Statistical Physics Still Works

I'm back from the Vegas trip, lighter by about $100 at the tables (thanks entirely to a bad run Sunday morning at the tables, one of those games where you get dealt a 19 with the dealer showing a 4, and the dealer draws four cards to a 20...), and heavier by well, quite a bit, probably, as I rather comprehensively went off the heartburn diet for the weekend.

While the laws of statistics continue to work in the house's favor, medicine remains a mystery. The official medical advice I got was to avoid alcohol, carbonated beverages, overeating, fried or oily food, and spicy food. Saturday, I had about fifteen beers, an early dinner of nachos and fried chicken fingers, and a late dinner at the Wolfgang Puck brand pan-Asian restaurant at Caesar's Palace, featuring among other things a dish called "firecracker shrimp". Heartburn/ reflux report: Not a thing. No trouble to speak of.

Go figure. Maybe if you do everything wrong at once, the bad effects all cancel out?

Anyway, while I am officially back, I'm completely wiped. My flight home was delayed, so I didn't get back until 2am. I've got two classes this morning, followed by a colloquium from a job candidate, an interview with said candidate, and a meeting with my research student later this afternoon. Followed by complete collapse, most likely.

Don't expect much, blog-wise.

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By Simple Country… (not verified) on 01 May 2006 #permalink

Damn, I wanted to go to that Puck place last time I was there, too. How was it?

By John Novak (not verified) on 01 May 2006 #permalink

"Saturday, I had about fifteen beers"

Say no more. I salute you.

By Roman Werpachowski (not verified) on 01 May 2006 #permalink