“According to God's word”

Here's more pernicious ignorance that we have to deal with: this is Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern, benighted hate-monger, babbling lies.

Well, there is one part that is accurate, when she states that "We're not teaching facts and knowledge any more, we're teaching indoctrination", which is exactly right … at least in reference to her remarks.

(via Pam's House Blend)


More like this

The infamous anti-gay legislator from Oklahoma, Sally Kern, was interviewed by the Oklahoma Daily. The story has some fine bon mots, like her definition of evolution: Kern defined evolution to me as "the process of wanting to create something or have something be perfect. Get rid of that which is…
Remember Sally Kern, the Oklahoma legislator caught on tape babbling about the gay conspiracy? It's worse than it sounded: it seems Kern has a gay son who she has essentially deleted from her public life. And these are the people who claim ownership of the word "family"… Here's something even…
I make fun of OK on my blog regularly. Sometimes it feels like Im living on goddamn Mars, surrounded by Martians (aka 'Baptists') speaking gobbledy gook and creepy red dirt and forever-gusting wind that will drive you insane... It doesnt help when dipshits like Sally Kern proudly drag Oklahomans…
Remember Sally Kern, the Oklahoma legislator who loves God and hates homosexuals? She had earlier sponsored something called the Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act, a ghastly piece of legislation that would require teachers to pass any old crap a student turned in, as long as the student…

A legislator, Sally Kern,
Was simply voicing her concern,
But Sally Kern was unaware,
Or if she knew, she did not care,
That someone had a microphone
So Sally Kern was not alone.
"Oh, I'm not anti-gay" said Sally,
To the fifty-person rally;
"But there are things you have to learn"
And who will teach us? Sally Kern.
Sally Kern, she knows the answer--
Knows how gays are like a cancer,
Knows they're worse than terrorists
If Sally Kern can keep the lists.
So Sally Kern must raise her voice
Against unhealthy lifestyle choice;
The cost of life against God's Word
Is clear, the people gathered heard:
Disease and death, and then you burn
In Hell, or so says Sally Kern.
Then Sally Kern, in pure effrontery,
Tells us gays will harm our country:
If we embrace these sinful ways,
Says Sally Kern, allowing gays
To join the City Council ranks
Or work in schools, or stores, or banks,
Our country would be tempting fate,
And all too soon would be too late.
Now, such a stance may seem too stern
But heed the words of Sally Kern;
If we let gays live right among us,
Soon, like mold, or creeping fungus,
Even straights will be infected--
Sally Kern wants us protected.
The path to safety is God's Grace:
We must protect the human race.
Sally Kern just wants us purer...
Right. Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer.


What an adorable little bigot. I bet she's the type that switches tags at WalMart and gives the poor minimum-wage clerk a hard time when the register shows a problem.

And she taught school for more than 20 years....

I hope her death is protracted and painful.

Since the Soviet Union has fallen, I'm not sure who's funding the Homosexual AgendaTM and our attempts to destroy the family and society. It could still be the Joos, who were also behind communism, but my bet is on the Free Masons. They've been at this shit for a while. Those Saudis have been getting tricksy lately, too, though.

I need to get myself on the finance committee so I can see contracts. Being on the implementation committee leaves one out of the loop from time to time.

Cuttlefish, I love you.

Hey folks, cut her some slack, eh! She can't help being born nasty.

By Richard Harris (not verified) on 10 Mar 2008 #permalink

Shrimplate, is that so wrong? I mean taking into account it's probably as disease-ridden as a rare burger from Denny's.

And remember, the Saudis are the good Muslims in Conservitania, they give money. It's probably Saddam and Bin Laden working together to fund the gay bombs that are secretly being detonated in our schools and the atheist drugs that are in vaccinations.

Sally Kern just wants us purer...
Right. Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer.

Would (almost) rhyme if that were the correct spelling. But no, it's Führer, and pronounced in a quite different way. You know what the French u is like? That's it. I'll try to find a soundfile.

Absolutely wonderful poem apart from this, though!

Since the Soviet Union has fallen, I'm not sure who's funding the Homosexual Agenda™ and our attempts to destroy the family and society. It could still be the Joos, who were also behind communism, but my bet is on the Free Masons. They've been at this shit for a while. Those Saudis have been getting tricksy lately, too, though.

You're thinking in a way too complicated way. It's teh libruls. Who else?

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 10 Mar 2008 #permalink

There's a very brief video about this on CNN.com. They have some level-headed responses from a gay group, and reactions by Sally Kern and folks on the street. There's a lingering shot of her hand with a Christian fish ring.

At the end of the piece, they let Kern and some random folks at a gas station try to spin this as a free speech issue. It's not. Kern has every right to be a hateful, ignorant bigot. However, these extremist, inflammatory statements indicate a dangerously distorted worldview, making her less than a competant leader. I hope it's safe to say that she does not represent her constituents.

As an American, Kern's free to speak as she wishes. Gay and straight Americans have fought and died to establish and defend this right. But as an elected official, she is accountable for her lunatic delusions.

By Spaulding (not verified) on 10 Mar 2008 #permalink

I hope it's safe to say that she does not represent her constituents.

She does. Welcome to America. As Molly Ivins said (I'm paraphrasing): "If you took all the crooks, idiots, and bigots out of the legislature, it would no longer be a representative body."

Well I agree with her. I am your typical American male. I do not dress too fancy or elegant or whatever word is politically correct these days. I also tend to throw my sock on the floor and leave them their until they can support agricultural life. I eat pizza...every single day. And finally, four more words...beer...beer..beer...

So here I am a typical American male and I would like...??? what? ..Oh, Ok...and "Beer." So back to what I was saying. Once the "gays" have their way, I will have to pick up my socks and clean my apartment. Not only that, I will have to wear clothes that have been washed after every time I wear them! EVERYTIME!!! That is simply un-American! Did our founding fathers was their clothes everyday!? I think not!

Next, I will have to eat such nasty foods as goose liver foie gras and smelly ol' fish eggs. Pizza will only be allowed if I go to fancy brick oven places where the wine lists are confusing and the waiters are all better looking than me. It pisses me off that they could steal my date away in a second if it wasn't for the fact they were also part of the gay agenda!!

So I would like to say I agree with this woman who is simply fighting for my rights! I means, I gotta be me, yeah?

I have generally found that gay people who support the gay agenda, ie. treating gays like anyone else, are open about their sexual orientation while they are campaigning for office.

This strikes me as being the opposite of "infiltrating", or sneaking in stealthily.

I wonder what she thinks of all those self-loathing closeted homosexual conservatives "infiltrating" her Evangelical Churches & Republican Party?

Don't Ask - Don't Tell.

The Oklahoma House of Representatives recently passed House Bill 2211, which allows students to express their religious views in school settings. It even goes so far as to guarantee that if students want to respond to the question of the Earth's age on a science exam with the answer "6,000 years old," that the school must credit the reply as "correct." Aside from being an obvious affront to Science and Knowledge everywhere, it also manages to make a mockery of our educational system.

Another charming provision of the bill is that it allows students to declare at school-sanctioned assemblies that others must accept Jesus as their personal savior or go to Hell as a consequence. Nice.

In its attempt to ensure equal-opportunity stupidity, this bill also allows for, say, Wiccans, to promote their brand of Nature-nuttiness or the more radical faith-followers to call for outright assassination in their advocacy of religious fantasy.

Texas has an almost identical bill of late on their books. Maybe the middle of the country just wants to secede and rename itself "Godland."

Can't these dimwits just play their little god-games in the privacy of their own heads and houses of worship?

Apparently not.

Michael, I see you're new to bushzarro world. We am not followers of facts and knowledge.

Texas has an almost identical bill of late on their books. Maybe the middle of the country just wants to secede and rename itself "Godland."

Those of us who have to live here (I'm not from around here...) call it Dumbfuckistan for a reason.

I say we dust off and nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure....


Is it time to feed the Christians to the lions yet?

Eric, that's a cruel thing to do to lions.

Reminds me of our ex-friends who told us that they'd rather their daughter was in an abusive relationship with a man, than a happy loving relationship with a woman.

I'll just never be able to understand people like that.

By Robert Thille (not verified) on 10 Mar 2008 #permalink

I left Oklahoma in part to get away from ignorant hillbilly women like Sally. As for House Bill 2211, I just discovered from a web search that one of my cousins who went into Oklahoma state politics as a Republican, Chris Benge (son of my mom's sister), has gotten promoted to the Oklahoma House's Speaker. That could make for an awkward family reunion some day.

Is it time to feed the Christians to the lions yet?

People like this do help one to understand the Romans' point of view, not that I'd recommend violence. But go ahead, feed them to the lions, in a metaphorical sense. Rip 'em to shreds.

The Oklahoma House of Representatives recently passed House Bill 2211, which allows students to express their religious views in school settings

Actually, no. It was approved by the Education Committee, but has not been voted on by the entire House yet. If you assume a straight party line vote, which isn't a given, it would pass the House, since the Republicans hold a 57-44 majority. However, the Senate is split evenly down the middle with Democratic Lt. Governor Askins acting as it's President.

By carlsonjok (not verified) on 10 Mar 2008 #permalink

I suppose she's talking about that bigot god that Christians worship, i know my Zeus would never condone such vile words in his name.

It's a disgrace really, this Christian god is tarnishing the reputations and divinity of other, obviously less bigoted gods just because in their arrogance Christians appropriated the term to be the actual name of their god.

By Dutch Delight (not verified) on 10 Mar 2008 #permalink

You're thinking in a way too complicated way. It's teh libruls. Who else?

of course.
that's why we're mostly broke.

it takes a lot of money to fund this stuff in the face of Bushco.

She should practice free speech. She should also understand that many adults find her views abhorrent. Let her go to the public square and voice her opinion. Just like the edu-bigots of Dover. Gee, has she no courage of her convictions? She'll cry matrydom but is unwilling to lose anything for her Xstianity.

Since PZ does us the kindness of providing a forum where we can react to idiocy without self-censorship, here is what I have to say to Sally Kern:

Fuck you, asswipe.

The comments are going wild on that youtube video. There's a LOT of ignorant reality-twisting bashers defending that whore there.

There's a LOT of ignorant reality-twisting bashers defending that whore there.

well, she had to get elected by somebody, right?

@Ichthyic: Right. Eesh. It makes me sick that there are folks thinking like that.

They're right that she has the right to freedom of speech, but they make it seem as we don't have the right to call her a fucking twisted bitch for it.

I blogged about the Sally Kern hate speech when it first came out last week, and today I put up another one about her name tied to an anti-science bill that passed the OK House. As someone from Oklahoma, I promise you we're not all like her.

Re MA Jeff

Don't forget the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers and the Skull and Bones Crowd.

Well, Sally Kern is obviously welcome to say and believe whatever she pleases; she has that right. The problem I have is that people actually voted this ugly woman into office. Did they know she was such a swill-gurgling bigot when they cast their ballots?

Would (almost) rhyme if that were the correct spelling. But no, it's Führer, and pronounced in a quite different way. You know what the French u is like? That's it. I'll try to find a soundfile.

I dunno, as a speaker of both I'd be inclined to give him credit, and the intent is fulfilled just fine. At least the end in -er. Actually it's kind of fun to pronounce purer with a glottal stop.

P.S. Cuttlefish totally Godwined Sally Kern!

It may be time to get rid of all that rainbow shit and bring back the pink triangle....

well, at least get rid of all the rainbows.

They're right that she has the right to freedom of speech, but they make it seem as we don't have the right to call her a fucking twisted bitch for it.

of course; double-standard is the name of the game.

they keep seeming to think that saying: "Freedom of MY speech only" is the same thing as freedom of speech in general.

It's why the whole "teach the controversy" nonsense is such a laugh, logically speaking, as the same double-standard applies.


Sigh... bang head on wall. Repeat.

To all non-okies, please accept my apology for the environmental, psychological, and financial damage caused to the country by "representatives" of my state (Inhofe & Coburn at the fed level, Kern and many many others at the state level...). Is there a more blighted state, representatively-speaking? Kern is a foul hag and it does not surprise me at all that she would say these things - it's horrifying that they ever let her near children.

Nice response from today's O'Colly, the campus newspaper at OK State; maybe there's hope! (?)

PS - Great poem Cuttlefish!

Aren't the rainbows really supposed to stand for diversity anyway?

"i know my Zeus would never condone such vile words in his name."

Zeus would probably be more like, "The flamers? That's Dionysus' department. I hurl thunderbolts. At pretty much anyone."

Aren't the rainbows really supposed to stand for diversity anyway?

But they're EVERYWHERE!

Last time I went to P-Town all I kept thinking was, "Oh, goody. Another gift shop filled with rainbow crap. Just what we need."

You see, Cuttlefish's mind is about 50 times faster than mine. Maybe more. It's at times like this when I realize why I'll never receive my OM. I mean, I realized I never would some time ago, but I need to be reminded once in a while WHY I never will.

My point, though...

I bet we all underestimate the number of people who will agree with her. On OKC? Man, she has a majority. This could move her up in the polls there.

Unlike Eliot Spitzer. Wow, that's dysfunctional. How's he going to last the day?

I hurl thunderbolts. At pretty much anyone."


(equal opportunity smiter)

Here's another disgusting misrepresentation and quotemine from the DI, this time by Anika Smith:

Darwinists are downright unhappy, so much so those at Florida Citizens for Science think academic freedom is "smelly crap."

This academic freedom stuff is merely the next evolutionary step as anti-science folks continue their attempts to shove creationism into the public school classroom. First, there was blatant creationism. Next there was intelligent design. Both failed miserably. Now comes along academic freedom. Same smelly crap, different packaging.


Of course that's transparently about the bill with the Orwellian name "academic freedom." Here's the rest of the quote:

I spoke with a reporter this morning about this bill. I had three basic things to say, but it looks like the media is picking up on some of this nicely on their own.

1 -- This academic freedom stuff is merely the next evolutionary step as anti-science folks continue their attempts to shove creationism into the public school classroom. First, there was blatant creationism. Next there was intelligent design. Both failed miserably. Now comes along academic freedom. Same smelly crap, different packaging.

2 -- Simply put, there are no other scientific theories challenging evolution. None. Nil. Zero. Zip. So, what is the academic purpose of this bill then?

3 -- This bill will fade away and die. Kinda like in Alabama. There were also threats of such a bill in Utah. And there was Oklahoma. And Maryland. Well, you get the point.

I'm not giving away any trade secrets here. These are just the ABCs of fighting the anti-evolution crowd.

Glen D

It's at times like this when I realize why I'll never receive my OM.

I wouldn't be too sure. Marisa Tomei called to congratulate me the day you guys awarded me one.

Next to belief in The Coming Armageddon (as a GOOD thing), I think the belief that "God punishes nations that fail to obey His Commandments" is one of the most dangerous, politically pernicious beliefs in Christianity. While not all versions and sects have retained it, there's more than enough Biblical support for it to remain in enough of them to interfere with rational government.

Really. If you believe that God notices and cares about the salvation of the community before He notices or cares about the salvation of the individual, there's none of that Jeffersonian "whatever my neighbor believes about God neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg" nonsense. It WILL break your leg -- when the country as a whole is punished. Thus, you've got a positive duty to stop people from doing things that harm nothing and no one but God -- in order to protect yourself from God.


well, at least get rid of all the rainbows

reminds me of something Dan Savage had to say on the subject of rainbows, at least peripherally. My google-fu is weak today; I couldn't find the original anywhere, so I'll paraphrase from memory:

something like "Driving around Seattle with a small rainbow on your car is not 'out'. 'Out' is driving through North Dakota with a huge bumper sticker that says 'Big Fag'".

Studies show, no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted for more than, you know, a few decades. . .

This - is - SPARTA!

According to Ms. Kern, Eureka Springs has been taken over by the 'homosexual agenda.'

In unrelated news the Homosexual Agenda for World Domination (HAWD) released the following statement:

Today Eureka Springs! Tomorrow the World! Bwa ha ha ha ha!

David Marjanović, OM

Would (almost) rhyme if that were the correct spelling. But no, it's Führer, and pronounced in a quite different way.

I'd counter that the poem is in English, and the rhymes-with-purer is actually the English pronunciation of the German word.

Listening to this crank, I think it's time to go on the offensive: let's teach biblical scholarship to students. I think kids need to know there's no evidence of Noah's ark, that there's no fucking way Israel existed before 900AD. That there's no evidence of King David, and there SHOULD be. That the Exodus is a complete fabrication, etc. And, hey, maybe scholarly views differ... then we should teach the controversy. Fuckers.

there's no way Israel existed before 900AD

er, 900 BC, rather.

Dammit. Why would she have to come from my state!

Tho, I'm not surprised, this is the most closed state in the union.

There are more churchs on each corner than their are gas stations (in some cases 3 churchs on some corners...its annoying)

"According to God's word"

Category: Kooks
Posted on: March 10, 2008 2:49 PM, by PZ Myers


Posted by: Cuttlefish, OM | March 10, 2008 2:55 PM

...how the hell?!

What people like Sally Kern cannot understand is this, it is parents who believe like she does that makes life hellish for those children who are GLBT. Too many young people have killed themselves off because they were rejected by their families and fell into despair. Too many young GLBT end up on the streets (And the shortened life expectancy that comes with street life.) because their parents kicked them out.

Of course, in her little tirade, there is no talk about how GLBT people destroy society. But, like most homophobes, she seems to be implying that being exposed to the idea of homosexuality makes people gay. Otherwise, why does she see it as a threat? Oh, yeah, right, the idea of homosexuality makes the invincible big sky daddy ill to the core.

"Shame on the person who didn't have the courage to come and say, 'I'm going to tape you and put it out on YouTube,'" she said.

What? She was too afraid to be this clear about her beliefs to the general public? Maybe she knows that if she kept things vague, she could deny she thought this way.

Shame on Sally Kern for not being truthful about herself.

By Janine, ID (not verified) on 10 Mar 2008 #permalink

What's 'OM?'

By defectiverobot (not verified) on 10 Mar 2008 #permalink

What is it with religious people and sex anyway? It seems the more fervent they are, the more hang-ups they have about human sexuality. The religious mind must offer all kinds of safe harbor for repression of all types, sexual and otherwise, to flourish.

I wouldn't be too sure. Marisa Tomei called to congratulate me the day you guys awarded me one.

Wow, that's motivational! Of course, I'd be compelled to tell my wife, who's about as hot and, for some reason I still can't figure out, married me (WHAT was she thinking??).

I posted the following on a political forum yesterday (www.demokie.com). Silly Sally Kern has constantly introduced bills pushing her religious/creationist views. So far, all were eventually defeated, except for one (HB 2211 'Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act' that is now in the Oklahoma legislature. We are vigorously fighting this bill. Five organizations, including Oklahomans for Excellence in Science Education (OESE) have issued press releases against this proposed legislation, which is identical to one that became law in Texas last year. The same bill has now been introduced in Arizona.

"One of her [Sally Kern] House colleagues that has to tolerate her told me: "She is dumber than a board!" Even some Republicans rolled their eyes at her words pushing HB 2211 in the House Sub-committee on Common Education. Much of her stuff likely comes from her spouse, the pastor of Olivet Baptist Church in OKC. He was ushered out (by the cops to his fancy convertible) at a lecture given by anti-creationist speaker Barbara Forrest at the OU Museum a couple of years ago. He was creating a disturbance by loudly shouting that he wanted equal time, no one was present at the creation so evolution is false, etc., etc.

His church also held a workshop for teachers where they were told that it was legal to teach creationism in science courses due to the Santorum 'amendment' to the No Child Left Behind bill. This is, of course, totally false as the Santorum stuff was NOT part of the law! It was only in a committee report and the Santorum words were not included in the law. We had someone who attended the workshop and made a full report."

A little secret?

See, there are three verses in the Bible where Ezekiel the prophet explains exactly why God took out Sodom and Gomorrah. Homosexuality? Nope.

In fact, if you look it up, you'll see it's got Sally Kern's name on it. Oklahoma may not be a safe place to be these days, if Sally Kern's close by: Ezekiel 16.48-51

Why don't these fools ever read their own blessed book?

Sally is busy, busy, with the Lord's work --

Also that year [2006], she introduced HB 2107, a measure that would have allowed teachers across the state to teach a range of scientific views on the theory of evolution. Supporters said the change would have given teachers the academic freedom to present the scientific debate on evolution; then students could think critically about the views and form their own opinions. Critics said it was a veiled way to bring religion into the classroom and teach intelligent design, which supposes that the universe is the work of an "intelligent cause."
The House passed the bill, 77-10. It died in the Senate.

(from http://newsok.com/article/3214388/1205182355)

I'm a member of the ACLU so that she can say her hateful, ignorant speech, and so that I can tell her to go fuck herself with shotgun. And I don't care that someone might overhear me say that.

-Lahoma, where the stoopid comes sweepin down the plain...
Where the wavin stoopid
Can sure smell stoopid
When the stoopid comes right behind the rain!

yeah, needs work.
But as a formert resident of the state in question, I do believe I have captured something of the essence that is Ok!lahoma.
Vic Hutchison excepted, of course.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 10 Mar 2008 #permalink

OM=Order of the Molly

the link is broken. The page currently links to a slide show sponsored by the LGBT. It is interspersed text quotes with pics of people holding signs. No sources, no video.

Now if she had just said that "Greys [big eyed aliens] are infiltrating the city council," that would interesting, albeit kooky. At least it could make a good X-Files episode.

Alas, it's just the standard hate-speech. And remember that for her, it's not hate speech if she as a Christian says it--she's just tellin' it as it is. But if you ever criticize her behavior as a Christian, then it's pure hate speech, persecution, etc. Help me, save me please, Ben Stein!!!!

Reminds me of a religious extremist in our state that told a reporter that she sees the world only in terms of black and white with respect to all controversial issues.

Sven: Thanks for 'excepting me,' but I assure you MANY in Oklahoma despise Kern and her ilk. I would also point out that, unlike the neighboring states of Texas, Kansas, Arkansas, and Louisiana, Oklahomans prevented creationist bills, textbook disclaimers, changes in teaching standards, etc., from becoming law for the past 10 years. Of course, we do have the current HB 2211 to continue fighting this year.

Although Oklahoma received an 'F' from the Fordham Foundation for teaching standards not mentioning 'evolution,' the standards (PASS) do call for teaching all of the principal concepts of evolution. The absence of the word 'evolution' was clearly a political maneuver. Some of the history of the past battles in Oklahoma is covered on the OESE web site (http://www.biosurvey.ou.edu/oese/). We have a long way to go, however, to be sure teachers teach what the standards require - the same is true in many states.

MLo- thanks for the link to the college kid's response, good to know that our universities, even in that state, continue to be bastions of reason. The writer chose to replace the word "homosexual" with the word "jew" to compare her to Hitler (though Hitler killed gays too, so it wasn't really necessary lol) but I'll go one further. If the word "nigger" was used instead, she would be resigning in disgrace by tomorrow. I guarantee it. I'm all for free speech, she has the right to say whatever she wants without fear of being jailed, but a hateful bigot like that has no business making laws in this country. The voters would oust her in a heartbeat if she'd said anything about just about any other minority group in the country. But we gays, contrary to her paranoid delusions, don't have the kind of leverage necessary to produce that groundswell of outrage. To a majority of this nation (and if I'm exaggerating there, it's definitely a majority of Christians in this nation) gays are not equal to straights. We apparently choose to find the same-sex attractive, so we can be discriminated against. If they had to admit that at puberty we went through the same shit they did, and had no choice in the matter, they wouldn't have a leg to stand on. We are an aberration and ungodly, so our rights really don't matter, because we represent one last outcast group that they can use their god to bash.

She said: "studies show" that those countries that have fully adopted the homosexual lifestyle don't last more than a few decades (or something very like that).
Does anyone know of a country which went down the gurgler after adopting the homosexual lifestyle? Is there a single case of a person becoming gay after following someone's example?

By Roger Scott (not verified) on 10 Mar 2008 #permalink


A quick peek over at Cuttlefish's den implies the verse was completed independent of PZ's post, hours earlier (the video's been making the rounds for a while now.)

Somehow I can't be disappointed. He may not be superhuman...er...supercephalopod...but he still rocks. :)

Replace "gay" and "homosexual" with "Jew" or "Bolshevist" or "Nigger" and you get a better understanding of the sort of people "social conservatives" and "Family Values" candidates really are. They're Nazis-redux.

By Andy James (not verified) on 10 Mar 2008 #permalink

I have been hanging out at Pam's House Blend longer than I have been here. I have found that after three or four years of reading that blog that there's still stuff that straight people have to learn. I used to think that Don't Ask, Don't Tell was something that protects the rights of gay people to serve in the military, for example, but it's another version of "Stay in the closet or else!", for example. There have been a quite a few times that I have stayed out of discussions because I knew that I didn't have the knowledge of the issue to have an informed opinion. This hag seems to be (in her mind) an expert on the matter because she memorized a few facts that reinforce her biases. It's the same thing that creationists seem to do too. They also seem to think that when people disagree with their ideas, it is because we are christian-bashing. Maybe if they stopped blaming their stupidity on being a christian, christians would get more respect in general. In the last few years I have gotten to the point that whenever someone is bragging (deadly sin, no?) about how pious and how devout they are, I really don't feel like I can trust them. The more they talk, the more slimey they seem to become. It just seems like decent Christians don't have to shout about it on tv or post blustery replies about liberals and gays on the Internet. They aren't doing it for applause.

#68 Does anyone know of a country which went down the gurgler after adopting the homosexual lifestyle?

Is there such a country? I'm from western Europe, and as far as I can tell there are no countries that are inhabited entirely by homosexuals. Although I believe there are countries where very large closets are popular...

She's just an evil witch. Evil beyond even her own warped imagining.

paul #67 wrote:

We are an aberration and ungodly, so our rights really don't matter, because we represent one last outcast group that they can use their god to bash.

Oh, you are far too pessimistic. They also bash Wiccans and atheists -- enthusiastically.

Roger Scott #68 wrote:

Does anyone know of a country which went down the gurgler after adopting the homosexual lifestyle?

She's just using the "study" of common sense. The actual quote is "Studies show, no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted for more than, you know, a few decades." That's TOTALLY EMBRACED homosexuality -- which, of course, entails outlawing heterosexuality, and putting all those who attempt opposite-sex coupling in jail.

Now, do the math. How many decades does that society have? Assuming no integration. Not many, huh?

You don't need no fancy-pants "study" to figure that one out. Or previous example of such a society, neither. Darn tootin'.

The following destruction of a wonderful state and song is unfortunately inspired by the present backward looking and ravening officials who have somehow lost touch with reality, offered with a tear and with apologies to Roger Hammerstein II) [the scansion may not be perfect]

Broad flat pate! Broad flat pate, gotta hood there mate!
Gonna rave you racist, sexist and peterfylers,
Pastor fer the cattle, polits and all haters!
Fevers, mores' the pity en the idiots roam,
Plen'y of air in cerebral dome,
Plen'y of room to swing a rope!
Plen'y of heart and plen'y of dope.

Oklahoma, where education's nothin' but a stain,
And the creos' bleat, their lord to meet.
When their wind makes our nation blush in shame.
Oklahoma, reps to constituents must lie,
Shout aloud not talk, and watch news faux- reason is they never wonder, why.
Your souls you have sold for a brand,
and the brand you believe in is bland!
And when we say--Yeeow! Dark ag-es here to-day!
We're only sayin' You're sling'in slime, Oklahoma! Oklahoma--Oi-vey!

Given that this wretch used to be a teacher, how about bets on who she "outed" for their own good. Maybe grades were lowered to accurately reflect good, Christianist values. Wonder if she was the liked or the hated teacher.

She most certainly did not voice her true opinions while running for office. Her words in the meeting support this and the Operation Harassment/Fundie march to local government warns officeseekers to avoid ever telling the public what they stand for. Dover should give an indication of why.

Representative Kern must have acquired her enlightened, tolerant attitude at the Olivet Baptist Church, where her husband, Steven Kern, is pastor. She certainly seems proud enough of her membership to list it on her official page.


Nice to see they have so many (Hitler) Youth activities on the weekly schedule. I'm sure they'd be happy to learn of their success in spreading the good word. Why not drop them a line?


By fontinalis (not verified) on 10 Mar 2008 #permalink

We are an aberration and ungodly, so our rights really don't matter, because we represent one last outcast group that they can use their god to bash.

Oh, you are far too pessimistic. They also bash Wiccans and atheists -- enthusiastically.

Oh c'mon. These morons hate everybody. Other Xians, especially the group run by the Antichrist, Catholics. Nonwhites. The Jews. THE MOSLEMS. The pointy headed intellectuals, scientists, wetbacks, nonwhites, Yankees, New Yahkers, and on and on.

I'm sure if you looked on this woman's To Hate and Kill List, >90% of the world's population would be on it.

I dont know whats worse.....homo's with agendas or the tenured professor, latte drinking, "I know more than you do and my daughters an atheist lesbian," crowd.

Equally cringe inducing.

The lady is entitled to her opinion. She gets a classy "whore, bitch, asswipe" bar-b-queing from the lady you folks are .

Don't you have some kids paper to grade?

By the way. I don't believe in God and have nothing against homosexuals either. However, a lot of them are pushy and irritating.

How DARE this woman call herself a Christian when she has power over men as a lawmaker & teacher.

1 Timothy 2:12
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Shame on you!

It is clear that you will burn in Hell for eternity for your blasphemy.

How do dimwits like this get elected to anything? And it's not jusk Oklahoma. It's depressing to realize there are morons like this serving in every state and the US congress. And they keep getting reelected. Either people are ignorant of who they are voting or really believe in the same things as these dopes.

Does anyone know of a country which went down the gurgler after adopting the homosexual lifestyle?

Ancient Greece. And we all know how spectacularly unsuccessful that civilisation was. Nothing good ever came out of ancient Greece...

a lot of them are pushy and irritating.

unlike yourself, right?



I just worked out the country that's headed down the gurgler... it's the good ol' god-fearin', bible-thumpin', bush-votin' US of A.

So there you have it. She was right, except for a couple of details: the country and the group causing the problem.

Homophobia bingo with RK.
homo's with agendas. Tick.
...and have nothing against homosexuals either. However... Tick.

Do you think House Bill 2211 would allow an Atheist student to put "The Christian Bible" down as an answer to an English Quiz question, "Give an example of a work of fiction:"?

On the bright side, the anti-Kern comments far outnumber the pro-Kern Comments.

Some "FIRE AND BRIMESTONE(sic)" comments from Tulsa World:


1. 3/10/2008 1:22:23 PM, FOR DECENT MORALS,
THANK YOU THANK YOU for trying to bring some decent morals back to this Country.
Rep. Kern has MORE people backing her on this issue than the ones for homosexuals.
GO REP. KERNS !!!!!!!!!!!

10. 3/10/2008 1:53:11 PM, hrw, tulsa
The homosexual lifestyle is perverted. It belongs in the closet, along with all the other unexceptable morals that have become lax in recent years. It is proven to be unhealthy with HIV, HPV, AIDS and a multitude of other side affects. If you condone this kind of sexuality then you are wrong morally.

12. 3/10/2008 2:00:01 PM, D, Tulsa
Thank you Mrs. Kern! As # 9 said, we are to just blindly accept others way of life otherwise we are labled as a bigot. I applaud you for going out on that limb and exposing part of what is wrong with our country. If God intended for like sexes to be together intimatly he would've made us to where both sexes could reproduce. All of those bashing Kern will see the error of their ways when Jesus comes back and takes the Christians, leaving the rest to fight it out amongst themselves. I personally can't wait for that day to come! You are in my prayers!

28. 3/10/2008 2:28:48 PM, Dawn, Tulsa
Well said Jack! I get so tired of Hollywood pushing the gay agenda down our throats! Every decent show on TV ends up having gay representation - why is that necessary? Now they are even showing them kissing and being intimate. Again, why is that necessary? I usually end up not watching the show anymore once they bring out the gays. I'm not a gay basher and I have friends that are gay, but I also feel that what goes on in the bedroom needs to be left there. My husband and I don't go around pushing our sexuality on people, why do the gays feel that they must do so?

63. 3/10/2008 3:34:38 PM, FILTHY PIGS,
Don't any of you perverted HOMOS bring the Bible into this. And YES, you PERVERTS, the Bible does speak against people of the same sex having sex, in the same scripture as it says not to have sex with animals.
How dare you PERVERTS disrespect MY BIBLE with your sick perverted filthy anal sex and try to say it is a decent lifestyle.
YOU FILTHY SICKO PIGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

82. 3/10/2008 4:10:38 PM, FIRE AND BRIMESTONE,
The Bible clearly states if man sleeps with man of same sex you will burn in the "Lake of Fire and Brimestone" and that is where your kind of perverted homosexual people need to be.

106. 3/10/2008 4:40:05 PM, SEND THEM TO CALLI,
I see you sure have ruffled the feathers of the perverts.
Keep up the great work.
Send all the perverts to California and build a fence around California and keep the contaminated perverts inside the fence. I for one do not want their homosexual diseases.

107. 3/10/2008 4:41:07 PM, John, Jenks
Hey, all you gays can take yourselves out of the state if you wish. You call not agreeing with you agenda hate speech but everyone of you spew out "hate" speech for those who do not accept you and your lifestyle. Course you expect everyone but yourselves to be tolerant.
We don't need your money and/or you. Go somewhere you are wanted if Oklahoma is so bad.
For those of you putting the Bible in the arguement that people should be tolerant. God told Adam and Eve to procreate. It did not say go forth and have fun with others of the same sex. Ya think that maybe there was a reason it was a man and woman instead of 2 women or 2 men? The reason is why you are here. There is no place in the Bible that tells people to condone the actions of sinners. You make up a lot of stuff that just isn't there. I believe that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their behaviors.

120. 3/10/2008 4:56:31 PM, KH,
You are right Ms. Kern, there is a crisis in this nation, but the one you refer to is not so much a disregard for scripture as simply another symptom of the lack of responsible fathers who leave the job of raising mature, God-fearing and woman-respecting, straight young men to single mothers equipped with neither the time nor means to do so. Such youth will either turn passive (gay) or aggressive (thug) in order to make a connection with their male peers and get the male afirmation they so desperately need. This is nothing new but obviously worth repeating. Its just unfortunate it couldn't been stated more eloquently rather than using the Bible as a sledgehammer and giving us okies another black eye nationally.

127. 3/10/2008 5:15:01 PM, John, TULSA
I'm glad Kern made those comments. Homosexuality is wrong and is a sin and all practicing homosexuals will suffer greatly, with diseases such as AIDS and social rejection in this lifetime and judgment in the next. We all should fear gays and what they do to each other and the confusion acceptance of this lifestyle places in the minds of our children (which gays cannot have naturally). Think about what they actually do to each other, ugh! That is sickness in an of itself. That shouldn't ever be allowed in any society. Sodomy is sickness, period. Homosexuality should be treated as a mental disorder, because it truly is a disease of the mind.

130. 3/10/2008 5:34:39 PM, Okielady, out of town
RW don't let the panhandles hit you in the rear as you leave.
Wy to go Mrs.Kern it is about time that our goverment stands up for morals.We need more of this and this shows that the Democrats have no morals.
God bless you Mrs.Kern's.

132. 3/10/2008 5:43:07 PM, JOHN IS SO RIGHT,
To #127.. JOHN
You are so right in your comment. I agree with you 100%. So do the majority of people.
The part of your comment....
is so true. What could be more repulsive than that.

137. 3/10/2008 6:08:54 PM, KERN ROCKS, Tulsa
So many people hate Okla. WHY Are you here. ??????
Why dont you leave????? The social progressive elites that
know all. see all,Why are you here????? San Fran,Western Europe,
and of course mud hit Africa plagued with AIDS will welcome
you with open arms. If you elitist would travel more you would understand being an open homo is a decatant western hobby.
Try and have a queer day parade in Russia or China,any Muslem country [just naming a few] At least in Oklahoma,you can be an flaming homo and no one will arrest you or beat you. OKLAHOMA.LOVE IT OF GET THE //// out.

158. 3/10/2008 7:31:57 PM, josiah, stilwell
thank you mrs. kern.
i cant wait for the economy to collapse
so people like myself can begin eliminating
the homosexual element from off the land.
the lesbian is no problem,once she gets a real man
shell never think about a woman again.
this whole perversion is because men forgot their place
in the kingdom of god,to take authority over their domain.
homosexuality must be destroyed.

161. 3/10/2008 7:41:04 PM, ken, Tulsa
freakin' homo's....shut up and go somewhere else!
162. 3/10/2008 7:41:47 PM, ken, Tulsa
just a cornhole away from being a 'homo society

A linked pair:

83. 3/10/2008 4:13:01 PM, The last,
The last person I heard saying things like what Rep. Kerns did was congregants from the Westboro Baptist Church. They think Marines die because of homosexuality, she thinks it's worse than terrorism. What a bunch of idiots. That's enough to make me know it's wrong right away.

86. 3/10/2008 4:13:46 PM, STAY THERE,
#83. Glad you are in California.... STAY THERE YOU PERVERT !!!

A pot calls a kettle black

92. 3/10/2008 4:20:26 PM, FORGIVE THEM,
From the comments posted on this site by the ones for "gay" people, I can easily understand their way of thinking because of the way they can not spell, which means they are just a bunch of ignorant lot and they do not know any better.
Forgive these perverts God for they know not what they do.

OK, I'm not saying that gays are the ONLY ones that they hate lol, I'm just saying that as far as the common view of things in this country, ethnic minorities and women, (and even let's say the left-handed because there's no more "choice" in these things than homosexuality) and all religions have won their dignity and equality through the law (I'm not saying it's Utopia, but at least theoretically the laws are there). Yet homophobia is rampant even in most moderate religious circles, and heavily rampant in our laws. There will always be tribal mentality, but come on, gays just are not at the point yet where we're seen as equal. Do you think even one Christian religious group is going to denounce the bitch? I doubt it, because it's mainstream to dislike the icky gays.

As a youngish gay atheist, I can say that my atheism has never come under fire, not directly anyway, mostly because (at least theoretically) religious freedom is sacrosanct in this country. I'm not going to be fired for being an atheist, my atheism's not going to influence whether I can adopt or marry. I really don't like coming across as a damn victimized gay (cuz my life ain't been that bad) but there's bad and then there's bad.

inkadu: er, 900 BC, rather.

*ahem* BCE. Using "BC" marks you as old/Christian/not a historian. You may not want to advertise those traits around pack predators such as are found in the Pharyngula comments section. ;-)

#27, you know who you are: whore.

That is flat out misogyny.

"...homo's with agendas or the tenured professor, latte drinking, "I know more than you do and my daughters an atheist lesbian," crowd."

Wow, where'd you get that fresh cliche? Cause we've never heard that one before, nope. Those craaaazy liberals, swilling their lattes and throwing their tenure around. (You forgot to include how we all drive Volvos, rk.)

I have nothing against smug conservatives. However, a lot of them are pushy and irritating.

Apologies of someone else has mentioned this but I just did a google search...she's on the Oklahoma Education Committee!!!!

Now that's just scary.


*ahem* BCE. Using "BC" marks you as old/Christian/not a historian. You may not want to advertise those traits around pack predators such as are found in the Pharyngula comments section. ;-)

I'm a middle-aged atheist curmudgeon. I see no point in going from BC to BCE or AD to CE when year zero remains the originally-guessed-at birth of Christ.

I also list patterns of change starting from the beginning, instead of "to 85 from 26." Brain plasticity only goes so far with me. I can't imagine how strange and frightening a place the world will be when I turn 38.

I'm a middle-aged atheist curmudgeon.

Pssst.. it's called "yanking your chain".

As a middle-aged (mid 40's, FSM I hate writing that), atheist curmudgeon who is also a history wonk... deal with it. ;-)

By the way. I don't believe in God and have nothing against homosexuals either. However, a lot of them are pushy and irritating.


"By the way. I don't believe in God and have nothing against homosexuals either. However, a lot of them are pushy and irritating.
Posted by: MAJeff, OM"

Chill out MAJeff.

Yes, a lot of homosexuals are "pushy and irritating".

So are a lot of:

Tall People
Short People
Average Height People
etc., etc.

Come on jaycubed, "By the way. I don't believe in God and have nothing against homosexuals either. However, a lot of them are pushy and irritating." is the same as "I'm not racist but..."

I'm not sexist but... *insert sexist comment*
I'm not racist but... *insert racist comment*
I'm not a homophobe but... *insert homophobic comment*

Paul #87 wrote:

As a youngish gay atheist, I can say that my atheism has never come under fire, not directly anyway, mostly because (at least theoretically) religious freedom is sacrosanct in this country. I'm not going to be fired for being an atheist, my atheism's not going to influence whether I can adopt or marry. I really don't like coming across as a damn victimized gay (cuz my life ain't been that bad) but there's bad and then there's bad.

Well, some atheists have been fired for being atheists, and adoption agencies -- particularly religious ones -- will often sink atheist applications to the bottom of the pile. A lot of people define "religious freedom" as the freedom to be religious. They throw "One Nation Under God" and "In God We Trust" around like battering rams.

I really don't want to get into a gay vs. atheist pissing contest on who gets dumped on more -- it really doesn't matter much. Sometimes it's one way; sometimes it's another. Both groups are seen as threatening -- particularly if they are "uppity" and explicit. I've spoken to more than a few gay atheists who said that their homosexuality proved to be much less divisive in their family than "coming out of the closet" about not believing in God anymore. Others have said it was the opposite.

Earlier, I wasn't trying to complain so much as console.

I really don't want to get into a gay vs. atheist pissing contest on who gets dumped on more -- it really doesn't matter much. Sometimes it's one way; sometimes it's another. Both groups are seen as threatening -- particularly if they are "uppity" and explicit. I've spoken to more than a few gay atheists who said that their homosexuality proved to be much less divisive in their family than "coming out of the closet" about not believing in God anymore. Others have said it was the opposite.

I joke that I'm everything my parents were raised to hate: A godless pinko faggot! The gay part threw mom into a religious crisis from which she recovered. The atheist has me in hell. The socialism they're getting closer to than they'll ever realize.

In some ways, the town in rural MN in which I was living (Mankato), and living on campus, made it easier to be gay than openly atheist. I can still remember saying that at a queer gathering in a restaurant and having the entire restaurant go deadly silent.

It's situational. But I can say that being gay has gotten me more public harrassment (like on the street/at work/in public bars) and death threats than has being an atheist.

I'm sure PZ has had a lot more death threats over his atheism than my homosexuality though :)

I really don't want to get into a gay vs. atheist pissing contest on who gets dumped on more

I'd say that atheists have fewer mechanisms of redress in any given state at this point in time.

-not that that is saying much.

I really don't want to get into a gay vs. atheist pissing contest on who gets dumped on more -- it really doesn't matter much. Sometimes it's one way; sometimes it's another.

Is there really much difference in the groups that despise homosexuals and the groups that despise atheists? Seem to be the same religious, patriarchical, moralistic, gender-locked bastards doing the hating on both groups.

Garculus (nee Graculus) - Like Grandpa Simpson, I just want attention.


Chill out MAJeff.

Just in case MAJeff doesn't return to the thread, I'll be the one to inform you that his comment was pure snark.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that MAJeff is a little "pushy and irritating," himself!


Garculus (nee Graculus)

I really hate having to type my info in all the time, because I have a chronic case of typo-itis.

*bad fingers* *bad!*

Just in case MAJeff doesn't return to the thread, I'll be the one to inform you that his comment was pure snark.
In fact, I would go so far as to say that MAJeff is a little "pushy and irritating," himself!

Maybe not pure, but pretty highly concentrated.

I'm going to be honest -- I'm bisexual and have been for years. But as a girl I've hardly gotten much more than a pat on the head for that.

Still, until recently I was annoyed when I would hear about gay civil rights (is that the term? ; ;) being brought up when I, in my unenlightened mind, though there were bigger issues at hand. I'm open-minded as they come, but I felt like there were bigger, more imminent issues at hand than whether or not same-sex marriages were allowed (after all, marriage as we have it in the U.S. is a Christian institution anyway, and as I'm not Christian...)...

I know there are semantics at hand in that issue, so let me just skip to my point -- after reading all of this, and hearing the audio, I now understand completely why the LGBT Alliance has been working so hard, and what a fight they have to deal with. I always just thought, in spite of my bisexuality, that their major aim was to elbow in and ruffle feathers, but ... I guess my eyes were just closed to the true hate that was involved.

So consider another paper-thin blinder pulled away from the eyes of this naive young girl today. Thanks, everyone, for speaking your minds and having the guts to know what's right even when crazy fanatics would say otherwise.

Ad copy for her next campaign:

"Here's to the crazy ones. The bigots. The fascists. The religious fanatics. The gay-bashers.


Hateful homophobic twit. I can't wait until she's drummed out of the House, as well she should be. And as a Christian who is also the wife of a pastor she's the last person to be whining about anybody allegedly "indoctrinating" others.

She should get out her Bible and read 1 Thessalonians 4:11 (assuming her copy has more than the six Clobber Verses). It's fitting for her type.

Pushy and irritating like we knock on your door at 10 in the morning, try to get inside your house and then tell you you're going to hell if you don't do what we say, oh and here are some pamphlets and a newsletter.

Heaven forbid that any group would do that eh?

By Richard Eis (not verified) on 11 Mar 2008 #permalink

Well I, for one, am seriously offended by Rep. Kern's statements. I thought that evolutionists were supposed to be a bigger threat than homosexuals! Come on, when did we get demoted? Although, thinking it over a bit...I suppose that homosexuals tend not to be religious fundamentalists (and I don't count people in denial, like Ted Haggard), so perhaps gay people accept evolution more than the average person - making them a double threat! OK, that must be Rep. Kern's reasoning. But...important question: do we straight evolutionists get spared the worse-than-terrorism gay wrath, or do we perish along with all the other breeders?

Rep. Kern: Disgrace to Humanity. Who the hell voted for this twit?

Here's to hoping her dreams are from here on in populated by 300 leather shorts-wearing Spartans explaining to her, with extreme prejudice, exactly how long civilisations can last when they embrace the gay lifestyle.

By Lilly de Lure (not verified) on 11 Mar 2008 #permalink

#108 And as a Christian who is also the wife of a pastor she's the last person to be whining about anybody allegedly "indoctrinating" others.

Ah, but they "save", which apparently justifies every hateful and evil thing they say and do.


Minor nitpick: There was no year zero!

Any way, this woman is pathetic. ECCCH!

OK, here is a Danish word that contains the exact diphthong found in Führer. (Hm. The boldface should actually end in the middle of the r here.)

At least the end in -er. Actually it's kind of fun to pronounce purer with a glottal stop.

With what? The glottal stop is what Cockneys say instead of t, it's the consonant at the beginning and in the middle of "uh-oh". A word-final glottal stop is present in each of these Japanese syllables, and in the middle of this word from a language spoken in central Papua New Guinea (strange world where this sound file is the easiest available...).

Oklahoma may not be a safe place to be these days, if Sally Kern's close by: Ezekiel 16.48-51

Why don't these fools ever read their own blessed book?


By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 11 Mar 2008 #permalink

I want to go on the record as speaking out for Christians in general, and Baptists in particular, who do not simply think differently than Kern, but find her point of view offensive and completely misguided, not to mention wrong!

I have a blog entry trying to articulate this as calmly and as clearly as I could manage. At the end of it there is a link to a leader of the Oklahoma Mainstream Baptists who also takes Kern to task.

Well you all should be happy with yourselves. You made poor Mrs. Kern feel bad. At least, that's how here husband, the good Pastor, tells it on the website of the Olivet Baptist Church (whose motto is "The End of Your Search for a Friendly Church").

In his own words:

"Wow! What a service we had Sunday. My wife, Sally,was attacked this weekend by hundreds of pro-homosexual e-mails from all over the world in response to quotes that were published on U-Tube, a pro-gay website. The e-mails after 3 days have risen to 3000. Much of the messages are filled with filth and hate. One such e-mail said, "You should have been aborted before you were born." I told the people about the situation and then preached a message on having God dwell amongst by following Paul's instructions in Philippians 4:1-9. During our prayer time in the middle of the service, Jack and Phyllis Poe (chaplains to our police) came up to the choir and hugged Sally and prayed for her. Sally is their state representative. At the end of the services Sterling Arntzen had Sally and I sit on the front pew so the people could surround us and pray. Gary Pound, our deacon chairman lead the prayer. It was a beautiful time."

"After the service, Sally and I went to lunch with the Poes. They told us an amazing thing. They knew nothing about what was happening to Sally when they came to worship at Olivet. They just felt a strong urging of the Lord to attend. After hearing what was happening to Sally they knew and we knew the Lord had sent them to lift Sally up. It was a confirmation to us all that God is doing something and is working in our behalf. It was obviously one of those "God things" we refer to at times. The church praying for us was a tremendous up lifting experience as well."

PS. You should check out their link to Events and Info


A call to see EXPELLED is top of the list. Talk about the blind leading the blind.

By fontinalis (not verified) on 11 Mar 2008 #permalink

cuttlefish, thats a simply amazing poem you have there, i nearly bust out laughing several times while reading it! (good thing i could contain myself, im at work right now)

#114. The person with Oklahoma Mainstream Baptists menioned is Dr. Bruce Prescott, a valuable Board Member of Oklahomans for Excellence in Science Education (OESE) and on the national board of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. He is always ready to help lobby against the crazies (like Silly Sally Kern). Indeed he went with me last week to the State Capitol to work agsinst Kern's awful 'Religious Viewpoints antidiscrimination Act.'

It is true that not all Baptists share Kern's hatred. In the south most states have 'Mainstream Baptist' organizations that oppose many of the ultraconservative stands of the Southern Baptist Convention. These state organizations work to return the Baptist Church to its original beliefs established by Roger Williams. They are quite liberal in many social views and are strong supporters of the separation of church and state - quite unlike most Southern Baptist groups.

BTW: I was raised a Baptist, but left the denomination many years ago.

Yeah, those gays are forcing their lifestyle on us with their agenda.

Just like those cripples who are FORCING their cripple AGENDA on us. Look at them FLOUTING their crippled lifestyle at us in catalogs, ads, TV and parking lots.

If GOD had meant people to go around in wheelchairs we would have been CREATED with wheels instead of legs!

Even that commie russkie jew F.D.Russavitch knew enough to hide & deny his twisted crippled lifestyle before he began BURNING IN HELL, along with Raymond Burr, Christopher Reeve, George Wallace & Lenin.

Their SICK & TWISTED agenda has even reached into our blessed Military. Did you know that your TAX DOLLARS go to support this unGODly crippled agenda by buying wheelchairs for disabled Veterans so they can FLAUNT their crippled lifestyle!

"Wow! What a service we had Sunday. My wife, Sally,was attacked this weekend by hundreds of pro-homosexual e-mails from all over the world in response to quotes that were published on U-Tube, a pro-gay website.


"After the service, Sally and I went to lunch with the Poes. They told us an amazing thing. They knew nothing about what was happening to Sally when they came to worship at Olivet. They just felt a strong urging of the Lord to attend. After hearing what was happening to Sally they knew and we knew the Lord had sent them to lift Sally up. It was a confirmation to us all that God is doing something and is working in our behalf.

Argh. I just wanted to point this out as a typical example of the incredibly lame and banal coincidences which seem to act as "amazing" confirmations from God for a lot of people. They've obviously lost or at least set aside any kind of clear-headed ability to analyze what is, and is not, contrary to all chance and natural expectation, so the only rational alternative is that they've experienced a miracle from God.

A religious couple who goes to church all the time decided to go to church on Sunday, and it turns out one of their friends was glad they were there. Sheesh, we atheists should just drop to our knees and convert on the spot. What else would it take, o stubborn ones?

Seriously, I get this kind of thing regularly from my parents, but not on messages from God -- on ESP. My mom had a dream about playing Scrabble, and two days later my Dad asked if she wanted to play Scrabble. Don't I think that's ... significant?

No. Of course, my parents aren't using the mysteriously communicated game of Scrabble suggestion or the existence of ESP to justify a divine mandate to keep homosexuals from demanding "special" (ie equal) rights, either -- so there's not the creepy, disturbing factor.

How many Christians agree that they would kill another human being "if I was ordered to by God -- but only if I was POSITIVE so don't worry?" Too many. Especially if this is their standard for being really, really sure they got His message right.

Wow. Look at all the hate! Whore, bitch, cunt, fucking twisted bitch, asswipe.

Nice. Dost thou protest too much?

She doesnt like gays and you don't seem to like Christians.

Is your hate any better than hers?

Original idiocy:

Wow! What a service we had Sunday. My wife, Sally,was attacked this weekend by hundreds of pro-homosexual e-mails from all over the world in response to quotes that were published on U-Tube, a pro-gay website.

Now change two words:

Wow! What a service we had Sunday. My wife, Sally,was attacked this weekend by hundreds of pro-Zionist e-mails from all over the world in response to quotes that were published on U-Tube, a Jew-controlled website.

Amazing how right-wing Republican talking points can be so easily made to resemble neo-Nazi or KKK propaganda.

It's been said before, but if this nutcase were raving about Jews, or black people or something, she'd be denounced as a psychotic bigot and out on her ass so fast her head would spin. But because she's slandering gays, she's got SUPPORTERS, she might even GAIN votes from this.

This idiot is actually claiming that teh gheys control teh intarwebs! Exactly the same bullshit that's been thrown around about Jews forever, with exactly the same evidence. None at all.

And before he pops up, I'll make a preemptive strike Gerry, you fucking twit!

By phantomreader42 (not verified) on 11 Mar 2008 #permalink

"Wow. Look at all the hate! Whore, bitch, cunt, fucking twisted bitch, asswipe.
Nice. Dost thou protest too much?
She doesnt like gays and you don't seem to like Christians.
Is your hate any better than hers?
Posted by: CM"

"All the hate"? I had to scroll quite a ways before I found any hateful speech.

While it is quite true that there are small-minded people who post comments on this site such as you have listed, they are a small minority. Some of them are hateful people too.

But I would suggest you compare the amount of hateful speech directed towards non-christians and "not-christian-enough-christians" on a christian or right wing web site with what you find here. For hatefulness, the so-called christians win big time.

(You might check my link for the Tulsa newspaper I listed in comment #87 above. The comments I posted are representative of the anti-gay comments therein, rather than a rarity.)

As for hating christians, I have neither the inclination nor desire to hate any group of people for any reason. That is a waste of energy & time. It is better to hate the cult but love the dupe.

That doesn't mean a so-called christian individual spewing contempt & hatred for others won't be the focus of some righteous anger. This is, after all, a site that actively promotes critical thought & atheism.

Yes. All the hate. Why sugarcoat it? Mocking, making fun of, denegrating.....it's all the same. And really no different than what you are accusing her of.

And I dont know......"spewing contempt and hate".....is a little harsh. She feels a threat to what she believes in and certainly has the right to talk about it.

"We all have our jew" as Arthur Miller once said. It would appear that the jews around here are Christians.

I don't agree with them/her either.....but I am not compelled to call her names. It reeks of insecurity.

Yes. All the hate. Why sugarcoat it? Mocking, making fun of, denegrating.....it's all the same. And really no different than what you are accusing her of.

Opinions and ethnicity or sexual orientation aren't the same.

Opinions can be changed.


Still being rather dim, eh. By using the word "you" (everyone posting here) as you (the individual) continue to, you (the individual) are creating a straw man so you can knock it down. I would guess you're an Bill Orally fan as this is one of his favorite technique.

"Why sugarcoat it?" "She has a right to talk about it." Like anyone she has the right to say whatever she likes, even "spewing contempt & hate" as she does in her speech.

Anyone else also has the right to speak against her. To call her on her hatefulness and ignorance.

But CM; I don't see any rebuttal to my assertion, backed with observational data, that there's far more hate speech emanating from your side of the argument than from this site. I would assert that there are single posts at the Tulsa World site that contain more hatefulness than the total comment thread here.

My wife, Sally,was attacked this weekend by hundreds of pro-homosexual e-mails

...and there lies the problem with these people. They are simply unable to see past their own homophobia and irrational fear to the fact that by and large, most of the negative commentary had nothing to do with homosexuality, and everything to do with the inappropriateness of her behavior as a human being, let alone an elected representative.

These two likely feed on each other's delusions; reinforcing the delusions over and over again.

some people just shouldn't be married, let alone pretend to act as representative.

C'mon y'all. CM's got a point. After all, rabid anti-gay bigotry just isn't a big deal, and an elected representative spreading that bigotry while also spouting flat-out lies also just isn't a big deal. There's nothing here worth getting upset about. Particularly if you've been the victim of--or love someone who's been the victim of--such bigotry and are expressing anger or frustration that this bullshit continues. No, you folks should just shut the fuck up.

See? A perfectly reasonable position.

Dim. I guess thats a swipe at me. I don't consider myself "dim." And I do not like O'Reilly or Fox news. I'm not a Republican or a Christian. If that's where you are going. When I see a group of people kicking the shit out of someone my reaction is not to join the ass-kicking, but to pull the poor soul out of there. Regardless of the crime. Apparently many around here would rather have a kick or two.

"I don't see any rebuttal to my assertion, backed with observational data"

Oh brother.

"Straw man that I can knock down?" Why would I need a straw man? Read the posts. True, not everyone called a "kook whore bitch".....but a tone of ridicule runs through the entire commentary.

The tone is "we are smarter and better" than this woman and those who think like her. Maybe so. Maybe not. It's certainly not a given.

There is underlying smugness around here that is really a turn off.

Yeah. Defend the gay basher because she's godly.


Defend the gay basher because she's godly.

No, defend the gay basher because she's a poor powerless state representative who is being ridiculed in a blog thread.

There is underlying smugness around here that is really a turn off.

Shorter version of CM: I'm OK with her gay-bashing. It's no skin off my nose.

When I see a group of people kicking the shit out of someone my reaction is not to join the ass-kicking, but to pull the poor soul out of there. Regardless of the crime.

then you are fooling yourself, both as to the nature of what is being derided and why, and whether your reaction has value for any concerned.

what she did is NOT a crime (unfortunately). aside from ridicule and derision, and calling for her ouster as a representative, how else should one react to fear and hate mongering in an elected representative?

I suppose you would have been quite happy to defend McCarthy from negative criticism as well?

I rather think "Dim" a tame label for your lack of thought on the subject.

There is underlying smugness around here that is really a turn off.

funny, but I was thinking that of you, reading your post.

CM, it's nice to see concern
For poor, pathetic Sally Kern;
Ms. Kern, of course, has every right
To fight The Good And Christian Fight
Against the evil, godless gays
Who flaunt their filthy, sinful ways;
The Constitution guarantees
That comments such as hers, and these
Contained within this comment thread
You found offensive when you read
Are--every one-- protected speech.
So Sally Kern's allowed to preach,
And we're allowed to call her vile,
And she can take it with a smile.

Complain about the comments here--
It is your right, of course, my dear;
If speech like ours is fined or banned
It is a sad day for our land--
Free speech is good; free speech is nice
Free speech, though, comes at quite a price:
It isn't really free, we learn--
We pay by hearing Sally Kern.

(Oh! "The ballad of Sally Kern" is now available on YouTube!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcQk2rHPRMo )

Ah, Cuttle, soon we'll all be saying..

we knew you when.

Now see, that's what I mean. If Cuttlefish's poetry isn't proof of God for us, it's not likely we'll be convinced by the AMAZING coincidence of a couple deciding to attend church on the very same day their friend wanted to see them...

Gee, Cuttlefish, if I become an insipid concern troll, will you put me in your next poim?? Pretty please?

CM, you have taken cultural relativism to a new low. Did you stand up for poor, misunderstood Jerry Falwell in his hour of need as well? Strom Thurmond? Jesse Helms? Marge Schott? Your concern is miles off the mark here.

I will, however, concede that I am uncomfortable with the degree to which certain perjorative terms are deployed on threads in which the featured offender happens to be female. Neither Sally Kearn's vitriolic opinion nor her abysmally poor judgment in expressing same have anything to do with the fact that (in all likelihood) she has a vagina. Hence, I see little point in using throwaway insults such as 'bitch' or 'whore' when 'shit-for-brains bigoted asshole' would be more to the point--with the added bonus of being gender-neutral. Carry on.


Brilliant as always APPLAUSE!
CM, if Cuttlefish's verse can't get you to understand the point that he and others have been trying to get through to you, you are beyond hope.

DanioPhd said:

Hence, I see little point in using throwaway insults such as 'bitch' or 'whore' when 'shit-for-brains bigoted asshole' would be more to the point--with the added bonus of being gender-neutral. Carry on.

Agreed, I was going to post a similar point myself, misogynist insults such as these are not really justified no matter how hate-filled the ignoramus they are being directed towards. The point surely is that she is a hatefilled ignoramus, not that she happens to be female.

Also, am I the only one who thinks that calling her a "whore" is a gross insult to the whore community?

By Lilly de Lure (not verified) on 12 Mar 2008 #permalink

"You're thinking in a way too complicated way. It's teh libruls. Who else?"

Satan, obviously.

By Ian Gould (not verified) on 12 Mar 2008 #permalink

Lilly de Lure said:

Also, am I the only one who thinks that calling her a "whore" is a gross insult to the whore community?

Ordinarily I wouldn't be remotely qualified to make such a determination. But, thanks to current events surrounding the recently resigned Governor of NY, I've had an opportunity to compare various sound bytes from representatives of the world's oldest profession with those of Rep. Kern. Funny thing, the 'whores' come out sounding much more tolerant, kind, and non-judgmental than the god's word girl Sally. So yes, I daresay they would be a bit insulted at the insinuation that she was 'one of them'.

CM - People may not be big fans of Christianity here, but Kern isn't being criticized for being Christian - she's being criticized for hating gay people. Since the two central edicts of Christianity (at least as stated in the Bible) are to love God, and love others, hating gays doesn't really seem to fit in with being Christian (at least in theory). (Of course, as with many, I'm guessing she's skipping the parts about taking care of the poor and orphans and all that - after all, the two(?) verses criticizing homosexuality are MUCH more important.) And of course, her comments (and her lack of public voicing of her opinions of gay people) indicate that she is 1) unwilling to be truthful and 2) unwilling to fight for her principles and to accept the consequences of them.

So, people don't need to criticize Kern for being Christian. They can, instead, criticize her for being a bigoted dishonest hypocrite with the moral strength of tissue paper. In addition, such criticism isn't contingent on her being a woman - amazing enough, lots of men are criticized for being stupid and vicious in this particular way. Thanks for playing, though.

Hey, CM, you sound very much like that "fred thompson" bullshiter from Downloadsquad (link to freddy taking a decent beating):

This all-too familiar attempt to masquerade dumb bigotry as "socially enlightened commentary"... All too similar. Or are you revised-model (rev 3.x) neocons all wired to act that way?

"I'm not gay bashing"

Uhm, yes you are!!

"I'm not gay bashing"
Uhm, yes you are!!

hell, next I bet he'll tell us he even has gay friends!


You're thinking in a way too complicated way. It's teh libruls. Who else?

Satan, obviously.

Aren't they one and the same?

Sally Kern just wants us purer...
Right. Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer.

Would (almost) rhyme if that were the correct spelling. But no, it's Führer, and pronounced in a quite different way. You know what the French u is like? That's it. I'll try to find a soundfile.

Absolutely wonderful poem apart from this, though!

Since the Soviet Union has fallen, I'm not sure who's funding the Homosexual Agenda™ and our attempts to destroy the family and society. It could still be the Joos, who were also behind communism, but my bet is on the Free Masons. They've been at this shit for a while. Those Saudis have been getting tricksy lately, too, though.

You're thinking in a way too complicated way. It's teh libruls. Who else?

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 10 Mar 2008 #permalink

OK, here is a Danish word that contains the exact diphthong found in Führer. (Hm. The boldface should actually end in the middle of the r here.)

At least the end in -er. Actually it's kind of fun to pronounce purer with a glottal stop.

With what? The glottal stop is what Cockneys say instead of t, it's the consonant at the beginning and in the middle of "uh-oh". A word-final glottal stop is present in each of these Japanese syllables, and in the middle of this word from a language spoken in central Papua New Guinea (strange world where this sound file is the easiest available...).

Oklahoma may not be a safe place to be these days, if Sally Kern's close by: Ezekiel 16.48-51

Why don't these fools ever read their own blessed book?


By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 11 Mar 2008 #permalink