I Got Your Nerdy Watch Right Here

Janet thinks she's scoring nerd points by posting a picture of her nerdy watch, but I can match her timepiece:


OK, there's nothing particularly nerdy about the watch itself-- the nerd part is the band, which in this case, is held together with a cable tie. The little loops that are supposed to keep the strap down broke off, so one day when I was in the lab, I grabbed a plastic cable tie, and made my own loop.

That was in December. I replaced the band about a week ago. I only replaced it because Kate was getting her watch fixed, and pointedly asked whether I needed anything done with mine. (My first answer was "No, I'm fine.") Not because I'm cheap, but because I couldn't be bothered to fix what was essentially a cosmetic problem.

And, really, what's more nerdy than disdain for appearances?

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I once used an O-ring for the same purpose.

Using lab supplies to repair non-lab personal items is totally nerdy.