NBA Brawl Conspiracy Theory

The big NBA story of the week is, of course, the brawl that broke out between the Knicks and Nuggets a week ago, and the big suspensions that followed. In particular, Denver star (and former Syracuse player) Carmelo Anthony was suspended for fifteen games for slugging the goon from the Knicks whose flagrant foul touched the whole thing off.

The event itself was extremely well documented, so you might think there wouldn't be any room left for conspiracy theorizing-- it's not like we're working from the Zapruder film, here-- but there's still one big mystery: Why did Anthony slug that guy when he did? The fight was basically over-- the referees, assistant coaches, and security personnel had already gotten the combatants separated, and the Anthony runs into the middle of a crowd, and decks a guy in full view of the cameras. Why would he do such a stupid thing?

Of course, I have an answer. At our noon pick-up game yesterday, I realized that it's all about Dwyane Wade and LeBron James...

The other big NBA story that was getting play on PTI and other such shows (well, other than the fact that the Phoenix Suns are crushing everybody, which is actually about the sport, and thus doesn't count) is the report that LeBron James is feeling fatigued after spending the summer playing for the national team. There has also been a lot of talk about how the Miami Heat are trying to limit Wade's minutes, so he doesn't wear down before the end of the season.

So here's my silly theory: Anthony deliberately decked that guy in order to get himself some rest. He knew he'd get suspended, but he was also tired frm playing all summer, and wanted a break. One punch, and he's got a solid month to rest and recuperate before resuming the season, without anybody speculating about his conditioning.

And, of course, the suspension motivated Denver to trade for Allen Iverson to pick up the scoring while Anthony is out, and provide him with another star player on the team when he gets back. It's an all-around win, other than, you know, completely trashig his reputation...


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Chad, couldn't melo have faked an injury? Those 15 games are without pay. That's a lot cabbage for a month's vacation.

Chad, couldn't melo have faked an injury?

Sure, but then he'd have every commentator in the country questioning his durability and/or manhood. This way, he gets to sit out without it reflecting poorly on anything but his judgement. And since when has disastrously bad judgement been a negative factor for an NBA player?

It's a lot of money, but a fraction of his total worth. He's not going to starve.

My brother and I were just discussing this - we were saying how much better the Stanley Cup playoffs were in the year where there was a big break in the season, and so look out for Denver this year in the NBA because CA will be rested. It makes way too much sense though, so you can chalk this up to the same impulse that had Kareem decking Kent Benson, and who knows how many zillion fights from before that in baseball and basketball.