Turn Around

For those of you willing to stay up late, there will be a total eclipse of the moon on August 28 visible to various extents over most of the western hemisphere and some of east Asia. The show is a little late for me (some might call it early) as I'm on the east coast right now, but if you're up for it, enjoy. After the jump are two photos I took of a total lunar eclipse on 10/27/04:


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Titling this post "Turn Around"? Evil. Or maybe I get music stuck in my head too easily.

Yes, that title is evil since it has done the same to me. I am now reminded of my days as a 16-year-old clerk in a pharmacy that played "easy listening" all day. That song was repeated regularly.

As for staying up late, this eclipse is going to be more like 'getting up early.' Either way, it ain't happenin'. One values sleep even more when one has children who have not yet hit the 'sleep-all-day' pubescent years.

If Aaron is on the east coast, he is right to describe the eclipse as being too late. At my location (New Hampshire) the center eclipse time of 0637 EDT is after sunrise.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 27 Aug 2007 #permalink

I just want to say that you should all thank me for not posting a reminder to this post titled, "I really need you tonight".

It took a lot of effort not to do so, and I hope you appreciate it.

I did a LiveWebCast from Hungry Valley, CA (in the middle of the desert) using my mobile satellite-DSL equipped 4x4 van:


I never intended to do the webcast thing, it came upon me as I was sitting through the partial umbral phase: Why not deploy the satellite dish (5 min operation) & start blogging? I was also surprised at the dramatic effect of the "stars coming out" during totality. One needs to experience a lunar eclipse in the outback (away from city lights).

I got some interesting wide-angle shots with the eclipsed moon against stars & Milky Way, those images will be posted soon. Also shot some video.

I got a reasonably good shot of the last lunar eclipse, while the lighted portion was a crescent, by using a cell-phone camera held to the eyepiece of a 60mm refractor at 23x. It well showed the dark region's reddish gloam, those cell cameras can be rather good (such great light sensitivity compared to ordinary cameras of old.) I'll try to get it up on the 'net sometime.