
I'm getting some email from local people wanting to get together while I'm here in LA. The best opportunity is tonight (Friday, 26 September), when I'll be speaking downtown at Libros Revolución, at 312 W. 8th St (between Broadway & Hill streets). We're scheduled to start at 7:00pm, but due to the curiously static nature of evening traffic in LA, we'll probably offer a little leeway and may start a little later than that…and of course, if you can't make even our delayed starting time, I'll be hanging about afterwards, probably seeking out some nearby watering hole. So come whenever!


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TWO polls to crash for the price of one!

Ditched Letterman Rips Into John McCain

If you're going to cancel on Dave Letterman, apparently you need a better excuse than trying to save the country from financial doom.

The always-irritable 'Late Show' host was set to have John McCain on his show on Wednesday until the Republican presidential candidate halted his campaign (and show appearance) in order to tend to the financial crisis. Letterman didn't appreciate that too much.

Letterman's anger was:
Unjustified - 59%
Justified - 41%
Total Votes: 19,309

Should McCain reschedule?
No, not after this - 59%
Yes, make it up - 41%
Total Votes: 16,074

By themadlolscien… (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

From the link in #3

"Witchcraft is a sad reality in many parts of Africa, resulting in scores of deaths in Kenya over the past two decades. Bishop Muthee's blessing, then, was simply a reflection of his cultural understanding of evil. While others are not obliged to accept his interpretation, all can be expected to respect it. More than that--Muthee should be hailed for asking God to shield Palin from harmful forces, however they may be manifested. And for this he is mocked and Palin ridiculed?"

Am I reading this correctly? Haven't the scores of deaths in Kenya over witchcraft been deaths of those people accused as witches? Then isn't it really really bad to "respect" his "interpretation"? I mean, bad if you care about people, that is. Seriously, have I misread or misinterpreted his comment?

Dammit. That probably means you expect this talk to be really good, instead of a formality standing in the way of beer, don't you?

Seriously, have I misread or misinterpreted his comment?

No, no, you read it right. The principle is simple: if someone hears voices in their head, goes on a bloody killing spree, before you decide how you are to view these actions, you must first ask yourself the following question: is this part of the spectrum of their traditional, cultural beliefs?

If yes, it's all good. Let them be. It's their religious right. Mob justice, hounding isolated and terrified old women out of town or stoning them to death, it's all cool.

I can make anybody sound awesome with wacky sound effects. boig boing duba dubadubaduba schwiiiing

Guinness, right?

Will you be singing too, Pee-Zed?

Tonight. Tonight.
It all began tonight.
I saw you and the world went away.

Tonight. Tonight.
There's only you tonight.
What you are, what you do, what you say.

Hey, I didn't know you'd be in LA proper, I thought it was only Long Beach. You're walking distance from my place! There is this debate that I really wanted to see, but I'll try to peek in afterwards and drag my better half.

For post-event libations, I would recommend the Broadway Bar: 830 S. Broadway.

Holy shit! I just watched a clip of Amy Goodman announcing martial law will be declared October 1st. It's over on YouTube - does anyone know if that's genuine, or a hoax?

Hey, can any Ottawans present who expect to show for the Clocktower thing tomorrow at 8 show hands here? I want to know if it's worth/necessary calling them to tell 'em to put aside some tables.

Hey, can any Ottawans present who expect to show for the Clocktower thing tomorrow at 8 show hands here? I want to know if it's worth/necessary calling them to tell 'em to put aside some tables.

I'll be there by 8:30PM or so, I can't get there for 8:00.

By Epinephrine (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

Patricia... 13, I miss you. baby. Hey I've got a Harley on loan here in LA bwap bwap bwap!!!

The title of the piece was obviously not written by the DN crew. That's not martial law it's just another thug agency, although it seems a direct violation of possa kmatata or however you spell that.

Amy used to do some spoof stuff with us back in the day, but she plays it totally straight these days.

Back in the day she used to play some of my stuff in the break zippers on DN but not any more, too weird.

Whatever, she knows what she's doing, we love her.

Oh boy, this could be a SciBlog fiesta...

Hey Scooter in the wind again! My ol' bike is a 57-93 model. My dad and my husband built it for me out of spare parts. You know how spare parts get that way right? Because they don't work! It took three years to get the thing to run. It's the damndest thing you've ever seen. The battery box is welded to the frame right behind the front wheel.

AJ Milne @ #15:
Count me in for the PharynguFest. Anybody interested in meeting there early for dinner?

Dammit, PZ, I thought you meant La (Louisiana), not LA at first, but alas, no one ever comes to this state that doesn't live here...

Patricia My ol' bike is a 57-93 model.

I got one of them, too. It's a 68-79 triumph.

I'll try to get a pic of PZ sittin on the Harley in front of the Queen Mary.

Okay, so the contingency plan if any of us Westside Pharyngulites miss the talk at the bookstore, is to crash the Broadway Bar and/or 626 Reserve. Now, what to wear? "Bad Samaritan" or "Teach the Controversy"?

Libros Revolución

It figures PZ would be hanging out at some communist joint.
Anybody shocked by this?
Maybe he should talk about T. D. Lysenko and his influence on genetics.
Or how BHO is really a "middle of the road" liberal.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

EricA, do you have a real point behind your idiotic snark? So far you haven't presented a cogent argument.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

I'm sure that when Scientist debate questions of importance they often use words like idoit and moron. You know, real Scientists, not the usual "bottle washers and button sorters".
Anyway I wouldn't know I'm just a lowly engineer.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

when Scientist debate questions of importance they often use words like idoit

I know I use idoit a lot when debating idiots. It adds a sense of irony to it all.

Sure wished I put the I in the right place...
To think of all those years wasted worshiping Santa.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

EricA, I worked in a department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for many years, and I do not talk down to people because they are Engineers. I talked down to you because you have no idea what a real communist really sounds like. I do have some experience in that topic, since the university I attended for my undergraduate work was "radicalized" during the Viet Nam war.
I can state firmly that PZ shows none of the rhetoric that the radical groups espoused. I got to know that rhetoric reading flyers while waiting for busses, in meal lines, and for classes to get out. So your implication that PZ is a communist is a flat out lie due to your own ignorance. Here's a tip to become smarter. Question everything. Look for the source of what is said and find out how reliable they are. If Ann Coulter says something, question it to see if it is Truth versus Truthiness. There is a lot of Truthiness out there.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

It figures PZ would be hanging out at some communist joint.
Anybody shocked by this?
Maybe he should talk about T. D. Lysenko and his influence on genetics.
Or how BHO is really a "middle of the road" liberal.

Yeah PZ loves Lysenko. And of course communism is based on Lysenko's theories so of course PZ would be in favor of both.



Are you drunk?

"I'm sure that when Scientist debate questions of importance they often use words like idoit and moron. "

No, the capital-S Scientists are much more likely to throw around third-grade right-wing insults like "communist" and "Hussein".

Seriously, do you have to work at being this inane or does it come naturally to you?

AJ Milne @ #24:
Sevenish at the Clocktower for dinner sounds fine to me.

Patricia @ 19 & Scooter @ 22 My bike is a 77-78 Suzuki... I feel like a piker. Please DO get a pic of PZ on the Harley, it would make a wonderful image. I'd also love to see what a 57-93 model looks like.
Hope y'all have fun!


Eric, I'm not a scientist (or a Scientist, for that matter) either and yet I usually don't feel I'm spoken down to by those who are - well, apart from that time someone slagged off Communications graduates.

Maybe it's not your profession/discipline that's the problem...

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

Yeah, I too doubt PZ is a CPA member or any such. But I see a lot of socialism in some of his comments and those of his friends on this site. I think it colors his political opinion. It's for the moment a free country and he can have whatever opinion he cares to have. It is after all HIS site.
But what disturbs me is that people here are always of the opinion that PZ is an expert in Biology, then if you dissagree with him on politics, then you must be an idiot.
Yes there is truth on both sides, how about more debating and less name calling.
I know too many people who buy into creationism. They are not stupid, the are just poorly educated in Biology.
I had two corses in high school and one 100 level class in college, many years ago (1976). And that little bit is a lot more that most people.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

Yeah, I too doubt PZ is a CPA member or any such

Yet you make comments like

It figures PZ would be hanging out at some communist joint.
Anybody shocked by this?
Maybe he should talk about T. D. Lysenko and his influence on genetics.

Are you just trolling?

But I see a lot of socialism in some of his comments and those of his friends on this site. I think it colors his political opinion. It's for the moment a free country and he can have whatever opinion he cares to have. It is after all HIS site.

Socialism or just run of the mill liberalism? Are you one of those that likes to brand any hint of liberalism as being a socialist?

But what disturbs me is that people here are always of the opinion that PZ is an expert in Biology, then if you dissagree with him on politics, then you must be an idiot.

This sentence is confusing. Please explain.

Yes there is truth on both sides,

Both sides of what? Creationism vs. Actual science?

Um what parts of creationism has truth?

Or did you mean something else.

I was referring to politics Rev. There isn't much to disagree about concerning evolution.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

You've come here and acted antagonistic Eric, people are going to act negatively towards you. Be positive and constructive, then you might get somewhere.

EricA, what you call socialist talk is really just liberal talk. I really haven't seen any calls to have the government totally control power generation and distribution, or communications just to give two examples of what real socialism implies. You have been listening too much to the right wing commentators, who think anybody who doesn't vote the way they do is either a liberal, socialist, or communist, and mix the three up into "just bad". This is what I mean about questioning the source and seeing if it is Truth or Truthiness.
Just for the record, I have never met a ticket I haven't split, which make me a middle of the roader. But the neocons would call me a liberal or socialist since I don't march and vote in lockstep with them. That makes what they call me Truthiness, not Truth.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink


But I see a lot of socialism in some of his comments and those of his friends on this site.

We're not all in the USA, either. Canada is pretty liberal compared to the USA, not at all surprising that the Canadians here come across as liberals.

By Epinephrine (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

I was referring to politics Rev. There isn't much to disagree about concerning evolution.

Ok then why make the suggestion that someone who is a practicing biology educator would even entertain Lysenko while tying that to communism (as weak a connection that is)? It reeks of "trollism".

Red. I think the same does apply to Air America, The New York Times. and most of the cast of MSMBC.
And a socialist is some who wants to take my little bit of money and spend it on those who will vote for socialism.
In my opinion.
And by the way..what democrat was talking about taking Gov. control over the oil industry?

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

EricA, define socialism. I think you are doing it wrong. I want to see how wrong.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

Lysenko was a product of good soviet political science. I thought the commies at Libros Revolucion might like to here about that little bit of soviet history.
After Stalin, well they tried to keep that mess quiet.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

And your point was?

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

Socialism supports to be a society where everyone is equal and the means of production and the whole of the economy is controled by the govt.
The problem is that untill energy, food and materal stuff is in Star won't work.
I'm not a slave.
But I think most liberals want me to be dependent on their
social controls.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

As we have seen in the history of the CCCP, some people were a little more equal that others.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

How many people here do you honestly think support a pure socialist government? Most people support a mixture between socialism and capitalism as it seems to be the most stable form of government out there. Taking one ideal is going to inevitable lead to chaos because it neglects human nature. We are social creatures and we need to work together. At the same time, we are individuals and not everyone's needs are the same. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone here who wants a purely socialist government, so don't just dismiss the people here as socialists because all you do is use your outdated misconceptions as a means to not listen.

Where is the thread about the debate which just ended a few minutes ago?

I never bothered to listen to Obama before tonight. He was much better than I imagined. Obama talked about the importance of science education, something McCain was obviously not interested in. Obama sounded very knowledgeable, and he had a lot of good ideas. McCain looked old. I bet most people who used to be undecided are now thinking about voting for Obama.

You appear to have found a textbook definition, and then derail it with illogic.
For example, in this country, are not all men are created equal and have equal rights under the law? Why then do you state in socialism all people are equal. They are now. However, by including that statement you seem to be implying that people aren't equal now. Which is the case?
Then you bring in slavery. There is no slavery in socialist countries like Sweden. To say or imply so is a bald faced lie. More illogic
Yes, things cost money. What does that have to do with the form of government? So few words, so much illogic.
About the only thing mentioned at this site that is even remotely socialist is universal health care. But most of the rest of the civilized world has UHC, so it isn't anything really socialist to talk about it.
You would help your cause if you could make a cogent argument without resorting to jingoism.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

I used to work for Novozymes a Danish company. The American Factory produced twice the profits than the location in denmark with one third of the work force and less that half the labor cost. Where did the company profits go?

The went mostly to the danish state. The company was forced
to pay more for each employee in denmark and have three times as many people doing less than the employees in the US.
We paid for their free health care.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

Lysenko was a product of good soviet political science.

Soviet yes, Communist no.

If you even think that Stalin was a "good communist" or that soviet practices were "good communism" you might want revisit your history. Sure some of the socialist aspects were prevalent but totalitarianism was the driving force, not communism as laid out by the original subscribers.

Stalin wasn't motivated by communism. He was motivated by paranoia, psychological problems brought on by a horrible childhood similar in many ways to Saddam Hussein and a drive for power. Lysenko was a product of this in many ways, but is in no way representative of socialism or for sure liberalism. Something you seem to have tried to make the connection.

Slavery is a social-economic system under which certain persons are deprived of personal freedom and compelled to work.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

Ray - Sorry I am ignorant of how to post a picture with links and such. Otherwise I would be proud to show you what a 57-93 Harley looks like. It has 1957 roll bars, iron jugs (held together by RUST), and a 1993 Zenith carb. The oil bag is off a Trumpet and the voltage regulator is a VW. The straight pipes are baton spiked, so it's totally illegal in my state (but of course it passes the baton test!) so the ol' gal sounds like Godzilla in full rut when you down shift between tall brick buildings. ;o)
I take a LOT of shit from men about the crap ass carb, but with Oregon altitudes it's the only one that works in mountains with out stopping to tinker. It's about 7 bikes cobbled into one.
Shit - now I'm a bike proud boaster.

EricA, what was the root cause of the difference in profitability? I bet there were other factors at work than those you mention. Unless, of course, the American factory wasn't paying for health and pension benefits for their workers, or were paying less than the prevailing wage. One big cause could be the Danish factory was both older and unionized. That is why one has to look at the total picture to determine the Truth from Truthiness.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

I thought the commies at Libros Revolucion might like to hear about that little bit of soviet history.

Libros Revolucion

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

I thought the commies at Libros Revolucion might like to hear about that little bit of soviet history.

Libros Revolucion

Now you're just being belligerent.

Which is one of the characteristics of being a troll.

Novozmes duplicated their factory. Labor cost were lower in the US due to the pay rates the company had pay its Danish employees. They have a unionized workforce that had about a 70% income tax to pay.
Yet a smaller workforce produced more product with the same tools.
By the way, the excuse they told us why we couldn't get profit sharing was Danish law required such profits to go to the state. If its a lie , Novozymes told it.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

Dear #60.
Did you go to the Libros Revolucion web site?
Looks to me like commies.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

Eric is small potatoes compared to the two trolls ol' Nick hooked this, well one troll and one gi-normous Dungfish.
Can I nominate Nick Gotts for Hooker of the Week?

Where is the thread about the debate which just ended a few minutes ago?

I never bothered to listen to Obama before tonight. He was much better than I imagined. Obama talked about the importance of science education, something McCain was obviously not interested in. Obama sounded very knowledgeable, and he had a lot of good ideas. McCain looked old. I bet most people who used to be undecided are now thinking about voting for Obama.

We'll just take over this one :P

I thought it was overall Obama's debate, but I wished he hadn't been so polite - all the "Senator McCain is right about..." are going to be a nightmare.

Obama hit hard a few times, and I don't think McCain landed many hits. He was perhaps too polite and gentle, but I think he was clam and showed a lot of diplomacy (the bomb Iran song mention was a bit less diplomatic, though well deserved)

McCain basically said "what Senator Obama doesn't understand"" over and over, but it didn't make me believe him at all. That and refer to really old history, "in 1983, I something or othered". I'm actually baffled at how McCai supporters see it as a victory when all McCain did was refer to ancient stories and act like a jerk. Saying that someone doesn't understand over and over doesn't make them fail to understand - in fact, when they demonstrate understanding, it makes you look like a moron.

By Epinephrine (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

Application of the term troll is highly subjective. Some readers may characterize a post as trolling, while others may regard the same post as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, even if controversial. The term is often used to discredit an opposing position, or its proponent, by argument fallacy ad hominem.

Often, calling someone a troll makes assumptions about a writer's motives. Regardless of the circumstances, controversial posts may attract a particularly strong response from those unfamiliar with the robust dialogue found in some online, rather than physical, communities. Experienced participants in online forums know that the most effective way to discourage a troll is usually to ignore him or her, because responding tends to encourage trolls to continue disruptive posts -- hence the often-seen warning: "Please do not feed the trolls".[11]

Frequently, someone who has been labelled a troll by a group may seek to redeem their reputation by discrediting their opponents, for example by claiming that other members of the group are closed-minded, conspirators, or trolls themselves.

Recently, many websites have openly welcomed and encouraged trolling amongst their members

Anyway goodnight and have wonderful dreams about BHO being president.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

Fallacy record from the debate:

McCain: 27

Obama: 4


Calm, not clam, and obviously McCain, not McCai...

By Epinephrine (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

PZ a CPA? I once knew a lawyer that was also a CPA, but this is the first time I ever heard of a biologist that was a CPA.


Application of the term troll is highly subjective. Some readers may characterize a post as trolling, while others may regard the same post as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, even if controversial.

Calling these people communists is trolling, or just ignorance manifested. You are either trying to get a rise out of them (trolling), or you are just an idiot. But not quite an idoit yet :P

The bookstore openly endorses communist literature. It's not trolling to suppose that they're communists. Don't be stupid.

Dear #69
Please go to the Libros Revolucion web site.
You tell me about those people.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

Kel, I'm embarrassed for you.

Just thought I'd let you know...

"Stalin wasn't motivated by communism."

Stupidest statement ever.

Yes it's obvious they are communists.

Eric suggesting that he's teaching them about communist history is hilarious.

The term commie vs. communist has a different meaning as applied and as a typical right wing slur.

People who are "commies" are anyone who thinks left of right wing policies according to many a loud screaming conservative but by definition are not Communists. So I was curious what he meant. Actual communists or commies as slurred by conservatives frequently. Eric has demonstrated a lack of knowledge on the subject throughout this post as shown in his whole lysenko string of comments.

Too late to backpedal, Reverend Dumb. It was a decidedly stupid thing to assert. Congrats.

"But not quite an idoit yet :P "

Certainly maladroit though.

"Anyway goodnight and have wonderful dreams about BHO being president."

Don't let the big bad communists getcha!

Live Vote: Who do you think won the first presidential debate?

295,055 responses

John McCain 35%
Barack Obama 51%
Tie 6.3%
Not sure 7.8%

I watched the debate. McCain did OK but Obama was much better. It's obvious Obama is more intelligent than McCain.

I watched the debate. Howling and hurling furious comments at both candidates.
McCain surprised me. He was actually awake and answering the questions.
Obama disappointed me, he should have done better. It looks like he won't skewer McCain because he's afraid of offending the white vote and the VietNam era vote. He did however say science and education several times.
My parents are children of the 1930's they have both decided not to vote.
My husband is a VietNam era veteran, and I don't know how he will vote. Nader doesn't seem to give a fuck about me anymore so my vote is up for grabs, except that Palin is a complete christian nutcase.

I just got back from the talk at the bookstore. It was good - PZ's a masterful speaker. I only wish some of the folks in the audience would let him speak more. At times it became more of a free for all with long winded comments rather than questions, but I suppose that can't be all bad. I was only disappointed that I couldn't get my question about Evolutionary benefits to superstition...that and a plug about Physics, seeing how Sean Carroll and Jennifer Ouellette were in the audience.

The new "place for religion analogy" is no longer's "masterbation"!

What? Not knitting, now I am intrigued.
(although I only tat)

You had to pick the night of the Prez. debate didn't you? Oh well. Hope you have fun in the sun and go hang out at Book Soup or something.

Good night sweethearts. ;o)

Eric says, "But I think most liberals want me to be dependent on their social controls."

What the flaming hell do you know about what liberals want?

You're so full of shit it's amazing that you can detect a whif of any problem beyond your immediate vicinity, let alone all the many faults you pretend to nose out.

By Arnosium Upinarum (not verified) on 26 Sep 2008 #permalink

he best opportunity is tonight (Friday, 26 September)...

What's the second best opportunity, PZ? ;-) I just got home and am disappointed to miss the heresy!

PZ used masturbation to replace knitting as a model for the proper role of religion in society because although almost everyone engages in it, it's generally considered rude to do so in public. And as an audience-member noted, it's also problematic when someone gets so into it that they really think someone else is there.

Of course, I can see why people who actually believe in a magical meta-world don't find this acceptable. If I thought religion were an accurate portrayal of reality, I wouldn't either.

As for the bookstore, several of those associated with it were quite excited about the opportunity to evangelize for communism afterward (there was a decidedly religious flavor to one of their volunteers that I spoke to, anyway). Of course, that the hosts would see a talk by a prominent atheist as just a means to another end was to be expected.

I also wished one or two of the more vocal commenters would stop dominating the conversation with tangential topics. PZ was quite patient, but I think even he showed some signs of exasperation at this.

Nah, I wasn't at all exasperated. Someone noted that the talk was a lot like the blog: I threw out leading ideas, and then there was a free-for-all as people argued over them. It was good and very entertaining.

I enjoyed the talk very much, too. It was interesting meeting real Communists. I liked the new analogy of religion to masturbation, but think this may be a one-way deal. [Religion is like masturbation, because... it feels good, is best done in private, etc. But masturbation is not like religion in that... there are no nifty monuments, it's rarely enjoyed in large groups, and, you know, the music is nowhere near as good.]

I was disappointed not to get a chance to tell PZ in person how much I enjoy his blog, but he was pretty much always surrounded by a huge group of fans. My feet hurt from wandering the streets of downtown LA trying to track down the Pharyngulites as they hopped from bar to bar, so when I finally found them, I snagged a seat in the smokiest place I've been in LA in a *really* long time, and discussed the realities of Communism with a (non-Pharyngulite) who had actually lived in some Communist countries.

It was interesting! It was smoky! I bought the T-shirt! Thanks for coming to LA, PZ.

It was a fun evening. The communists were indeed trying to get more converts; I left their newsletter in the bar, since I am not a communist, nor am I interested in communism. Still, one guy I talked to was pretty entertaining when he was on other subjects.

The talk itself was a lot of fun. PZ was very good, and the audience was very engaged. There was a lot of good back and forth (the masturbation analogy was pretty funny), and some contention about the appropriate role of humor in attacking religion.

I was wearing a 'Teach the Controversy' shirt with a picture of Discworld on it, which amused a lot of people (PZ included, I think). Ichthyic got some pictures of me after the talk, in which I look like a terrifying demon of some kind. I photograph very poorly. He was gleeful, of course. I am looking forward to seeing just how crazy I look when he gets them up.

I was sitting very close to Sastra, and we found ourselves agreeing a lot during the talk, then spent a good bit of the evening chatting. She an Ichthyic are both good people, as are a couple of others whose names escape me at the moment (introductions were made early in the evening and I am bad with names). PZ is pretty quiet in person, it turns out.

Overall, it was a great evening and totally worth the traffic. I am very much looking forward to tomorrow's talk by PZ.

Kel, I'm embarrassed for you.

Chuck, unless your last name is Palahniuk, I couldn't give a shit about what you think of me.

PZ @ 89:
"Nah, I wasn't at all exasperated."

Must have just been me projecting.

My husband is a VietNam era veteran, and I don't know how he will vote.
Posted by: Patricia | September 27, 2008 12:49 AM


Forever's going to start tonight.

My dad's a Vietnam pilot vet, and he's DEFINITELY voting for Obama. He's also a former engineer and an intelligent, rational person, who's now retired and living off of investments (which are luckily well-diversified, but still took a hit this month). He doesn't dislike McCain personally, but he's pretty darn sure Obama's better suited for the Presidency.

By Falyne, FCD (not verified) on 27 Sep 2008 #permalink

Now if the Skeptics Society at Caltech in Pasadena would get PZ to give a talk,that would be a religious experience.

You can read what the people at Libros (specifically the leader of their party) have to say about Lysenko here (the bit on Lysenko starts around the tenth paragraph down:

Libros Revolución

It figures PZ would be hanging out at some communist joint.
Anybody shocked by this?
Maybe he should talk about T. D. Lysenko and his influence on genetics.
Or how BHO is really a "middle of the road" liberal.

Thanks to these guys for the following.

Be a troll! Be a troll!
Let disruption be your goal -
Anything that you can do to draw attention to your role
Egoboo can be nice
Get your fix at any price
You can make entire newsgroups into clucking little birdcoops

Be a troll! Be a troll!
Pound their patience into coal
Tell the regulars they have no sense of flair
Insult their mothers too and their manners, pfoo!
Be a troll, be a troll, be a troll!

Make them burn, make them freeze
Sing of people scratching fleas
Snigger at the woes of others who are forced upon their knees
Stress and fear, jealous rage
Let them be your guiding gauge
Then accuse the quiet suckers all as nosy mother****ers

Don't be small, don't be tame
Show you have no sense of shame
Just enrage them til on stage the heads will roll
You love to shrill out flame, it's all a giant game
Be a troll, dig a hole, you're a troll.

Flaming dues, barbeques
Ought to wake 'em where they snooze
Don't forget to douse the fires with proof 307 booze
(song tangent) : 307 Ale my friends, 307 Ale!
The finest drink that any bar has ever had for sale!...
(ahem) Feed them slugs, feed them snails
Put their legs between their tails
And so what if you are hated cuz their nerves are really grated

When you leave, do salute
give that middle finger toot
And be proud of your achievements in your soul
For you have shown that they are evil in their way
You're a troll-l-l-l, says our poll-l-l-l, you're a troll-l-l-l!

Or how BHO is really a "middle of the road" liberal.

He isn't. He's a pretty ordinary conservative -- by any but US standards.


Ah, so you're male. I had suspected otherwise because of some kind of unconscious extrapolations from the sound of your name...

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 27 Sep 2008 #permalink

what happened to Sean Caroll after the talk? I would have liked to have conversed with him a bit.

I know we bailed on the Broadway in favor of the Gopher, but I didn't notice him at either place.

was he just off on his own, or did he have to leave early?


the bars in LA are dark, dark places with loud music. Beer's cheap, though.

nice to have met those of you who were there; always good to be able to put faces to the names.

speaking of which, for better or worse, I'll be posting several faces with names tomorrow.

*evil laughter*

naww, really, you all are quite photogenic, considering we all sat in a sauna for an hour, and I took the photos in a dark, smoky bar.

"Stalin wasn't motivated by communism."

Stupidest statement ever.

Not really. I took it to mean Marxism instead of "Communism", as Stalin was far more interested in power for himself than anything else, and apparently wasn't in the least interested in the communist ideal.

So, actually, given the context RBDC has posted on this issue before, I would tend to agree that Stalin himself operated under communism (or at least how it was defined at that time) but most certainly wasn't personally motivated by its ideals.

to the ignorant narrow minded petty bourgeois white people, ur infantile slanderous remarks towards communism makes me laugh, like listening to creationists slandering evolution. you rant about stalin and mao being totalitarian genocidal monsters while living in a country that was founded on slavery. wats more totalitarian than slavery, snatching people from their homelands, selling them on the auction blocks, buying, selling, owning, and forcing them to work arduously for free in inhumane conditions. u rant of stalin and mao committing genocide, while u uphold a government that committed genocide against tens of millions of native indiginous people that continous to this day. a government that not only killed millions here but tens of millions throughout the world with their imperialist wars for empire, invasions and interventions all through the 20th century, and continues to this day, with their criminal imperialist war of terror thats killed thousands of innocent afghans and over a million iraqi people. and at this moment threatens iran with nuclear bombardment. the whole world is dominated by the capitalist imperialist system and because of that 50,000 children die every single day in the third world countries because they r denied access to basic medicine and food by the 1st world imperialist governments. u rant about stalin and show trials and gulags, wat about the indian "resevation" death camps (murder by small pox infested blankets) the japanese "internment camps" the millions of black people that were being lynched through out the u.s. Show trials?? wat about the all those poor black and latino people locked up today over bullshit. because their not white and their poor. undocumented latino immigrants from countries plundered and impoverished by u.s. imperialism (nafta, wto etc.) being hunted like animals, GUANTANAMO BAY MOTHERFUCKERS!! how dare u compare stalin and mao to hitler. news flash!! hitler was a "capitalist" imperialist. his program of world domination, capitalist dictatorship, national oppression/ white supremacy, male domination, homophobia, is the same as the program of the u.s. imperialists. the diference is that hitler was an open fascist, his regime was openly a capitalist dictatorship, while the u.s. imperialists hide behind the veil of bourgeois democracy, which is essentially a bourgeois dictatorship. and for the record it was the communists that defeated the nazi and japanese imperialists in ww2. u see 80% of the nazi army was in russian territory, they were crushed by the red army in the battle of stalingrad 1942. it was the the red army that invaded berlin and delivered the final blow to the nazi regime. as for the japanese, most of their soldiers were in china being bogged down by the peoples liberation army led by mao tse tung. after the nazis surrendered the japanese surrendered as well, but they wanted to surrender to the soviets, the u.s. imperialist didnt like that so they dropped two atomic bombs killing hundreds of thousands of civilians in hiroshima and nagasaki. thanks to the russian and chinese revolutions the people of russia and china had access to food, universal health care, education and state power for the first time in history. for the first time their was equality for women and former oppressed nationalities. wat the hell is so great about the american revolution??? the slave master revolution, led by george washinton, thomas jefferson, john adams, and james madison all rich white slave masters and rabid upholders of slavery. before and after the american revolution the indiginous were being exterminated, blacks were slaves, women had no rights, the common working white man couldnt even vote unless he owned a certain amount of property. wats so great about the constitution??? a document that considered black people 3/5 human beings, and upheld slavery, wat ever rights people hav in this countries were gained by the people marching on the streets getting beaten, arrested, and killed by the ruling class and their police defenders, enforcers, and assassins not by some savior from democratic party or by voting. WAKE UP MIDDLE CLASS WHITE PEOPLE!!!! just as u were lied to about the existance of god u were also lied to that u live in a free peoples democratic society by the same people. there is no god or gods and u in fact live in a class society, a class dictatorship, the dictatorship of the u.s. capitalist imperialist ruling class. the biggest gangters, murderers, oppressors and exploiters of the world. ur electoral process is a joke, every 4 yrs the people get to choose between a republican capitalist imperialist or a democrat capitalist imperialst, wow, i dont want that right. fuck obama!!! wat the people and the world need is revolution and socialism as a transition to world communism. if anybody is offended by wat i said feel free to challenge me if u dare, but be aware, i am a revolutionary communist and i will tear your petty bourgeois bullshit apart.

By RED PARTISAN (not verified) on 27 Sep 2008 #permalink

Stalin was far more interested in power for himself than anything else, and apparently wasn't in the least interested in the communist ideal.

exactly. that and he was a deeply fucked up individual who was a product of a horribly abusive and violent upbringing which fed directly into his dictatorship.

his paranoia was the cause of the purges, not "communism" per se.

Somebody wake Eric Atkinson up NOW.

That was a good old fashioned radical rant by Red Partisan. Brings back memories of the bulletin boards during my undergraduate days.

You're right Rey Fox, Eric should see what a real radical sounds like. Might open his eyes a little. But I think Eric is too confused to learn anything.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 27 Sep 2008 #permalink

to the ignorant narrow minded petty bourgeois white people, ur

You lost me right there.

Listen, comrade, if you want to get us excited about revolutionary communism, demonstrate that it's going to result in basic literacy.

By Grammar RWA (not verified) on 27 Sep 2008 #permalink

afeter the october insurection, and during the civil war between the red guards and white guards, all the imperialist governments u.s. western eurpe, and japan sent armies to unsuccessfully smash the bolshevik revolution. the counter revolutionary armies blockaded food and medicine to the russian people causing millions of deaths. after the civil war was over, their was still internal counter revolutionaries committing acts of sabotage and determined to restore the capitalist state. stalin was not paranoid, he made mistakes in correctly identifying these reaccionary forces and how to correctly deal with them. then came the inevitable capitalist imperialist nazi invasion that killed 20 million soviet people. paranoid my ass, rev.big dumb chimp u r a big dumb petty bourgeois chimp.

By RED PARTISAN (not verified) on 27 Sep 2008 #permalink

You know, Firefox has a built-in spellchecker.

And it's made by communists... *snerk*

By Grammar RWA (not verified) on 27 Sep 2008 #permalink

is that all u got for me grammar rwa?? is that it?? u weak petty bourgeois monkey....

By RED PARTISAN (not verified) on 27 Sep 2008 #permalink

hey, someone wrote a bot-script with a communist theme.

is that all u got for me ichthyic??? im waiting for a challenge and so far all get is two retarded thoughtless remarks....

By RED PARTISAN (not verified) on 27 Sep 2008 #permalink

wheres that petty bourgeois asshole nick gotts???

By RED PARTISAN (not verified) on 27 Sep 2008 #permalink

I really haven't seen any calls to have the government totally control power generation and distribution, or communications just to give two examples of what real socialism implies.
Speaking as a democratic socialist, I am in favour of power generation and distribution, and the communications infrastructure, being publicly (not "government") owned. These aspects of the economy are too vital to be outside democratic control. They were so owned in the UK (which was far from socialist) until the Thatcher regime stole them from us and sold them at knock-down prices to their rich friends, who now put much of their effort into poaching customers from each other.

How about we put Eric Atkinson and RED PARTISAN in their own thread and let them rant it out? (Oh, btw RED, don't you know an uppercase handle is an infallible sign of infantile ultra-leftism - or maybe petty-bourgeois deviationism or Trotsky-fascism, I can't quite recall. Watch out, or your mini-Mao will have you purged.)

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 27 Sep 2008 #permalink

Incidentally, Eric Atkinson, you may like to note that I, one of very few avowed socialists to comment here, was the first to raise an eyebrow at the choice of venue, on the thread where it was announced. I loathe Leninism for its crimes, and specifically for the gigantic, bloody smear it has wiped across the name of socialism; although in my experience many Leninists are, as individuals, decent people. The RCP crew seem to be a bunch of nutters - at least if RED PARTISAN is for real, about which I harbour some doubts. If it weren't for my experience here with creobots and loonytarians, I'd be asking "Can anyone really be that stupid?".

Message for RED PARTISAN, if for real. Everything you say about slavery and imperialism is true. None of it in any way justifies the mass murders and crass stupidities of Stalin and Mao.

A note on equality. We need to distinguish at least three senses:
1) Equality of legal rights and responsibilities. This is, at least formally, granted in capitalist democracies.
2) Equality of innate talents. This is an empirical claim, clearly false.
3) Socio-economic equality. This is a matter of degree, and the meaning of the term on which democratic socialists differ from conservatives or liberals, wanting a much greater degree of this form of equality. The evidence is quite clear from statistics such as life expectancy and infant mortality that the degree of inequality found in the USA and UK is, in the most literal sense, unhealthy.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

This thread went crazy in a hurry..... O_o

By Falyne, FCD (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

My mini mao??? is that all you have to say about bob avakian?? how infantile, you talk out of your ass about him while never actually engaging any of his works. typical petty bourgeois white man arrogance. socialist??motherfucker you are not a socialist. you dont know shit about socialism, or marxism leninism maoism. and aparently you dont know what capitalism or imperialism are either. or anything about american, soviet, or chinese history. you dont seem to know much about anything. "mass murder and crass stupidities of stalin and mao"??? damn your a stupid motherfucker, theres so much you dont know, so much to explain, i dont know where to begin. your extreme ignorance is making this hard on both of us, i mean if you'd actually read something, but aparently you havent read anything. look asshole theres a new book by mobo gao, he actually lived through the cultural revolution, and he upholds it. he wrote a book called "the battle for china's past, mao and the cultural revolution" he discredits all the slanderous anti mao books, read it. then theres the book "some of us" its by a number of chinese women who grew up during the cultural revolution. read raymond lotta's (maoist political economist from the RCP) series called "setting the record straight, the real history of the soviet union and maoist china". read the works of bob avakian theres too many to name, check out the RCP's newspaper "revolution". theres a website . do your own homework, im not gonna do it for you. but for some reason i have a feeling your not going to read anything because your afraid you might actually learn something. petty bourgeois white men like you dont seem to be interested in objective truth or knowledge. im still waiting for someone to really challenge me.....

By RED PARTISAN (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

OK, you convinced me, you really are that stupid. Did you notice that your latest rant does not contain a single argument or piece of evidence? Let's have your justification of the Cultural Revolution, then, or your explanation of why both the USSR and China sighed with relief when your heroes were dead, and turned their backs of their policies and acolytes as fast as they could - and have both now restored capitalism. That's a real triumph for Leninism, eh? Or you could explain why Stalin was so stupid he didn't believe Hitler was going to invade the USSR when Hitler had repeatedly said that was his plan, and he'd had ample warning from his spies in Tokyo. I'm not going to waste my time reading your mini-Mao's works any more than I'm going to read those of Lyndon LaRouche or L. Ron Hubbard - unless you can come up with something considerably more intelligent than you've managed so far, here and now.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

Hey Nick, I figure you're a good one to ask. Where would I find sane and informative socialist blogs or other online reading material?

By Grammar RWA (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

mini Mao...

The satire possibilities boggle the mind.

somebody call Mike Meyers.


By Grammar RWA (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

#94 - Sili - Sorry, I don't understand your comment. Went right over my head.

Damn Nick, that's three in a week. I'm getting jealous! Your dungfish is pouting for more name calling. ;o)

Thats got to be some of the funnest shit I have ever read.
Might want to try out for SNL.

By Eric Atkinson (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink


I had a good time at the bookstore talk, even if I had to stomp on my inclination to interject. That was a good discipline. I was against a wall with shelves of books and pamphlets, all translations of the wisdom of Mao Tzu Dung. The shelves were dusty, and the staples in the pamphlets were all rusted.

When I first walked up to PZ and said, "You look like a scruffy fucker," he looked a little shocked. Then I asked, "You don't recognize me, do you?"


"I'm Gary Hurd."

"Gary! So, I can say that you are an old fucker?"

"Yep, I am."

The rest of the talk was more interesting. I disagreed with much of the historical information presented, and occasionally interjected a word or two. I bought a book "The Science of Evolution and The Myth of Creationism" by Ardea Skybreak, and paid $5 USD for 10 copies of the Maoist newspaper. (The book is not so good based on the first 33 pages. Ardea is a communist, and her introjections of political theory are interesting. Her errors, philosophical and scientific, are irritating. By page 7, I have stopped using "post-it-notes" and I am now dog-earing corners and writing in margins). We wandered off topic several times, and then wandered off looking for beer.

The first choice wanted 30 minutes to open a reserved area for us to sit, so we backtracked to a smaller, but cheaper bar. I like cheaper a lot, and had a good time. Ironically, we never did get to sit down. It was fun to go out and mix with folks.

I had much more fun visiting with Ichthyic, who came down to my home in Dana Point on Friday morning. We went to lunch at Dana Point Harbor, and paid a short visit to the Marine Science Center where he had worked many, many moons ago. I would never have gone to the city without his willingness to drive. The next day we returned for a delightful visit to the Marine Science Center were we bombed the poor student docents with more biology that they wanted to know. I did manage to make a few gross errors (corrected by Tom and others) to the education of myself and all within hearing.

PS: Tom, I'll get rid of the tuna carcass tomorrow.

Now I'm jealous. Gary how scary are Ichthyic's teeth?

PS: Tom, I'll get rid of the tuna carcass tomorrow.


why? it lent such a pleasant atmosphere...


btw, the trip home via 74 was quite pleasant, minus the 10 miles or so where a large posse of roadcrew were resurfacing it.

...and your portrait is done; I'll email you the link.

I knew it nick, you are a narrow minded retard. you absolutely refuse to engage in the RCPs works or any other actual communist or objective literature, you want me to do your homework for you. like my comrade fred explained to you previously, but apparently you dont pay attention or dont have the ability to comprehend. under stalin's leadershsip the first socialist planned economy was created, socialized industry and agriculture were carried out, socialized land collectivization for the first time in history. women got the right to abortion, right divorce, and were unleashed as a political force. the policy of equality among nationalities, lanquages, culture was carried out among the former oppressed ethnic nationalities. for the first time in history, the soviet people had universal health care and education. the soviet economy, industry, and agriculture boomed. while back in america workers had no rights, women had no rights, black people were being lynched by the millions, there was the great depression, and only thing that saved the u.s. imperialists from that problem was the imperialist spoils of ww2. in china socialized planned economy, industry, agriculture, land collectivization was also carried out. in this extremely backward and under developed country. industry and economic production boomed. china became the first formerly oppressed country to become genuinely independent and self reliant. again for the first time in history the chinese people received education in a country where less than 10% were literate, by the end of cultural revolution 85%. for the first time the chinese people had universal health care and the problem of adequately feeding the entire chinese population was solved for the fist time. keep in mind before the revolution 90% of the chinese had never seen a hospital much less a doctor. mass starvation was normal, every year millions would perish do to treatable or cureable deseases, and natural disasters, floods, droughts etc. the average life span of a chinese person was 32!! after the revolution it went up to 65. for the first time in history the workers, peasants, women were politicaly empowered. the oppressive feudal land lords were done away with. again the policy of equality between nationalities, languages, and culture were in place. women had right to abotion, birth control, divorce on demand, no more infanticide of female babies, forced marriage, the selling of children, foot binding, patriarchy, male domination, prostitution. drug addiction (morphine, opium, and heroin) was done away with within the few years after siezure of power. the red army kicked the ass of the u.s. imperialists in the korean war, saving north korea from being conquered. the red army removed the self proclaimed god king dalai lama and his oppressive feudal serf bhuddist theocracy from power. china gave food to the viet cong during the vietnam war. during the cultural revolution, old feudal reaccionary operas that glorified emperors and concubines, and were women were not allowed to be in (all female characters were played by men) were removed from the stage and replaced with new revolutionary plays, operas, ballets, music, films that glorified the laboring masses, workers, peasants, and women. besides working the chinese people were politicized, and engaging in political science, science, philosophy, art and culture, narrowing the gap between the mental and manual labor. yes great things were being achieved in both soviet union and maoist china, things that will never be done in any capitalist country. unfortunately, class struggle and reaccionaries, ten thousand years worth of oppressive social, political, economic relations and ideas that correspond to those relations dont just dissapear with the seizure of power. the threat of capitalist restoration will exist all through the period of socialism. until all oppressive political, economic, social, relations and the ideas that correspond to those relations are all abolished all over the world through a long period of socialist revolution. when stalin died, the people mourned, when kruschev took power and slandered stalin, the people were discusted. to this day there are people who look back at the stalin years as the golden age. in china, after mao died, the capitalist roaders took control of the red army, arrested the "the gang of four" killed mao's nephew (his successor) killed and or arrested all of mao's supporters. there was street battles between the peoples militias and the red army, in the end the capitalist roaders won and reversed everything. socialism did not fail, it was just defeated. and now the russian people have to live under russian capitalist imperialist gangsters. and the chinese have to live in fascist capitalist sweatshop country. yes the communist did a lot for the masses, and again thank the soviet and chinese people for the defeat of the nazi and japanese imperialist in ww2. thats the last time i do your homework for you, but im sure ive wasted my time, your infantile narrow petty bourgeois mind will not be able to comprehend this information. im done talking to you, its like trying to talk to a chimp. its pointless. its like spiraling down a pit to nowhere. and please stop refering to yourself as a socialist, nobody is buying it, just that retard grammar person. admit that your not for proletarian democracy/ proletarian dictatorship, you are in fact for bourgeois democracy/ bourgeois dictatorship. if your a socialist then im a billionaire. you and whatever fake ass group you belong to have no idea what socialism is and have no intention or capability of getting the people to it. you wouldnt know what to do with state power even if it was handed to you. im through with this page, i asked for a challenger and all i got were retarded, infantile, petty bourgeois remarks. go worship your obama!!!!

By RED PARTISAN (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

Awesome pictures! Is there any audio of the talk?

By Book Soup (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

Awesome pictures! Is there any audio of the talk?

IIRC, Sean Caroll was supposedly recording it.

don't know what the status is.

Waaah! I wanted to see Ichthyic's teeth and PZ straddlin' Scooters jugs.
Gary doesn't look like such an old fucker. I think he's kinda cute.

I wanted to see Ichthyic's teeth

I think Sastra got a pic.

let me see...

ah yeah, here it is:

"Nick is a narrow minded retard"... ahh ha, ha ,ha! Oh gawd, I gotta loosen me laces or pass out from breathless laughter!
Honestly the rest of the screed is lost in the limes, pineapple and sangria, that I now have to clean off the screen.

Why Nick, you naughty little narrow minded retard... dammit, I need fresh magical pantalets.

"you are a narrow minded retard."
Sorry, I was laughing so hard I misquoted.

There's no way you're using tied flies to hook these things Nick. It's gotta be Roll Mop, Atomic Strike or salmon eggs. You're a sly one Nick. ;o)

salmon eggs i get.

Roll Mop??

I mean, I know it's been a while since I've been trout fishing but...

Ichthyic - While others may see that picture of your handsome self and think of the Jaws theme, I look at it & think of the Boom de yadah song - great whites fly, and want to twirl!

I wish I had a video for y'll of my little great nieces & I singing, drumming and twirling out back - while the chickens run around flapping their wings in high glee, it's thoroughly silly.

great whites fly, and want to twirl!

You understand us so well.

I suspect you have a bit of fish in you.

Roll Mop is some sort of kosher pickled herring sold out here in Oregon. It is so disgusting I can't believe it is marketed as human food. My brothers use it to bait up for sturgeon in the Columbia Sewer, er River.
Atomic Strike is a foul, horrid stinking thang that comes in jars & even Sarah Palin would quail at baiting up with it.
Ya know, now that I have studied on it - it might be that if y'll pitched some Roll Mop and Atomic Strike in a bucket - ya might jest attract a Big Foot!

My brothers use it to bait up for sturgeon in the Columbia Sewer, er River.

ah, I've done some steelhead drift fishing in that part of the world, but not sturgeon.

learn something new every day.

REDPARTISAN: Wow, uh, calm down?
Also, any advancements in the areas you mentioned are far overridden by the awful death and destruction wrought on the people of the USSR and China. China's achievements in medicine and literacy came at the cost of freedom of conscience and rampant anti-intellectualism, along with deaths in the millions. You're right in pointing out the excesses and evils of other countries, but simply saying that "THEY DID BAD STUFF HUUUUUUR STALIN4LYFE!!11111!one" and ignoring the atrocities of authoritarian Communists is a sign of intellectual bankruptcy.
I'm speaking here as....(deep breath) a Communist. Please, don't shoot!
To be fair, of the EZLN, Daniel Quinn's Ishmael, Emma Goldman variety. The idea of authoritarianism, of people being unable to determine the course of their lives, sickens me.
EricA-We REALLY are aren't like that. Many of us ("us" being leftists) occupy a weird middle ground with libertarians and real conservatives-we want personal self-determination and participatory democracy, for people to have the right to live in anarchist squats or interdependent communes or in bustling cities, as they so choose. We hope for a day when people put aside greed and superstition and the urge to dominate and conquer. We don't want death and re-education and ruthlesness, but, at the risk of sounding like some spoiled academic utopian, a society dominated by expression, love, and individual striving.
I'm as likely to favor an all-powerful, centralized bureaucracy as you are to favor a Pinochet-style pseudo-fascist plutocracy.
I was their, btw. I was the fellow to the right of the psychology professor and the super-cute hippie girl, wearing the camouflage hat with the hammer and sickle on it.
To the rest of you-Viva la Evolution!

By Blake"ROWROWFI… (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

Oh yeah, nick, about those supposed millions stalin and mao killed, in the nineties i heard that mao killed 10 million people. over the years its gone up to 50 million?? despite the fact theres never been any actual evidence to back it up. those estimates were intentionally exaggerated, ridiculously overblown by bourgeois historians. its true some people did die under mao, people who committed serious crimes against the people, then there was the natural disasters, floods, typhoons, and some droughts. mao was a great man but no he didnt control the weather. then their was the sabotage of production by counter revolutionary forces, and during the cultural revolution these same forces instigated violence to discredit the cultural revolution. then there was the soviet capitalist imperialist incursions into china killing hundreds of chinese people. same thing with stalin, funny how people pretend to care about russian people but dont say a word of the millions killed by the u.s. western europe, and japanese imperialists during the civil war in russia or the 20 million killed by the nazi invasion. you never hear anything about the actual tens of millions of people that died in india alone after the so called "independence" and fake "democratic experiment". nick, people like you that believe stalin and mao killed millions of people are the same people who believed that saddam had something to do with 911, and that he had WMDs, or that he harbored terrorists, and that the u.s. invaded iraq to liberate and bring democracy to iraqi people. you know who you have a lot in common with? that fascist mass murderer donald rumsfeld, like you, he also has a deep personal hatred for lenin, stalin, and mao. maybe you two should date each other, go have coffee together, go dancing, go skipping along the park singing about how much you both hate lenin, stalin and mao. and socialism, communism, and the whole idea of the people having state power......

By RED PARTISAN (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

blake bur, you do sound like a spoiled academic utopian, dude you need to relax, you are not a communist lol, emma goldman?? ezln?? give me a break, goldman was a petty bourgeois anarkist, ezln are not communists, their not about revolution, taking state power or national liberation in anyway. autonomous region my ass, lumber companies go in and out chopping down trees. the ezln cant do anything about it. their living under the guns of the mexican army. can people pleeease!!! do their own research before they talk nonsense.....

By RED PARTISAN (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

oh yeah, heres another fact nobody ever talks about, during the japanese imperialist invasion and occupation of china, the japanese murdered 30 million chinese people. 300,000 alone in the city of nanking, in about 2 weeks. but your not gonna hear retard nick saying anything about that...

By RED PARTISAN (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

I hereby renounce all political positions. They've all killed far too many people.

300,000 alone in the city of nanking, in about 2 weeks. but your

You're still doing it wrong.

There's another scienceblogger who would love to meet you. :) Go say hi to razib.

By Grammar RWA (not verified) on 29 Sep 2008 #permalink

funny how people pretend to care about russian people but dont say a word of the millions killed by the u.s. western europe, and japanese imperialists during the civil war in russia or the 20 million killed by the nazi invasion. you never hear anything about the actual tens of millions of people that died in india alone after the so called "independence" and fake "democratic experiment".

RED PARTISAN, you're both a moron, and a barefaced liar. Your pretence that only your ludicrous little sectlet cares about the victims of imperialism is disgusting. I have already said you are right about its bloody crimes, and you can look back at what I've said on this site about WMD, Iraq, and the Great European Land Grab among other topics. These crimes just don't justify the bloody atrocities of Stalinism - but I guess you're simply too stupid to understand that anyone could actually oppose oppression and mass murder whoever commits them.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 29 Sep 2008 #permalink

the japanese murdered 30 million chinese people. 300,000 alone in the city of nanking, in about 2 weeks. but your not gonna hear retard nick saying anything about that - RED LIAR AND MORON

I hereby denounce the murder of millions of Chinese people by Japanese troops during the Japanese imperialist invasion.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 29 Sep 2008 #permalink

Red Partisan, let me give you a little bit of advice. People have trouble reading large blocks of text. It doesn't matter how brilliant what you're saying might be, your audience simply won't read it past the first inch or so without a page break. Proper grammar and capitalization also facilitates reading comprehension. This isn't just academic bourgeoisie talk, this is what will get your message, whatever it is, across more effectively.

By Falyne, FCD (not verified) on 29 Sep 2008 #permalink

Wow, I do look pretty insane in that one picture (yes, I'm the guy in the 'Teach the Controversy' Discworld shot). Thanks for getting them up, Ichthyic!

heh, no wonder I forgot your handle, you don't have one!

I'll change the spelling to be accurate, though.


I hereby denounce the murder of millions of Chinese people by Japanese troops during the Japanese imperialist invasion.

I'd like to take this opportunity to denounce the spraying of malathion for fruit flies in CA.

millions of poor, innocent flies ended before their time.

who's next?

If theres anyone out there with any scientific, objective, non petty bourgeois bias, critical thought regarding the actual history of communism, you must read "THE BATTLE FOR CHINA'S PAST, MAO AND THE CULTURAL REVOLUTION" by Mobo Gao. (he tears Jung Chang's book and other liers and slandering authors apart). And "SOME of US, Chinese Women Growing Up in the Mao Era" edited by Xueping Zhong, Wang Zheng, and Bai Di. A collection of memoirs by nine Chinese women who grew up during the Mao era and now live in the u.s. These books contain honest, objective accounts of what was ACTUALLY going on in Maoist China.(No, the authors are not members of the RCP)

By RED PARTISAN (not verified) on 29 Sep 2008 #permalink

If theres anyone interested in hearing what real Revolutionary Communists sound like tune in and listen to Carl Dix speaking on , The Oppression of Black People, The Crimes of This System and the Revolution We Need, Tuesday, 9/30, 5 pm Pacific time on KPFK's "Beneath the Surface" with Michael Slate. The following information was received in an email from Michael Slate's KPFK show: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, Beneath the Surface with Michael Slate, from 5:00 to 6:00 PM, Pacific Time on KPFK, 90.7 FM.
This week's guests: Carl Dix of the Revolutionary Communist Party will talk about a special issue of Revolution newspaper ( on The Oppression of Black People, The Crimes of This System and the Revolution We Need. "Some today claim that America is a 'post-racial society.' They say the 'barriers to Black advancement' have been largely overcome. Many go so far as to put the main blame for the severe problems faced by Black people today on Black people themselves. Others claim that better education, or more traditional families, or religion, or elections will solve things. So the questions must be sharply posed: what really IS the problem? What is the source of it? And what is the solution?" Dave Zeiger, director of "Sir! No Sir!" on his upcoming web series on the 2008 Winter Soldier investigations, and the re-release of the Vietnam era film, F.T.A., with Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland.
A participant in the North Hollywood Arts District's NoHo Scene 2008 festival, October 5.

By RED PARTISAN (not verified) on 29 Sep 2008 #permalink

sweet zombie jesus, shut the hell up already!

You shut the fuck motherfucker!! I wasnt talking to your retarded ass.....

By RED PARTISAN (not verified) on 30 Sep 2008 #permalink


Why do I even try....

If theres anyone interested in hearing what real Revolutionary Communists sound like RED LIAR AND MORON

I think we've already got a pretty good idea from your ludicrous rants, dogbreath.

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

The water is getting a little red over here. *smirk*

Oh, I guess I'm not a true communist.
Member of the One True Communist Church of Authoritarian Asswipery.
Enlighten me as to the mystical secrets of reification and commodity fetishism that your elect group is privy to!

By Blake"ROWROWFI… (not verified) on 03 Oct 2008 #permalink

Dear PZ and all the Pharyngula folks who visited Libros Revolucion to hear, meet and talk with PZ Myers:

As PZ said, it was a "blast"... and thanks to everyone who came downtown to Libros Revolucion to be a part of the program. Our staff learned a lot from PZ and from all who participated - the setting was cool (actually, it was way too hot as our AC broke down... and we apologize for that)... but the bookstore setting was nice and the format was a lot like Pharyngula itself, with PZ setting the tone and everyone jumping in with refreshing insights and a genuine and healthy contestation of ideas!

This event featured insights on science and the importance of the scientific method, evolution, analysis of the rise of religious fundamentalism, the significance of the new atheism movement, and more - it was thus very timely, as these are urgent issues facing people in this country and humanity the world over. We also enjoyed ourselves at the nearby watering hole where the discussion continued for a couple more hours.

Our Libros Revolucion staff has been keeping up with Pharyngula, including threads and commentary associated with the September 27 PZ Myers event at our bookstore. Our bookstore attracts a range of people with different viewpoints. We do want to clear up a possible confusion - there have been postings on Pharyngula, in relation to this event, which do not represent the views of Libros Revolucion. If you want to check into the viewpoint and vision Libros Revolucion does promote and popularize, check into the RCP's new Constitution, the recent document "Communism: The Beginning of a New Stage," or the body of work of Bob Avakian (including the recently published booklet Communism and Jeffersonian Democracy). These works will make clear the above point, and clarify for everyone the views we do promote. We encourage everyone to dig into these works and look forward to the dialog and on-going discussion about their content at the bookstore, which we encourage all to be a part of.

We had a great time and we appreciate the opportunity to host PZ and the Pharyngulista's! We encourage folks to check out our Libros Revolucion blog for updates on future events and author readings.

Keith James and Federico for Libros Revolucion Bookstore