before you.

This is all a ruse. Don't you know PZ's birthday is a giant ploy for him to get more readers at this blog?

Don't fall into the trap his parents laid so many years ago.

Please post pictures of the throne, m'lord!

Rest assured I will never, never taunt you on your age. I'm just 2 months older than you are, and that pretty much eliminates both name-calling options (fogy vs. baby).

If we cannot mock our High Priest Of The Unholy Church Of Atheism, who can we mock?

Enjoy your day!

Happy Birthday, Professor!!

(I'm in no position to do any taunting, either, and won't mention which relative of mine is 5 months younger than PZ.)

Happy Birthday, PZ. Best regards to you and yours.

By Bruce Breece FCD (not verified) on 09 Mar 2008 #permalink

Happy birthday to my favorite blogger!

By Justin H. (not verified) on 09 Mar 2008 #permalink

Happy birthday, PZ!

(Also, seconding #9 on the Cephalopod-Throne pix :P.)

Happy Birthday PZ.

By firemancalr (not verified) on 09 Mar 2008 #permalink

Don't they know I'm funny-looking enough that no photoshop is necessary?

That's why I went with zebra fish!

By afarensis, FCD (not verified) on 09 Mar 2008 #permalink

My heartiest contrafabulations on the day, your cephalopodliness.

Happy Birthday PZ, may your health and your commitment to the truth never wane, you have a huge community of folks that wait with baited (hopefully not squid) breath on your every post to Pharyngula.

Keep up the excellent work for many years to come!

Wow! Thunderbolts, laser beam eyes, and excellent posture. Impressive!

Happy Birthday!

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 09 Mar 2008 #permalink

r squid yrz same az humn?

By bigjohn756 (not verified) on 09 Mar 2008 #permalink

Is an ergonomic Cephalopod throne just euphemism for a toilet? 'Cause if it is that's one funky gift your rellies bought you.

Happy Birthday PZ from the Antipodean contingent of your evil henchmen. (henchpeople?)

By Bride of Shrek (not verified) on 09 Mar 2008 #permalink

hap-p bd

may you be one of the lucky few to be eaten early by Cthulhu.

I'd say that the squid I ordered from the thai joint down on the corner was in honor of your birthday, but I'd be lying: it looked good.

I did raise a fork for ya though.

Happy birthday, PZ. If our paths ever cross, I'll treat you to a squid smoothie.

Before the day is done, just wanted to wish you and yours the very best, as well as hoping you had a fantastic B-Day.

It's PZ's birthday and WE gets da prezentz! Kewl!!!11!one

By dwarf zebu (not verified) on 10 Mar 2008 #permalink