A Personality Test I Can Endorse

Seen here and there around the Interwebs, the Brutally Honest Personality Test. It's pretty much a standard Meyers-Briggs four-component personality test, except without all the happy touchy-feely crap talking up your positive qualities:

Commander - ESTP

73% Extraversion, 46% Intuition, 66% Thinking, 33% Judging

It's all about action with you, isn't it? You're outgoing and right to the point. Fast moving, fast talking and often fast spending. Your motto is "Just DO it."

Wow. You move faster than the Flash on a treadmill. (Yes. I could have thought up something cleverer than that. But honestly, you're just not worth my time.)

To carry on the superhero theme, you're comparable to the Hulk. Except you're uglier. And you're slightly more intimidating. People flinch when you're around for fear you might exert your dominance and order them to do 50 press-ups.

Perhaps if you calmed down a little, people wouldn't be so scared of you. Of course, something would have to be done about your face. Is plastic surgery an option?

This insatiable appetite for action means that you're not exactly into long term commitments. You get bored incredibly quickly and tend to jump in and out of relationships like the Energiser Bunny.

Eventually you're going to run out of people to bounce to, and you will end up a very lonely and hated individual.

It offers the same horoscope-like ability to find relevant material in the description as the usual M-B test (I did have a student refer to me as "loud and intense" on a course evaluation), but in a negative way that sort of highlights the ridiculousness of the whole thing. See here for a more typical description of my score.

Anyway, it's sort of amusing. The questions themselves have a slightly combative tone as well, which is cool. And if nothing else, it has clicky buttons, and if there's anything I've found that people on the Internet like, it's clicky buttons...


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Hah, that's cool. I tested as an INTJ, as usual. "Crackpot". "Everybody hates you." :) I'm workin' on it...

Incidentally, personality psychologists agree that the Meyers-Briggs is not a very valid test. It makes two wrong assumptions about personality. One is that there are four major dimensions of normal personality. Most current models use five, only one of which (Extroversion) closely overlaps with the four MBTI dimensions. (The others, for the fairly standard NEO-PI model, are Neuroticism, Openness, Agreeableness, and Consciousnessness.) The second big problem is that the MBTI assumes that personalities are bimodal on the dimensions, which would allow you to describe the clusters meaningfully. But the scores are actually unimodal, and most people are fairly close to the middle on each dimension. So the descriptions given my the MBTI are actually of very extreme people...

Only some people hate me, for example.

I also got crack pot.

That is interesting that it has been deemed non-valid by experts. I took a meche class at cornell two years ago and they took all this personality stuff very seriously (although, in retrospect that was part of why I didn't take the class very seriously...you take a design and sythensis class you expect lectures on interesting things like design or limits in fabrication ect ect, but nooooo we mostly got lectures on how to work in groups and why groupthink is bad)

By a cornellian (not verified) on 09 Dec 2006 #permalink

The MBTI test isn't particularly valid, but the point of testing in work situations, to let people realize that (a) not everyone thinks like them, that (b) personality variation is normal and in fact a good thing, and that (c) they need to be aware of personality differences to work in groups effectively, are all good and important points. The good that's done by making people consider this point probably outweighs the harm done by particular not-very-valid personality assessments...

I tested as an INFP, "almost perfect" ... but what's with the thing of being illogical? :(

Well, I'm a crackpot (INTJ) too. Hardly surprising. I even scored 0% for age/gender balanced extrovert level.

"23. Do you prefer Lost or Desperate Housewives?"


By Roman Werpachowski (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink

Oh, shit:

Criminal- ISTP
46% Extraversion, 46% Intuition, 73% Thinking, 46% Judging

By Roman Werpachowski (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink