It's a Mystery

"Mint Flavorings" is quite prominent on the list (provided by my gastroenterologist) of foods that heartburn sufferers should avoid (along with pretty much anything else you might want to eat...).

If you go to the store to buy some over-the-counter heartburn remedy-- Maalox, Mylanta, whatever-- what's the one flavor that's most common? Mint.

Somebody explain that one to me.


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Here's another one in need of explanation: I take medication for acid reflux, which is really just a fancy term for heartburn. I was reading the documentation for my medication and discovered that one of the potential (but rare) side effects is ... (drum roll) ... heartburn.

Ditto your thoughts on the mint. The one thing that really
helps in GURD is to sleep sitting up somewhat, like in a

By Tracy P. Hamilton (not verified) on 09 Apr 2006 #permalink

The one thing that really
helps in GURD is to sleep sitting up somewhat, like in a

The problem with that is, it fucks up my back, and I can't take Advil to help with the back spasms...

Any chance your heartburn is stress induced? (have a friend who says zoloft helped him with this)