Denverites! Important venue change!

Around 5 on 3 July, we're meeting up in Denver … but we've changed the location! We will be meeting at the Wynkoop Brewing Company, where we have a room of our own reserved for 50 people. That should be enough, right?


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Get me in my 1977 Chevy pickup with KBCO blasting from the radio, head up for a trail run at the Dakota Ridge Red Rocks Trail near the I-70 geologic cutout (the hypoxia makes the colors seem even more intense), then back to town to the Wynkoop Brewing Company for a few pints of Railyard Ale and…
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Good choice imo. Better beer than the rock bottom. What is it reserved under?

back to lurking.

Ask for "The Landing" Room upstairs. It's reserved under PZ Myers. I didn't want to have to spell or pronounce "Pharyngufest".

My son (sophomore @ CU, biochemistry & MCDB majors) and I will be there. As he is not yet of legal age in THIS country I'll do the buying of the adult beverages for you.

Thanks for the update on the venue.

When are you bringing your traveling road show to the South. We can have a great Pharyungulite meeting over some oysters, BBQ, and boiled peanuts.

Oh, and bourbon.. Lots of bourbon.

I'd never been to an AG before but you, PZ, my favorite blogger, were speaking so I couldn't wait! Then my one and only daughter made her wedding date July 5th. I will have fun here in southern Arizona, but will be thinking of you all on the third at five. Cheers!

"The Landing Room" you say? cool. my gf liz and I will be there. hooray!

Awwww man....I live in Atlanta but will be out of town through Jul 18th. Curses.

I think the wife and I can make this one.

Not that any of you wouldn't...BUT TIP THE WAITERS WELL! I've been working in restaurants for 7 years and Christians have a horrible name for leaving terrible tips (accompanied by a Jesus pamphlet and a "testamint"[spelled correctly]). Now, of course most of you aren't Christian...but my point is, you don't want any talk flying around the restaurant industry that Atheists are obnoxious and poor tippers! We already are called godless (which they think is an insult! ha!), but let's not add "rude" and "thoughtless" to the list :-)

By Chris (in Columbus) (not verified) on 25 Jun 2008 #permalink

Crap - I'm out of town over that weekend.

Oh well - maybe next time.

Ooh! I am planning on going and dragging along a friend of mine who's above the drinking age.

So... I count around 14ish people so far.

Linda K says to be there, so I'll try to be there.

I haven't been to the coop for a year or so and I'm really looking forward to meeting some good old fashioned rational people. We'll see you next week.

By charlie Snyder (not verified) on 25 Jun 2008 #permalink

I will be there....looking forward to the gathering

Much better choice. I regret that I am not in Denver now.

If you want to get a head-count, I'd suggest creating a thread and telling people to respond once (and only once) if they plan on making it. Count up the comments, and you'll have a head-count.

And, yeah, I'll plan to stop by.

A pleading:

I lurk, yet still I would like to come.

If anyone is leaving from Fort Collins and would like to offer a poor (car-less) grad student a ride, that grad student would be grateful.

That grad student can offer gas money and sarcasm.


Noted, and I'll see everyone there.

Is there a list we have to get on?

By Tim Stack (not verified) on 26 Jun 2008 #permalink

I'll be in Atlanta 12-16 July for GECCO.

Is that South enough?

Yeah Atlanta is south for sure but I was thinking Charleston, well only because that's where my Cage is.

Maybe I'll schedule business trip to our warehouse that week.....

I can probably make the Atlanta trip, once we have a schedule for personal appearances, but agree with Rev. BigDumbChimp, Charleston is so much better. Not only is it home to him and me, it has much better food and drink and food and drink and beaches and food.

Ciao y'all

Excellent! This is a MUCH better place! Good choice!

C-y'all there!


By CitizenVA (not verified) on 26 Jun 2008 #permalink

Count me in!

Woo-Hoo! I suggested it first and someone heard.
But wait, I live 860 miles away.
Oh well.
Someone have an IPA for me, willya?

Okay, Wynkoop it is!

Personally, I doubt there'll be 50 people, but should be more than 20.

By minusRusty (not verified) on 26 Jun 2008 #permalink

awesome, the Wynkoop is a better place, and it's owned by a GEOLOGIST.

good times.

I hope to make it.

are you going to be speaking formally Dr. Myers? or just milling around drinking with the masses?

I love the Wynkoop! Railyard is one of the best microbrews I've ever had.

not only is the owner a geologist, but he's the mayor of Denver as well.

FYI, Denver Atheists (on currently shows 14 "Yes" and 8 "Maybe" entries prior to changing the venue to Wynkoop. The venue change shouldn't affect the headcount much. I don't know how many people from there have posted here, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were some overlap (besides me, of course).


By minusRusty (not verified) on 26 Jun 2008 #permalink

It is a four hour drive to Denver but it will be well worth it. See you there.

I forgot about this, but Wynkoop is also where the monthly Cafe Scientifique is held.

By minusRusty (not verified) on 26 Jun 2008 #permalink

I'll be there, but I'm not drinking IPA for *anybody*!

By LightningRose (not verified) on 26 Jun 2008 #permalink

I'll do my best to make it, and I'm going to try to drag along my friend who introduced me to this blog in the first place, as well.

Oh, and Tom (#27) - I'll have two IPAs for you, if that's what it takes to keep everybody happy.

Erik in Ft. Collins,

I might have a ride for you. I'll let you two coordinate (i.e., expect an e-mail).

By minusRusty (not verified) on 26 Jun 2008 #permalink

Thanks, wingerx.
And cheers!

I would like to attend.
-John Stockwell

By John Stockwell (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

My son(sophomore at UC-D)and I plan on attending. If anyone needs a ride from the Broomfield area let us know.

It's that old hometown religion that is going to make your event difficult. There is a Colorado Rockies hometown game that night, with a fireworks promotion. Parking will be expensive.

I may have an experiment wrapping up then ... I hope you guys are staying late!!!

Dr. Myers,

It is my true regret that I will be unable to attend. I was in Colorado this past week on vacation, but came home to Iowa yesterday. It would have been a pleasure to speak with you in person. I hope to do so someday.

Oh, and if you get the chance, visit New Belgium Brewing Company in Fort Collins while you're there. Great beer, terrific environmental stewardship. I recommend it.